Showing Posts For ConcertPoet.6487:
IM on a mac and i have been having this problem to :/ the resent my account and it worked for a few days but now once again i can’t log into the client :/ i have had the game for 1 year an it never did this before :/
OK i still can’t log into my client tho :/ i seam to have the error that tells me my info is wrong when it is right :/
Hello this is the second time this has happened, I logging my account one day its fine, then the next I can log into this website fine but when i log into my game client, i get Error Code 11:1001:2: 1271 saying my informations is incorrect they fixed it 2 days ago by reseting my account. is there any other way to fix this.
Add me Iv tried it all, I even reinstalled the game. still no trading post,
I run a macbook pro 13" Osx 10.9.2
Same problem here :/ i just bought 800 gems 3 days ago and it was working, that night the gem store would not load but the currency exchange loaded, now both are not working I’m on a mac book pro 13" running osx 10.9.2