Showing Posts For Circe The Immortal.8751:

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Circe The Immortal.8751

Circe The Immortal.8751

Just want to give you people who are innocent some hope. I got my account back this evening. It was a nerve-wracking wait, but Support did come through. The time was two work days, but I am not complaining. It seems like they have a lot on their plate at the moment. Good luck to you all!

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Circe The Immortal.8751

Circe The Immortal.8751

Reading the observations of forum members on the past few pages regarding the whole bot issue is a little unsettling. Not being one or using third party software I am both truly amazed at what they can apparently do… and the ramifications for honest players in the game. Overall, it seems a bit like trying to survive in a terrorist filled world.

I had such tremendous hopes for GW2 after learning about MMO’s by playing GW1. But now it seems I have to look at this game in a very different way than I really want to. I enjoyed meeting new people and playing in a socially new way. I enjoyed taking part in large crazy mega events with tons of action. I enjoyed asking people to party-up and being asked to join a party. I enjoyed (note continued past tense) a lot of things this marvelous ‘game’ had to offer. I enjoyed… the fun!

Now, moving forward (he says optimistically ;-) ) I may have to stay away from playing potentially dangerous areas… question the integrity of those around me who want to join me in a party… and simply worry about being the target of another unwarranted permanent ban. And all while defending my ‘online honor’ to others who just say ’he was banned he MUST be guilty." Where is the fun in all this?

I am glad to see that apparently some people are getting things sorted out. I really am. I just hope that real lessons are being learned that will prevent this from happening to others.

Yes, this only a game… but because it is so immersive, extensive and long lived, the damage to an innocent player is so much more than the cost of the program, it is a personal loss of their invested time, energies and enthusiasm.

BTW, ty to Gaile for answering my previous question and keeping up with this growing thread! It’s nice to know that someone is listening and responding.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Circe The Immortal.8751

Circe The Immortal.8751

Gaile… a question please.

Can you tell me how to access your ticket(s) when, at least for me, support logins are rejected because my account is listed as “disabled.” I can already create a ticket through the links you and others provide, but cannot login to support to view/change/update them etc. .

Given what is obviously a very busy and strained time at Support, I don’t want to add another ticket to find out why I can’t login to the support area too!

(edited by Moderator)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Circe The Immortal.8751

Circe The Immortal.8751

Gaile… I don’t know if this has been touched on specifically, but can “updating” (replying) to your current ticket with additional information affect the queue time? I know you shouldn’t add any additional tickets which could delay things, but how about those ticket replies/updates? Will they reset your place in the review process to the back of the line, or does it still go by ticket number?

I cannot seem to find any area that will allow me to see the ticket or add info to it directly, even though I have seen references to being able to review the ticket in the initial support response to my request. Trying to log into that support link just fails saying that my account is disabled, which obviously doesn’t help. So I have sent replies with my thoughts back to the initial support email as was suggested in their reply.

Waiting as patiently as possible given the uncertainties… but still nervous. :-(

(edited by Circe The Immortal.8751)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Circe The Immortal.8751

Circe The Immortal.8751

I am adding my voice to this thread as well. I too do not understand why my account was banned for being a ‘bot’ or carrying on “unattended gameplay” either. I have never cheated in GW2 or GW1 and have never even been approached by someone while being AFK, and checking to see if I am “human”. Even when AFK for a time I almost always go to Lions Arch or a large NPC town to keep my character from being attacked and killed! And yes… sometimes I forget that I am logged-in on the computer upstairs and find myself getting logged out to the character select screen. I have no problem with that as a safeguard. But I have never been alerted that this is a grave problem and against the Code of Conduct. My first inkling of any issue turns out to be a permanent ban on my account! Something is very wrong here.

As an older player, I like to play mainly in groups and like to chat a lot with new friends made while doing the events. I just can’t imagine where this very UN-bot-like behavior could be missed or not noticed if they can investigate my online characters actions or chat streams.

I am a big fan of this game and I hope some REAL LIVE person can please talk to me and get to the bottom of this upsetting state of affairs. There are apparently big problems with ‘botting’ out there. I am all for curbing it… but I am definitely NOT a part of it!

My ticket:
Submitted from Web – 11/06/2012 08:22 PM [Incident: 121107-000324]