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Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


Are spaces in this group still available? I’d like to apply.

Aedan Wynter

  • Profession: Mesmer/Guardian
  • Build (Mesmer): DPS, Phantasm, Conditions – Greatsword, sword/focus preferred.
  • Build (Guardian): Tweaked AH setup – Hammer, Scepter preferred.
  • Experience: Paths 2, 3, 4
  • Gear: Full exotics. Zerker set and PVT set on mesmer, Knight’s set on guard.
  • Goal: To do P1 (last for dungeon master), farm P3, and help DM seekers with 2 and 4.
  • Time: Usually weekends. Sometimes available for fast runs at 6:30ish EST.
  • Other: I am eager to learn more about Arah! I’m willing to shut my mouth, take my place and learn from the best.

How the Living Story Could Have Changed Tyria

in Living World

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


I like the Living Story, but I don’t feel that Flame and Frost changed the world, and I doubt that fighting Canach will feel that way either. If you want players to feel like the Living Story changes the world, please don’t be afraid to actually change it! Kill characters! Make a mess! Consider this deviation of the same theme with the same characters, and how its impact on the world would have been felt in comparison to what is actually happening.

The Lost Shores

Captain Magnus dismissed Researcher Dessa and her warnings about what might happen to Lion’s Arch. After the Karka attack, he sent a single Lionguard inspector and her choice of subordinates to oversee the counterattack. And he yelled a bit. This threat nearly destroyed his city, and he did not see fit to attend or even send a larger force to the conflict with the Ancient Karka. Dessa takes note of Magnus’ lack of foresight. Kiel reminds her that Magnus was also absent during the Claw Island events in the personal story. Despite fighting alongside Destiny’s Edge five years ago, has not directly intervened in conflicts since.

Flame and Frost: The Razing

Periscopes were spotted along mountain trade routes normally maintained by the Lionguard. The Lionguard normally maintain these trade routes and are defensive of the land surrounding their havens, but they refuse to interfere with the Molten Alliance events or provide assistance to refugees. Many refugees camp outside haven walls or perish feet from Lionguard patrols. Stranded, helpless, and left with no where to turn, refugees sign Consortium contracts to be relocated to Southsun Cove. Braham and Rox individually make note of the Lionguard’s sudden apathy for their own trade routes and mistreatment of their people’s refugees.

The Secret of Southsun

Dessa and Kiel are called to Claw Island, which has fallen under attack. After traveling to the reused the Claw Island instance map, players enter a Living Story mission where they must kill a wave of Undead Karka, Reef Drakes, and Reef Riders. Kiel and Dessa lament that this should not be possible with Zhaitan dead. Upon returning to Southsun, players learn that the wildlife is agitated by Orrian Blooms corrupting the land. Players collect the samples for Dessa and return to Lion’s Arch under the insistence of Lady Kasmeer. They enter a Living Story cinematic for a meeting with the Captain’s Council to discuss the new undead threat, and they find Magnus missing and the rest of the council murdered in Crow’s Nest Tavern.

The Secret of Southsun: Kasmeer’s Crusade

Kasmeer informs players that during his fight with Morgus Lethe in Edge of Destiny, Magnus was corrupted by Zhaitan, who had been using Magnus to soften Lion’s Arch for invasion before the intervention of the Pact. With Zhaitan’s defeat, Magnus’s mental state was irrevocably damaged, becoming more insular and obsessive over time. The players enter a 15 minute story mission led by Lady Kasmeer in which they board the Cormorant, Magnus’ ship, now crewed by undead. They defeat two corrupted council members before fighting Magnus and two undead Karka pets. Before dying Magnus gives up the exposition: an Orrian Vizier has attempted to don Zhaitan’s mantle by corrupting the wildlife of Southsun to advance on the Constortium and Refugees on the island. With undead Karka and the thralls it could create from the bodies of the settlers, it seeks to rebuild Zhaitan’s army and capture Lion’s Arch – Magnus destroying the Captain’s Council was part of the plan.

