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Spider Queen in Twilight Arbor is fubarred.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


I just woke up at 5am with the thought that we could surely use another complain thread about TA. What baffled me about this one is that he considers the tree as “spider queen”.

Regarding the ‘Spider Queen’ thing; considering that the tree essentially consumes Fyonna and reflects her nature as a result I don’t know that it’s much of a stretch.

Beyond that I’ll say this much about this path:
Whatever one’s feelings are about this specific boss, the encounter is inconsistent with the relative difficulty of the final boss of the other two paths.

How Simin ruined a fun Arah Run

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


To be entirely honest, I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of lowering her healing rate was when she was most recently altered. On the one hand it does allow the spark running to be somewhat more lenient, but it really doesn’t address the issue of a given group not being able to bring her health down sufficiently in the timeframe required. Changing her maximum HP and/or armor resistances may have made more sense here as she would still have healed if your spark running wasn’t good but less damage focused teams could have, in terms of percentages’ hit her harder in a similar time period. I also feel like I’d like to briefly point out that this is 5-person dungeon content, not raid content as some other posts in various threads seems to skew this.

I think part of the issue that comes up over and over with this fight though is actually less Simin herself and a number of other game-wise issues that still need to be dealt with. One of reasons I suspect problems like is occur is that right now condition damage, especially if carried by more than one member of the party, becomes detrimental in overall damage compared to Power/Precision/Etc builds which do not suffer issues like this.

In some boss battles if the boss is not overly dangerous having ‘support’ or defensive builds is less useful; but in this path bringing people with support or defensive set ups is an active detriment to the point that it may cost you a successful run. The thing is, I play the game to hang out with the friends I know and the guildmates I’ve met and that is who I generally run dungeons with. There is nothing to say I, or they couldn’t manage this fight in a different group set up but that isn’t really the point. We’ve successfully done virtually every other dungeon path there is in the game, even other Arah paths. It just seems to be rather unreasonable to expect that this group of us should get entirely different sets of gear and trait/skill builds or create new characters in higher dps classes for one, single encounter in one dungeon path.

Looking at it though, I still find one of my recurring issues with this fight is not that it happens to be difficult, or really even the issues I may personally have with the boss as she is.

My biggest issue is that this boss is that she is buried at the end of a dungeon that can already take upwards of 2-4 hours on non-speed runs just to get to her in the first place. If she and Balthazar switched places and nothing else changed I would have much less an issue with her because you would 10 minutes into the run if your group could handle her or not and theoretically complete a run or not. Having her be the gate at the end means a reasonably long run to get to this boss and then possibly walk away having spent those 2-4 hours, or more over multiple runs with little, if anything to show for it. Do you learn a bit each time and get a bit better the mechanics? I would assume so, but at end of the day if your group’s damage isn’t up to par, it is an unwinnable encounter that you are just running laps around.

(edited by ClockworkWolf.1874)

Armors and you

in Engineer

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


Off the top of my head:
- Exotic Valkyrie’s Weapons: Sigil of Accuracy // Sigil of Energy
- Exotic Valkyrie’s Armor: Superior Runes of the Pack
- Exotic Valkyrie’s Trinkets
- Berserker’s Ascended Backpack [Swift Flight?]

I don’t stack huge amounts of precision on gear. Between Food, Oils, Traits, and essentially 100% uptime Fury from Elixir B, Utility Goggles, and Medpack 5 I get up to at least 50% critical chance most of the time and sit at a bit shy of 25k health.

We need a new profession icon!

in Engineer

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


While I don’t dislike the current icon, I would definitely be in favor of some kind of wrench/gear icon.

