Showing Posts For CoenVissegerd.4568:

Best Guild Name?

in WvW

Posted by: CoenVissegerd.4568


The best one obviously is:
We Must Go Deeper [DEEP]

Fissure of Woe
Merridd [DEEP] commander

(edited by CoenVissegerd.4568)

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: CoenVissegerd.4568


Let me all present FoW and vabbi for you guys, shall i?

Let us see how u do next time…. FoW is on the rise mark my words. And we don’t want no server merges, no nothing. We are waiting with great anticipation for better matchup for us.

Come at me bro…

PS. look at last 2 weeks, and also be sure to check this week.. Posting a screen thats over a month old… Weak move my RoF ‘firend’.


i eat necros like you for dinner – always running hmmmm…..

Fissure of Woe
Merridd [DEEP] commander

(edited by CoenVissegerd.4568)

WvW population issue summed up in one picture

in WvW

Posted by: CoenVissegerd.4568


I don’t totally agree.
To be clear: I am from FoW

I ve been in the WvW for about 6 weeks. I am very commited, spend most of my GW2 time there. I am proud that our commanders already know me very well.

I am observing a significant raise in the number of players involved in daily WvW.
It s chainging by the days and there are more and more people roaming in. ‘Fresh blood’ needs at least 2 weeks to get a hang of what is going on. My point is: PATIENCE fellow FoW players. Our time will come eventually. Plus who would have thought that we could muster 2 organised cooperating zergs approx 30 ppl each

If u look on this weeks matchup 5 – 12 July: FoW, Vabbi, Blacktide.
The BT are not enoying this as much as they used too. We don’t wake up in the morning with owning one camp in our BL. And during the day we usually control our BL no problem, and take the fight to EB or enemy BLs. So bottom line:
1. Keep it up
2. Don’t transfer to other server
3. Bear in mind that it’s holidays time – many ppl are away and we are only performing rookie practice atm. Think of what could happen if we are all here.

Last word:
The matchup mechanics is flawed – no doubts. But FoW and Vabbi – at the moment – there is no fair match for us. For now… All we can do is work work work, wait for the ppl to flow in (we are on top of the list for new players), and STAY ON THE SERVER

merridd out

Fissure of Woe
Merridd [DEEP] commander