Showing Posts For Chuck.4286:

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuck.4286


Its really crazy, i cant remeber a day when i loged in and didnt have atleast 1 msg from some gold seller i always report them as spamers or should i report them as botters i mean they obviously are botters…
I dont know why every game must be ruined by bots :-/

There is an option that if a gold seller sends you mail and I get them quite frequently to report them as gold sellers not bots or spammers. It is getting more and more out of hand as every time I seem to log into game anymore i have a few messages and its usually spam from gold sellers. If anyone logs into gw1 now there are tons of spam bots in GTOB also selling gold for GW1 and GW2

Rewards for escorting Dolyaks.

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck.4286


When 30 people or more are doing absolutely nothing but escorting a Dolyak from point A to point B for cheap easy XP something needed to be done. The que times for entering WvW were so horrible during launch due to people exploiting this. Taking the xp out had to be done as many of those exploiting were doing nothing to help their server.