Showing Posts For Chiriam.1549:

An Interesting Discovery with Mimic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chiriam.1549


Yes, I think it’ll get fixed. But I hope they actually balance it instead of just fixing the bugs so that it can actually be used to capture skills properly. Now the useful component is the reflect and block. I thought it was supposed to be mainly a skillsteal

An Interesting Discovery with Mimic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chiriam.1549


Well, you can use a stability buff in order to catch knockdowns at least. And you can swap out echo for something else and still not lose it until you leave the zone.
When you have something stored, it is marked with a glowing orb on your hand.
However, be aware that catching the one projectile you actually want is very hard, since most auto-attacks are also projectiles. Also, anything that is nor specifically marked projectile can’t be caught either.

An Interesting Discovery with Mimic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chiriam.1549


Oh kitten I had hoped for it to remain a secret for a while longer XD
But yeah, when using a staff you more or less have a 4 sec invincibility on demand. I suspect even more so with 3 clones out. Works really great. Also you get an excuse to walk around with the little glowing orb on your hand ^^

ABC music, Bring it to guild wars

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chiriam.1549


Slightly shameless bump, now that the choir bells have been added. Looks like a start so we can only hope the devs are in a receptive mood at this time

Musical Instrument system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chiriam.1549


I just wanted to add that I too find this a great suggestion. I spent sooo much time playing around with the .abc files in LotRO, and have wondered why no other MMO before or since have had a similar system.
Though I don’t hold much hope. I rarely see it getting suggested as a feature, and few people seem to miss it. Sad, really, since it allows players to aid in the atmospherics.
Edit: Seems there is an older thread about this topic from before. :

(edited by Chiriam.1549)