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Listing fee demotivational

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Corros.4360


There’s a few things worth commenting on here.

1. As its been said no relisting fee would lead to less stability on the tp overall. As it stands you see thousands of items listed at 1 price point. Now if you had no relisting fee you would see all those sellers try to undercut each other every few seconds.

2. This brings me to my next point. The listing option is to be seen as a risk vs reward type of thing. If you are looking for a quick guaranteed sale there is the offers option. Then you have the listing option where you can make more money but there is no guarantee anyone will pay your asking price. If there was no risk then there would be very little reason to ever sell for the highest offer.

3. Now with the listing fee the way it is now things are slowed down and a bit more stable. Since prices don’t typically change too fast you are able to add another layer to your selling tactics. Say you watch something you know trades fast and constantly. Right now you see a low price but see that there are only ten or said item listed. At that point you can make a confident decision to list your item higher and still have a high chance of it selling. Now that doesn’t mean much for most people looking to just get rid of their items but it does make the TP much more interesting and lively then just listing at the lowest price.

4. To address the issue with people listing crafted items for less then the sum of its mats. I attribute that mostly to the fact that crafted items have no difference what so ever to make them any more desirable from random drops that are rather common. If i farm events in Orr its not far fetched to get 5-8 rare drops that are identical or at least very similar to crafted gear. Now these items cost me nothing and since im not the only one doing these events then that means Joe, Bobby, Mary, and Frank also just got 5-8 rares at the cost of nothing but time. We have no use for said items and next thing you know the market is flooded with items just like the crafted items. At this point if i can get a random drop to be just as good as a crafted item then there is no point to pay more for the crafted then the random junk that drops. I’m not sure what could be done besides improving the graphics of crafted gear to help give them more value.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Corros.4360


Human/Necro/no boost

Bound to WHOM?!?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Corros.4360


Ahem, that would be “bound to whom”, would it not?

(Ducking and covering….)


Lol You would be correct! I never was good with grammer.

Bound to WHOM?!?!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Corros.4360


Since bank space is shared it is getting semi difficult to keep track of what items are bound to which character. Even simple things like salvage kits are bound to characters which is getting confusing. If its possible to add the charater name that the item is bound to would be great. A potentialy easie
r/ quicker fix is graying out or maybe red letters saying soulbound for items not tied to that particular character.

Will we get announcements prior to the One-time Events?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Corros.4360


GW2 assumes the “communityis working together.

Well this may be true that many players don’t care and don’t help each other but the same scenario was happening in Swtor’s live event. Then the community pooled all their resources to come up with great guides. Everyone was in a mad rush to figure out what was going on and what was the next piece of the mystery. Events that are short lived and have the likely hood of never being seen again change the selfishness mentality very quickly from what i have seen.

Will we get announcements prior to the One-time Events?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Corros.4360


I love this type of content and having it completely random and unexpected. The best and most recent attempt at this type of thing was with Swtor and its Rakghoul Plague Event. Players just logged in one day to find news terminals in the main hubs with “breaking news” about a plague that was spreading wildly on a planet and that was all. Players then went to the planet to find a crash site and new NPC’s trying to contain the disease and all kinds of new little quests. every day the plague got a little worse or was further contained and a new quest would be available to get a new one item that would not be available post the events completion. It had new lightsaber/blaster bolt color crystals, new pets, new armor, new world bosses, and a hilarious player spread disease. It really added alot of life to the world and got many people playing and into zones that began feeling empty.

I’d love yo see events like these pop up in Guild Wars. This particular event lasted a week so even if you missed the very beginning, word spread like wild fire about it and people were logging in fast that day to take part in it and even days later. So you still had the opportunity to join in and not miss it.

Also forgot another favorite from LoTRO where randomly one day GMs went tot he main hubs and just randomly looked at peoples outfits and gave out “fashionable” titles to those that where creative. Then the ones that looked horrible they gave an ingame item “Bag of shame” that was a head piece that was just a bag lol its was alot of fun!

Arah Exp; why is nobody doing it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Corros.4360


Aside from the bugs i like that it takes so long and is difficult. If i see someone in an arah set i have more respect for there level of commitment/ and even skill co.pared to someone in Flame legion… heck its to the point where i respect the karma grinders with their set more then the CoF set. The state of that dugeon has been a let down:/ I really wanted the set at launch but refused to exploit/ ignore half the content in the dungeon to get it and now its almost a mark of shame to wear the set in my eyes.

The point im getting at is i like that there is easy sets to get but also hard ones.