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NA~TC~WvW Norpass Imperium [NOPE] Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: CommanderJadon.7205


Founded by long-term WvW veterans, [NOPE] is a WvW dedicated guild native to the Tarnished Coast server. Built upon virtues of loyalty and honor both on and off the field, we aim to be an example for extraordinary performance that is recognized by enemies and allies alike. We strive to uphold a clean, structurally strong community of players that are progressive in both personal and guild performance. 
A semi-hardcore guild, we average four intense guild raids per week. In-house membership progression, in-game reward incentives, extensive individual recognition as well as equipment acquisition assistance are just a portion of what members can expect. Many of us are veterans to Guild Wars 2, but we are open to training players who are willing to have fun and enjoy WvW with us.
To become a member you must first:

  • Attend two of our raids in game after initial invite
  • Understand our credo
  • Have the ability to listen to our guild’s VoIP with a functional mic preferred
  • Have working knowledge of your main class
  • Bring a teamwork mindset

Please contact one of our officers about being added as a recruit and joining us on our raids. After being enlisted into the guild, new recruits will undergo a one week trial period which will include the submission of an application form. Once all eligibility requirements are met, recruits will be promoted to an appropriate rank and accepted officially into the guild. 
Open Recruitment
Preferred classes as of current:

  • Warrior
  • Guardian
  • Elementalist
  • Necromancer
  • Mesmer 


  • Our Credo
  • All our systems explained
  • Raid schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday – 6:45 PM Central to 11: PM Central 
  • We usually provide guild missions first thing on Saturday
  • Website
  • We have all our recent raid videos posted here

For any inquiries or interest in joining us contact:
Jadon, Imperial Legate (Guild Leader)
Guild Wars 2 – Commander Jadon (CommanderJadon.7205)
Steam Name – Jadon Eve
or message via our website 
Anthony, Centurion (Officer)
Guild Wars 2 – Anthony Van Der Sol (Sol Badguy.4517)
Steam Name – VanDerSol
or message via our website

Soopa, Centurion (Officer)
Guild Wars 2 – Soopa Troopa (SoopaTroopa.1395)
Steam Name – Longshotfoxx
or message via our website

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: CommanderJadon.7205


Make the UI changes. Sure, we can pick a few small quick changes now, they shouldn’t be too hard to do. But honestly as a commander with over 5000+ hours of game time leading in WvW, commanding pugs/militia/guild groups that has been playing since launch on Tarnished Coast and all through the tiers we’ve been through, all I want is a simple UI that shows my squad members names/class/HP with all the functions of inviting/kicking and manually moving certain classes into parties within the squad (since the change to buffs that was made, it only makes sense). IMHO, that UI system should have been in since launch, and no, squads as they are now are hardly used.

>The icon as it is right now is only used as a physical landmark on the field, used for directions/rally point. It promotes mindless following and lack of intelligent decision making, and unfortunately, is heavily replied upon for full map organization because it has been this way for so long. People are so scared to pop an icon anymore in because it is too much weight… more functions including visibility toggle/different colors/etc would greatly increase the willingness for more people to activate icon, spreading the load and responsibility.

>Spies really aren’t that dangerous if a commander is fully prepared for any situation (which they should, and be ready to adapt). Information from a spy only goes so far, until it gets down to the actual combat… and no spy can tell a zerg how to win a fight. Also, you might argue that it can ruin a golem rush… well true, but then you need to focus up and force the enemy to choose between two evils… force them to lose one objective over the other hitting two objectives at once, and change up your plan accordingly. This makes for good WvW, and is the way it’s mean’t to be played IMO.

>No to Squad benefits. Perhaps things like 5% WXP boost is alright, but really, any good group with a commander will be earning way more WXP then others already. Putting stats onto a radius around a commander… hello? Do I need to remind everyone about original orb buffs? No matter how you put it, that idea is a bad idea. Sure you can prevent solo roamers getting extra advantages by putting a requirement for a certain number of people in a squad before the stats are activated, but that just completely overrides any chance of smaller groups taking on bigger groups at all. Do we really want to snowball the winners winning even more? The bloodlust buffs as they are now are very powerful, both in combat and overall points, but it is a just and fair system. If your server isn’t able to focus and hold in a continued and communal effort, then you don’t deserve it. But merely popping an icon to have an advantage because you potentially grinded and karma trained your way to the benefits is not really thought through.