A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


Gave “Path 4” a shot last night with a handful of other people over from GW2LFG which happened to include someone with an Anet tag, and had an interesting run of it. Over all most of this dungeon was fine, even letting Lupi get 3 stacks of “Omnom Gubs” didn’t give us much of an issue, though Simin was something of a problem. Though as I see it there are different kinds of ‘issues’ with this fight:

Actual bugs:
- After doing spark runs a few times and getting used to the boss, the spark ‘sockets’ and the animations around them became invisible entirely. This made it rather more difficult to set them properly because while they’ll still lock a spark sent to them, they can’t be seen.

- The “Pres F while moving” issue that locks your movement keys and runs your character forward thing causes issues with tears at times.

Functional Concerns:

- There is no visual indicator or any kind as to which Phase Simin is in or when she is going to stealth. This means that after the initial Phase 1 that knocks her to 50%, should she happen to heal it can becoming rather confusing, though not impossible to discern if she is going to timer stealth or HP stealth at a given point. There is also essentially no visual cue that she is ready to stealth at the 60 second[?] mark as I don’t imagine most people keep stopwatches handy.

- Sparks, while probably better behaved than before still have some issues. Ive had one hover around in a tiny circle around a socket once or twice before actually getting socketed finally, but those few seconds can easily be a fail condition.

Other Concerns:
- While I don’t actually hate this fight even after a good 2-3 hours working on it, it does seem almost strange or out of place to me. Not because it can be difficult but rather that, to my knowledge, it is the only fight in the game in both overworld and dungeons that is essentially a DPS Gate that cannot ultimately be overcome in another manner what so ever, over time. As some have mentioned if simin lost a little Max HP or healed slower or whathave with each successful spark run a team of more defensive or less DPS focused players could still eventually complete it. As it is now it is a boss at the end of a 2 hour dungeon path that can endlessly stalemate the entire run even if she cannot kill the party on sole account of “Not enough DPS”.

- More of a question: At times Simin seems to petrify two people concurrently instead the usual one, is there something specific that triggers this?

Wintersday Jumping Puzzle Thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


I have to admit, I’m fairly confused about some of the replies in this thread. It would almost seem like a decent number of people are under the impression that the only two difficulties a jumping puzzle, or anything else can have is an absolute binary set. Maybe I’m misreading something but apparently something must exist as either a “1-Jump Baby Steps Puzzle” or an “Uber-Challenge, Harder Than Clocktower” puzzle.

I will admit I didn’t get passed the first chest in the Clocktower. I have done the EB puzzle, the Skipping Stones, and a number of others and there are places with ‘in-between’ difficulty, I’m quite sure. There are many reasons a person might attempt a such a puzzle, but is it strictly necessary that every event jumping puzzle is created specifically for the ‘Uber-Challenge’ crowd?

Far as I see it The Clocktower was fine for what it was, and I have no issue with there being puzzled added that are as difficult or more difficult than that; during an event or otherwise. However I don’t think it would be unreasonable to have some of the event puzzles be a bit less taxing than that one was.

At least in respect to event-related jumping puzzles, is a bit of moderation/variation in them in regards to difficulty that much of a big deal?

Wintersday Jumping Puzzle Thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


Personally, I’d prefer that they ended up creating a puzzle that many people could enjoy. Probably a tricky proposition all else considered, especially being that everyone has different skill and that some people seem to enjoy the fact of others failing moreso than the puzzle itself. chuckle

Bandits Spamming Launch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ClockworkWolf.1874


Just adding in to the list of issues:

- Hammer bandits are spamming their knockdown/back skill endlessly, cutpurses launch and knockdown with every attack.

- Other cutpurses blind you and then enter perma-stealth and just run around nearby blinding you every so often. Found this out by killing one with grenade spam near me.

- Some bandits apply poison and 3 stacks of bleed on every autoattack for about 22dps in the camp in Brisbane, stacking easily up to 15-20 times for truly insane damage.

- The bandit mages with the fireballs I’m no sure what is happening with but one of them almost cut down my level 80 in very short order.

- Some of the bandits, like the two that spawn near the Seraph Observer WP in Brisbane are currently respawning within 7-8 seconds of their deaths.