Showing Posts For Christine.7561:

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Christine.7561


Hello everyone
I would love a Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic, storage management is sometimes a pain :o)

So may be is here someone, who can spare some gems/gold
Thanks for read,

Pick a class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Christine.7561


I have a few questions for you. I get 80lvl with my necro and I dont know why but I want to try another class. But i can’t decide which one. So I think, you can help with your opinion. So a little bit more to my playstyle.
I like dungeons and PvE in general. For WvW I have bad computer so i have only “photos” from the game here… and i enjoy PvP.
I prefer ranged class. And I like challenge so i don’t mind if the class is harder to play or it has different playstyle. Or have some bugs, nerco have the longest buglist. I simply dont want one button and do with it everything.
So, what do you thing?

Thanks for all reply,