+1 for reroll.
This class is broken and our class developer has a L2P attitude about why Necros are the best and maybe most OP class in the game, and we, the gamer nation, just have yet to break the mysterious code of awsome power that is the Necromancer. This is the type of egotistical attitude that I have seen from developers in other games where no matter how many thousands of these posts are out there, it will be WE the gamers that are the problem and not the class/mechanics/skills that are in any way to blame.
If this happens to be read by anyone who actually matters I just have some things you may want to take into consideration, yes we realize how long this game has been in development, we realize all the hard work you put into it, and we realize that everything in the game cannot be 100% balanced. What you need to realize is that the people playing this game are not all 8-16 year olds, the average age of your player base is around 25-35 at this point, many are college graduates, some of us have Masters degrees.. we are not stupid. If 10 or 20 people are on your forums saying that some class or statistic is broken in your game, that it would seem reasonable to ignore. When 10,000 say it, there is probobly a real issue somewhere. A lot of the issues with the Developer to Player relationship is with trust. You see all of these posts that are nothing but non constructive rants, callouts , and overall trash talk about, “My (insert class here) cannot kill every other class/monster in the game in 2 seconds , give me super OP skills now.” And those types, although the minority are also the most vocal which can lead to a "Just more QQ " type attitude when you see a thread like this pop up. Just as when after being a gamer for over 20 years, playing all of the Betas in this game, gearing my class out with the best gear available, and spending 100s of hours testing out builds and specs, and I, as every other person who has played this class comes to the conclusion that it is not correctly balanced, and I then hear from the class developer that its user error not the game, it comes as a slap in the face.
This game has taken a new approach to the MMO in general and overall it has had many innovative and great ideas, but that alone will not carry you very far if you want a playerbase that will stay dedicated for years on end. There are many games out there that have had great ideas, but mainly due to developer arrogance and not listening to legitimate arguments have fallen by the wayside ( See Rift, Tera, and SWTOR). These games realized too late that we, the gamer, will not tolerate being completly ignored, or worse being insulted as a whole, when we try to help fix the game we enjoy playing.
This game is F2P and maybe the best F2P game out there which will always give this game some sort of success, that being said, the game is young and if you already have decided upon a hardline approach to your relationship from developer to player then you can expect a significant drop in population once the next FoTM game comes out, gamers ask very few things from the games we choose to play. Keep us interested, dont have a huge disparity between your classes, and listen to us when we come to you with an issue. In a lot of ways we are easier to take care of than most pets, but unlike pets who dont have the choice to go find a new home, we do.
We play the game, every day, for hours on end. We tweek and tweek, then we tweek some more to get everything out of our chosen classes that we can. We present our findings on a forum designed to fix said problems and all we ask is that we are heard, and what we say is taken into consideration. If we are wrong then back it up with numbers, we can understand that, what we cannot understand is a " You all just suck, L2P " coming from someone who doesnt even play the game as we do.