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Superior Rune of the Defender

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


The runes brilliant, Can even run it on a simple Dom/Duel/Chrono spec and it gives a usually YOLO spec sustain with sword/shield etc


Interrupt Chronomancer? [pvp]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Not sure about them sigil choices Rylock..

I actually forgot to swap them lol. For gs I use impact and air, and sword is generosity and energy. I was testing superior sigil of agility for a time but I decided I like air better. Also, I think I would like to try leadership runes sometime just to see how good they are. Thanks for reminding me!

Np, Yea I run leadership on my boon duration spec, works wonders especially if you’re a fan of double gravity wells.
Still think blood/fire over impact would be better for a GS though due to the constant AA spam etc whereas impact on a skullcrack warr for instance would be better overall imo.

I know my friend did some math and told me that impact is better if your burst is above 10k. If I play with zerk ammy, a 2 clone mind wrack with mirror blade and mind stab can easily do above that number, so I thought that it did more damage than blood, especially with chrono having so many stuns.

Yea the math might work out more but you have to factor in the current meta and actual practicality and how much stab is really out there, revs getting it on successful evasion, reapers on entering DS, scrappers as well etc etc, Unless you’re running Dom and consistently boon stripping, might be tricky without DE, But like I said, Just my opinion .


(edited by Corrupt.4930)

Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Cheers lads.


Interrupt Chronomancer? [pvp]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Not sure about them sigil choices Rylock..

I actually forgot to swap them lol. For gs I use impact and air, and sword is generosity and energy. I was testing superior sigil of agility for a time but I decided I like air better. Also, I think I would like to try leadership runes sometime just to see how good they are. Thanks for reminding me!

Np, Yea I run leadership on my boon duration spec, works wonders especially if you’re a fan of double gravity wells.
Still think blood/fire over impact would be better for a GS though due to the constant AA spam etc whereas impact on a skullcrack warr for instance would be better overall imo.


Farming Lumps of Aurillium

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Anyone got any tips or good shortcuts for farming Lumps at Aurillium at a decent rate?


Interrupt Chronomancer? [pvp]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Not sure about them sigil choices Rylock..


Phantasmal Defender Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Really Isn’t underused at all..
Dom/Inspi/Chrono with Defender is an extremely strong spec.
All over the place, especially around the 1v1 Arena’s.


Reallism - Melee D/D Ele PoV vs vE/dF

in WvW

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Some good fights we’ve recently had against vE and dF.
Some footage from a Melee D/D Ele’s position. Hope you enjoy.
[NB] Net Brutality – Recruiting:


Reallism - Melee D/D Ele PoV vs vE/dF

in Elementalist

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Some good fights my guilds recently had against vE and dF.
Some footage from a Melee D/D Ele’s position. Hope you enjoy.
[NB] Net Brutality – Recruiting:


PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Used to run this Hybrid PU spec for roaming a little ago, was real effective

Power looks low initially but the might stacks pour in so fast it doesn’t matter, but you can always drop some crit chance if you prefer more base power.


D/D Frontline Thoughts

in Elementalist

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Yea, aura share’s a must, if you’re partied with 2 decent guards who sort out a stab rotation you’ll be fine, protect on aura is also worth it over fury and swift which you’ll have more than enough of when zerging, you should have a shout warr or 2 in your pt as well for that fury uptime.
For me 2.6k-2.7k is good enough armour to sit on for zerging, if its blob action maybe 2.8k needed.


Undocumented nerf to Shadow Refuge?

in Thief

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


If you’re running blind on stealth and you blinded the mob when you dropped the refuge that sticks you in combat


Hybrids-Post it or Leave it!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Yo menace,
build in your first post looks real nice
Maybe sticking BI in there if you can live without master of manipulation to get them might stacks to make up for 2700 attack while raising that condi damage, that along with the battle sigil’s could be nice


Guild vs Guild... the 3 man army

in WvW

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


“Additionally, the two small loot bags and the light loot bag puts three of the uplevels at 25 and below. The small loot bags came from 15 and below.”

Yo can you explain this abit more to me about how the loot bags work or link me something that explains it ?


No WP in Dungeon while in combat VS Lupi ..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Polished dungeons and removed the ability to use waypoints while any player is in combat.

So cant WP and run back if one dies unless team resets or all wipe…?


Reallus Engineer Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Skill Set up
Med Kit – Med kit provides me with 5k heals from the Inventions traited Line in addition to 1k heals from the kit itself and the constant fury availability keeping my damage where it should be to, It has a 15 sec cool down due to the Tools trait line being maxed which is real nice, and also within the Tools trait line is the trait “Inertial Converter” so when my HP reaches 25% not only will my Magnetic aura (Mentioned above) proc but also the heal will reset once again.

