Showing Posts For CookieMonster.5869:

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


I was under the impression this was the OP’s secondary account. Perhaps, I am confused by the post history.

As to the question, no, I don’t think it is unfair.

Marking the thread be closed. Thanks for the discussion it was an interesting social experiment.

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Cookie, maybe editing your original post to say that you’ve changed your mind would help.

Good idea I edited it

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


I already said sorry and I have been persuaded. My entitlement moment is over now so sorry… ; ;

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869



Seriously, this generation…

Seriously. I know right? These influx of new players complaining on the forums about time gating or the ridiculous amount of mats for crafting ascended/legendary is surreal. Its END GAME GEAR! If I took the time to make it so shall you. Stop being entitled brats.

You should have read post above you’re post. GG

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Thanks all you have persuaded me. I think I’ll just grind out like 120 more gold and finish my set. Sorry I had an entitled moment.

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Wow everyone gets so upset. I’m not really worried about this I actually got another chest drop so I have 3 berserker pieces now so I’m seeing how it isn’t a big deal. I mentioned that earlier but someone deleted the post I replied to so my post was deleted too. The only pain is making multiple sets but from what I hear it’s best to just go berserker. Not sure what I’ll do with this healers chest though. And since its account bound I think I’ll just make my second 80 light armor too. Thanks for the feedback but I do see others points now.

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


A few SW runs and you have enough for about 2 days

Not even remotely close.
Especially not considering the fact that you can’t even get the majority of the items in SW.

For the time gated material you can. That’s what was being refered to. Some people I hear even open champ bags at lower levels to get the lower tier cloth

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Timegating has never been my problem. Getting enough of the materials is. Seriously, if you can get that much wood, metal and cloth in one day that the timegate on ascended mats is hindering you, all I can say is: “Please, teach me Master.”

A few SW runs and you have enough for about 2 days. I tried to farm the beta so I have so many stacks of it that I don’t need to farm it for at least a month. Also save your medium armor to throw it in the forge and hope to get something better

(edited by CookieMonster.5869)

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Ok I’ll stop being new now and turn myself into a veteran GW2 player. /face palm.
The thing is I don’t have the gold to pay upfront like that. You lose like 100g+ by going that route.

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Yes, other people find it unfair. They, too, are new players who haven’t exhausted everything in the game to the point of pointlessness.

And yes it’s a pain. But only because it’s so pathetically less powerful than Exotic gear that there’s very little point in speeding up the process by buying the materials. The time gate only means that the crafted materials will be more than the overall cost of the materials combined.

There also has never been a time, at any point, that ArenaNet has ever been against vertical progression. The fact that you’re saying that it should be put to Exotic tier, as opposed to basic tier, is proof of that factor. They haven’t been against it, they only have shown a desire that everyone should be able to pretty easily get into anything at a basic level. And they have done a fairly admirable job. Even Fractals, which is the only time that Ascended gear even comes close to mattering, allows you to use the pathetically easy to obtain trinkets. It’s only when you hit the higher levels that it becomes a good idea to go with the gear too (and not even because of the stats, but because of how easy it is to get Versatile +5 Infusions).

So I guess you should do what everyone else does who wants Ascended gear: take four/five days and make it. Yes, that requires that you actually play the game for four days for a couple of hours to buy all of the materials but that’s something you’ll just have to get used to if you want the stuff in any game ever.

It takes much longer than four or five days to get past the time gate. It’s more like a month or two for a full set. Maybe you’re right and I just feel entitled. :-p

(edited by CookieMonster.5869)

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869



Yes. I can do it too :-D

But like today I was in WvW and at the end of the small fight we had I had 4 HP left. Full ascended stats could have saved me if someone got one more hit on me.

The (In)justice of Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


I’ve come to the conclusion that ascended is Just. Sorry I did feel a bit entitled. After hearing all the points, even though some were rude, I decided that it is fair and a good longer term goal. Thanks all who were civil in their responses. Anet please do not change ascended gear it should stay as it is. Thanks

Does anyone else think it is totally not fair that we have to grind this time gated gear out? I mean I just recently started the game and would like to get this gear but it seems like a pain. It’s just not fair that others who have been around since launch have multiple sets. It makes me feel so far behind everyone else. I heard that stat difference isn’t much but 5% seems like a lot to me. I’d suggest to up exotic gear to the same as ascended so we don’t have this problem. This also goes against what I thought Anet stood for with no vertical progression and for casual gamers. This is just like WoW with gear grind. And then you need multiple sets of it for different runes and builds. It should just be for fractals. /end rant

(edited by CookieMonster.5869)

2 accounts 2 different loot experiences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Everyone saying that no one is providing factual evidence please enlighten me how you would go about obtaining this evidence. There are so many factors that play into DR and there’s no reliable way to say that your DR has “worn off.” There is no way for us to test this.

DR is real. Certain events such as leaving a character in Sparkfly to farm Teq over and over will result in loss of chests because of DR. Here we can see a specific example. But random things like simply zoning can reset DR for some people. But others have to do more than that and go do some events or dungeons as well to reset this DR for this event. What we don’t know, and never will know, and can’t test, is how DR works for other events or on mobs. Are there different types of DR? Such as an overall mob DR where you kill X amount of things in a X amount of time and you are reaching DR that carries through zones and takes 24 hours to reset (which in some cases may never reset for people who play daily). Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t, but there’s no way to test this as other factors might also affect DR (maybe salvaging for ectos affects DR from drops from mobs, or getting obi shards from bandit chest affects this DR). There’s too many confounding variables to actually test this. But that doesn’t mean we should give up and ignore it or say it isn’t real when it very well could be.

This exactly.

Ascended Weapon Box Vanishes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CookieMonster.5869


Yeah you DC’d and it didn’t save basically… It happens once and awhile. But CS should be able to help