I understand Thief, or Assassin, or whatever some of you may call Rogue… this class is all about owning people with the element of surprise. They have the privilege to choose their opponent, ways to open the fight, or to escape. Thieves should successfully assassinate anyone who is not well prepared or not knowing that she/he is about to get throat-cut.
I personally don’t think glass cannon thieves are OP much here because they are so squishy. They could die by random AoEs. Anyway, I think the way the Devs designed the Thief class is right – Master of Assassination…. Please don’t nerf them!
However, I think as a warrior we definitely need more tools to counter Thieves, even to other classes as well (off-topic). I don’t play Guardian so I don’t really know what they need. Sorry! But Warrior, I feel very limited on my number of skills I have. I always play 100b with Greatsword and Axe-Shield. Every time I know a Thief is coming to my way, I switch to Axe-Shield, spam Button1, and PRAY. She/He opens up on me, I hit her/him, but miss, she/he would stealth away. She/He continuously opens up on me, at some point I activate my Shield Stance, luckily I get some blocks. I barely have any hit on her/him. Soon I die. (Maybe I’m a noob, or he is just too good). I wish I could have a 3rd weapon slot to carry a Hammer, so I could at least knock him down, and buy more time. You would say “then carry a hammer”. So bad idea to have 3rd weapon slot. Maybe just design a button that allow me to switch my Shield into my main hand(right) so it gives me 3 more defensive Shield skills to use (this idea of using shield in main hand is from a person from this Forum, sorry, I couldn’t remember her/his name). Because why not? Warrior is master of weapons, why should we use only 2.5 weapons??? (0.5 is Shield and Horn)
Sorry, kinda off-topic up there, but I totally feel very limited to counter a Thief (include other classes) when I know she/he is coming to get me. Still, a Thief should be able to take me out if he catch me unprepared.
Thank you for reading this long post! Great day you all!
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