Elixir B – Provides me with my constant swift and fury, and also proc’s well constantly with my HGH mostly used to provide me with damage, it also gives retaliation, which i sometimes use alongside with tool kits Pry Bar skill to stack Confuse in addition to the retaliation which really deals out that damage.

Elixir S – Crazy elixir works well if you need to flee and heal up (if your using heal turret or Elixir H otherwise can only use heal packets within the kit not main heal move from Med Kit while in small state) but i find myself mostly using it on downed opponents, not only keeps the enemy busy seeing as they are either forced to attempt to revive their friend or try to get me off them which of course fails due to elixir S proc its other tool belt skill “Toss Elixir S” can provide Stability or Stealth which is also good for Finishing downed enemies or even fleeing, all about how you use it and when.

Tool Kit/ Grenades – I switch this up between these 2 depending on what i feel like using but it can really be changed to whatever you like (within reason) i mostly keep a Dps Kit in this slot to provide me with that extra dps engineer need and that bit more burst.
Supply Crate – Daze which allows you to burst damage the enemy well in addition to the auto net turret which roots them instantly providing you with a nice gap, sometimes i use Elixir S and while in Invulnerable form use the crate – works well – provides regeneration and also extra 1k heal packets i run through in fights.
Any questions just add me and Message me im from EU server Gunnars Hold
- Reallus


Reallus Engineer Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


This build is all about Having a decent defense and survival rate in addition to being able to deal out some nice damage to and Is Mostly used in WvW but I go along the same stats within PvP to.
My Stats
Attack – 2,948 – Majority of the time goes above 3k power because of might
Critical Chance – 37% – Also goes to 57% majority of the time because of fury
Critical Damage – 60%
Armour – 2.864
Health – 18.5k

My entire set is Exotic Knight Gear – Power, Precision, Toughness
Runes – Superior Rune of Earth – All 6 of them for my whole set
Why? – I thought seeing as I’ve got the nice HP and defense there why not top it off with a build that offers extra protection duration which i can get from either my traits (you’ll see further down) or Elixir H if i decide to use it. The Magnetic Aura that proc’s at 25% also ensures i don’t go down by any cheap shots that may hit while I’m trying to heal up on low HP as the aura proc’s so does my reset Heal skill trait (Which you’ll see further down in traits section) giving me more of a chance to bounce back in them dopey situations.

Knights Rifle (Exotic) – Power, Precision, Toughness
Sigil – Superior Sigil Of Fire
Why – Wanted a decent sigil with nice Dps alongside my critical damage.

Jewels & Back piece
- Backpack of the Berserker with Exquisite Ruby Jewel
- 2 Ruby Orichalcum Earing of the Beserker both with Exquisite Ruby Jewels (these are the accessories)
- Ruby Orichalcum Ring of the Beserker with Exquisite Ruby Jewel (Ring)
- Red Ring of Death – (This being an ascended ring from the new Dungeon Fractal of the Mists, not all of you will have it so just replace it with another Ruby Orichalcum ring of the Berserker listed right above, you will lose 2% crit damage)
- Emeral Orichalcum amulet of the Knight with Exquisite emerald Jewel

Inventions – I needed to stick 10 on toughness to not only give my med kit (as you’ll see further down) the little extra healing power it needed but also to give myself that extra protection trait proc (Protective Shield) to increase my survival rate while dealing out my decent damage at the same time – I also wanted to keep around 10 – 15 on The Inventions trait line to ensure that if i wanted to switch to Elixir H i could simply take 5 off the alchemy line most likely as i wouldnt want to lose any crit and bump the Inventions up to 15 points and have the trait proc whenever i reach 25% health all heal skills recharge but need 15 while using med kit.

I went with 30 on alchemy to give me not only High HP alongside with my 2.8k+ Toughness but also that extra Boon duration and amazing elixir traits-

Fast acting elixirs – Mostly so elixir B is recharging fast keeping my fury up and also working alongside my HGH trait well
Cleaning formula 409 – Once again this in addition to my high HP and toughness gives me that survival rate and also cancels out them Cond built enemies might come at me
HGH – this being up most of the time boosting my attack to 3k +, real nice trait and helps keep my damage at a nice level

Speedy Kits – Yo it speaks for itself, constant swift even if you gotta button mash but with med kit it just like it comes natural switching between the kit and so on
Power Wrench – I personally use power wrench for when i decide to switch to using Tool kit for A bit, also speaks for itself, but this can be changed to suit you
Adrenal Implant – the 50% endurance regain keeps my survival rate good and helps me to be able to keep myself up while trying to dish out my own damage