The Secret of Southsun: Sand and Fog

This is where the subterranean dungeon is introduced – find the Vizier and kill it. The agitated wildlife wage war on their corrupted counterparts and the Refugees attack the Consortium outright in their effort to flee the conflict on Southsun Cove. With the Vizier dead, the players learn that Lady Kasmeer has appointed herself to lead the Captain’s Council during its reformation, which has placed the captains on edge. They believe that Kasmeer represents an underhanded attempt by human nobility to regain control of Lion’s Arch, straining relations with Divinity’s Reach and building a recipe for unrest, conflict, and betrayal.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


I apologize if I gave you the impression that I blame ArenaNet, Garenthal. If you read my post, I admitted to making a mistake.

What I want to know is why a pvp map is part of the exploration title. It leads to people taking risks like this. WvW may seem like a combination of PVE and PVP to you, but these POIs and Vistas are INSIDE the keeps. It’s not like you can fight a veteran and climb a cliff. You also can’t take a keep by yourself.

It adds an element of grind and powerlessness to a title that has nothing to do with competition. If anything, people like me make WvW less fun, going there and running around without fighting because I just want to map and leave. We dilute the experience for other players.

So why link them at all? I just want to know why.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


Let me start by saying that I made a mistake. But it’s something many people have been doing, and something that should be looked at.

So, current PVE exploration requirements include all 4 world vs. world maps. On these forums and the fan forums, people have been suggesting making use of the server transfers to actually get the WvW exploration, as if your home server is terrible at WvW, or if you log in at odd times, you might have to wait weeks or even months to get the keep POIs and Vistas, especially with the long queue times.

My guild is in Isle of Janthir. I transferred to Fort Aspenwood when both servers were at “high” population. During my 24 hour cooldown period, both servers filled up completely, and are now “full”.

I may not be able to ever get back to Isle of Janthir, unless I catch a server population boost shortly after it happens. I may have to leave my guild of 4 years because I will not see them anymore, and guesting doesn’t even have an ETA. I know this is my fault, but hundreds of people have been doing this, I can’t be only one to get stuck. So, I want to ask the following questions:

1. Why is WvW included in the PVE map exploration achievement? It is a PVP map set, completely situational and dependant on the skill and interest of other players on your server.

2. Why can’t we queue for a place on our desired (full) server, waiting days or weeks as required for the space to open up?

3. Why aren’t the server statistics more clear to customers, so we can make better informed decisions? For instance, the population limits, foreseeable increases, etc?

I don’t consider these to be suggestions, because I know the current state exists for a reason. But I’m upset, trapped in a server where I don’t know anyone, and I’m wondering if we could avoid this sort of mistake in future.

(edited by ColdEden.8693)

For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!

in Crafting

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


I love the idle conversations. I love the greets. I love how the merchants call out to you in the cities.

What I DON’T love is hearing the traders greet other players, and NPCs that run around a small area screaming at you, like crafting criers and that norn lady who hasn’t taken leave of her senses.

I spend a lot of time cooking in LA. All I hear for hours is
“Sieze the mo-MENT”
“Tree song go with you” (excuse me? I’m not Pocahontas)
“It’s nice to see you”
“Ideas are like cream, good ones rise to the top!”
“My ears, how are you?”

Oh, and:
“I need an expert blacksmith, and money is nooo object.”
“Well, you have a lot of choices.”
“I want high quality, low prices, and a minimum of egotistical banter”
“In that case, you DEFINITELY want Sylvari.”
^ What? He just said he wanted an expert and money was no object, why is he now asking for someone humble and cheap?

Personally I like the charr girl – human girl dialogue. I think it’s important for the character of LA and there’s nothing wrong the volume – they’re kids playing a game. Kids are loud.

My suggestion for the call monologues (like the norn lady) is to have them run around the whole city yelling that, not just one small area. My suggestion for the vendors is to only have the player hear greetings to themselves, not other people.

Oh, and “more violets I say, less violence” is quite possibly the worst thing someone could say to an adventurer that has to brutally murder 60 different creatures in cold blood to get a DAILY achievement :P