And let me state: I would be one of the commanders that could probably buy and have all these suggested upgrades with WXP ranks having earned them, and I reject them.

Again, a lot of amazing ideas, but some really not great ones, which is fine. This thread is supposed to be about discussion, but we should also make it known which ones will not work so we can focus on the ones that could be potentially added.

Squad UI. Squad UI. Squad UI. Long term or short term, that is all that really needs to happen.

P.S. It is true that IMO there is only a majority need for functions to squads for WvW as in PvE you can easily pull through with having icons as -just- physical landmarks and rally points, but the squad UI will also help there too. Need a group to do something specific? At least you can communicate that with your squad, and perhaps ask them via squad chat/voice chat/put a waypoint ping unique to that party within your squad to locations that need that party. I would assume that future PvE content will have more moving parts to the overall success, thus making the ability for PvE commanders to separate and keep track of their parties within a squad would greatly help.

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: CommanderJadon.7205


Niim, you misunderstand me. I have been playing on Tarnished Coast since beta, and have been commanding on it that whole time. We were not always well off. We had our fair share of the odds, of losses, and to put it bluntly, complete shut outs. I know how it can feel, really, I do lol. Yet we kept pushing, and learning, and trying, and coming back every time…I share an understanding of the situation. I only stated it that way because I personally, do not extend any respect unless earned. I do not look down on anyone. There is an unfortunate fact that many of your server present a bad image for you…I wanted to extend a chance for at least one person on the other side to not have that image or opinion, and probably mirror the thoughts of others on the other servers. Trolls are trolls, we all know they shouldn’t give a real image of a server, but it happens. I wanted to remind those that are upset with the bad apples of their server, that they can still give a good impression by their actions in the field, which today they did for me.

If I was wrong in doing so, you are welcome to ignore what I have said, but people will see what they want to see from whatever comment I might make, as is their right.

I also would like to say I AM an enemy on the field. I would rather have good fights throughout the week doing what I love, and it is apparently Maguuma (and Dragonbrand) have a LOT of good fights to give. I love them, thus I ask for them.

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: CommanderJadon.7205


I don’t normally come to the forums, but when I do, I mean what I say.

Maguuma peeps on MABL earlier today, it was a lot of fun. You guys kept giving a lot of effort and kept the fights coming, even though we had a massively strong 60+ group at times that hit you with the unfortunate effects of lucky timing, culling, and amazing scouts. I would like to compliment on how aggressively, and successfully you held the north camp, despite the whole force of the map up there.

I would also like to compliment how you adjusted. We were lucky to remain flexible and fast, we could defend one thing, clean up, then move fast to the next, but you changed it up and ended up hitting many things at once. We lost many towers and even hills keep a few times.

Another compliment I wanted to give was how you defended water gate at garrison. We had 60+ people hit it all at once, with I believe at least 5 golems, and even though it was semi random (I had 35 golems in my invo at the time and knew we had 600 supply) when we hit garrison, it was a major attack and you responded and were ready with a ton of siege. We even prepared for your charge out and wiped a huge portion of your forces, but in the end we were COMPLETELY wiped by the epic rain of arrows.

I’ll end by saying I was the guardian PiNK commander that was leading on the map for the majority of the day. My hats off to you for your well earned victories. Keep it coming, even if this week is rough for you guys, if you keep pushing and trying like you did today, to me it won’t matter what the score is…I will consider you all equals and treat you with respect.

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: CommanderJadon.7205


This will be my first post on these forums, and it pains me at such a message. I, Commander Jadon of Principality Of New Katulus [PiNK] (guild leader), very much enjoyed the dolyak walk that was meant to be done in peace, but ended up in sad state of affairs. [PD] and [BT] as well as other randoms that joined in from Fort Aspenwood server made short work of all three servers fun. Yes many do not read the forums but I doubt those from FA that were with us did not yell and cry and scream for everyone to hold fire…which was not done. While it is understood that not all are responsible for the actions of few, it is an unfortunate fact they are still on the same team as the rest of Fort Aspenwood, and the bitter taste in my mouth will only be washed out with blood.

For this next week, I as a commander, intend to personally push Fort Aspenwood as a whole as much as possible and will bring the wrath of the Golem God to their door step.

Prepare yourselves Fort Aspenwood, for good ol fun times.