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Unhappy with Mac beta?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chronopunk.9167


If the camera spinning is the same camera spinning problem I get then pressing enter to go to the chat window then click on the main screen or enter again to come out of the chat window usually clears that for me.

I’ve found that when the camera starts spinning (or when my character starts running around in circles), tapping the direction key (the w,a,s,d direction keys, mind) that the spinning is moving in stops it handily. So far, it works every time.

Upsetting First Experience-Mac User

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chronopunk.9167


I’ve had zero problems with the client itself, although I did have an issue with the gem store. I reported that issue and support was able to get me sorted out in pretty good time.

What are you running the game on? I’m on OS X 10.7.5 on a 2.3GHz i7 with 8gb RAM with the Intel 3000 graphics card. Not that that will make much of a difference if your machine is newer, but on mine it’s smooth like butter.

Purchasing Gems via PayPal problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chronopunk.9167


I had exactly this problem, and submitted a ticket through the support site a few days back.

It turns out (according to the rep, at least) that this is a “known issue” and that sometimes you have to tab through several hidden fields on the intermediate page for both the paypal and credit card pages. I managed to get my payment screen to work after hitting tab about nine times – the “proceed to paypal” button was no longer subdued and my purchase worked flawlessly.

I was told by the rep that they were going to look into getting that scenario made into an FAQ candidate, but thus far I haven’t seen it.

My big concern with this issue is that it is clearly some kind of glitch or intermittent occurrence on the payment portal coding. The behavior is exactly like what I would expect to see if there were numerous hidden/invisible text entry fields on the page that were waiting either an entry or a validation/tab-through to complete. I can’t think of any valid reason why these should exist, or why they would require tab-throughs, even if they did. The payment portal should just automatically confirm all entered data and then highlight the “proceed” button.

Anyone from AN who reads or investigates this, I can absolutely give you my ticket number if it would help solve Invicta’s problem.