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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChuckPC.8743


Only have a couple of suggestions, didn’t sift through every single post here so I hope I’m not being redundant.

Inspecting: I would like the ability to inspect other peoples gear and skills, I’m not sure how much this effects the server load (i.e. if everyone inspected at the same time) but it would be a neat feature to be able to look at someones gear and preview it on yourself so as to know what to aim for (cosmetically).

Crafting Recipes: Not really a big deal I guess, but don’t let me buy a recipe I’ve already learned from a Master Crafter. I’ve accidentally purchased recipes I had already learned, squandering Karma. Just a small amount so like I said, not a big deal. :\

FOV/POV: I’m not sure how many people have this problem, but as a dual-dagger using Elementalist who moves around a lot I have a lot of trouble sometimes when I dodge-roll or use an ability that otherwise bursts me into a corner and to suddenly have the camera almost inside my body. I’m not sure what sort of fixes there would be for this, transparent walls so you can see yourself? Automatic POV switching if the camera is too close to your body? Maybe have the camera go straight up, a HUD if only in corners where you would normally only see your head and 2-3ft to the left or right. >_<

Target Box: As mentioned above, being a dual-dagger Elementalist makes me move around a lot and sometimes my character seems to have a pretty good leeway on what his POV is and whether or not his abilities “miss”, but sometimes (too often) I can be strafing next to a target and instead of hitting him my character misses, other times I’m shooting my auto attack out of my bum and hitting them. If there was some sort of indication, maybe the arrow on top of the head of the target changes to let you know that you are correctly oriented in order to hit them.

Vanity Suggestions

Weapon Switch: Please allow weapon switch for Elementalist during combat, possibly with a substantial cooldown. There seems to be a somewhat large amount of sigils that play off of the weapon switch, and also nothing makes me sadder then realizing in a dungeon that I need to be using a staff for a fight and having my daggers out and not be able to participate correctly.

Well, that’s about all I can think about off the top of my head.

- John

(edited by ChuckPC.8743)