Showing Posts For CorruptDropbear.4721:

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


The trial culling system should be put back into place. We’ve gone from being able to see enemies portal-bomb us to missing mass zergs right on top of us.

Whoever asked for it to be reverted back wanted to exploit the culling to their own benefits. Being able to see your enemies is a first priority in a battle.

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


This new system is a flipping joke when fighting any actual numbers. Tbh I think they got it backwards.

I never ever loose sight of allies but enemies take ages to render.
Frankly Its a horrid mess and anyone saying otherwise is either on a dead server that never fights 25+ vs 25+ or they’re trolling.

Its almost funny when scouting. You’ll see 4-5 render and run by. Then once they’re almost out of name tag clip range the other 35+ render after almost completely passing you by.

Have you even played WvW? We can see groups of enemies easily now.

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


As a member of a large guild which focuses on WvW, we believe that this culling trial is good and works.

Seeing enemies is more important than seeing your allies. The reason for this is because enemies are the ones that are going to kill you if you don’t see them, not allies. We are now able to see large groups of enemies trying to portalbomb instead of being completely oblivious to the group 5 meters in front of us. It’s possible to attack a group without firing blindly now.

Not being able to see your allies is better than not being able to see the person punching you in the face. The minimap shows the group of dots of who is in your team, and most guilds are using TeamSpeak to communicate where they are.

Please keep the Culling Trial permanent. It has made WvW much more enjoyable for large guilds.


Custom Arenas Update for Lost Shores Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721



I haven’t heard much progress or information about Custom Arenas which were talked about in the sPvP update blog post a while back. As a tournament organiser (actually, probably the only tournament organiser even bothering with the game right now), it would be very helpful to know any sort of details on when the ability to have two teams face each other on a passworded server can be implemented. A extreme plea would be to release some sort of beta for us to test so we can try to keep sPvP’s competitive scene alive, but I understand if this is not possible. Any sort of information is needed so that we can start pre-registration for competitions and be able to plan out how we can run stuff like this. While we appreciate the work gone into paid and free ingame tournaments, they’re useless for having two chosen teams with similar abilities fight together in scrims or in an outside competition, and any sort of expansion of the game’s eSport can’t be done by the actual players, and solely relying on ArenaNet to do competitions and such.

So in short: anything with Custom Arenas happening in the Nov 15 patch or will it be pushed to next year?

Owner/Admin of is looking for a Tournament Logo! Win gold!

in Community Creations

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


Hi guys and girls!

While we’re waiting for ArenaNet to implement custom arenas (everyone enjoying the paid tournaments?), is starting to prepare for it’s first major tournament, King of the Mists, a sPvP weekly ranking-ladder style competition. However, we are missing a logo! If you think you’re a good designer, try your hand at making the crown winners will presented with for King of the Mists!

What is wanted:
It can be words only or include images, be creative
All design elements should be free of copyright (aka don’t copy paste stuff)
It must have the title King of the Mists (as written or in uppercase) somewhere on it, optionally with (as written or in uppercase) in miniature near it.
No colour scheme restriction, although cues from the Guild Wars 2 theme is highly recommenced
The logo must be recognizable in some artistic way on a badge no bigger than 80px length and 20px height.
The logo should be big enough as a header on a fourm. Use your judgement.
The final design should be in a .png or .xcf format with layers for editing if needed. The winner will need to give these to the admin.
The winner must contest to their work being used by in promotional materials and on the board.

The winner will receive one gold ingame as well as a mystery prize! One runner-up will also receive a mystery prize.

Entries must be posted on (,15.0.html) with a picture of the logo and your in-game name. Entries close in two weeks (8th November 2012), but extensions will be made if there is a lack of submissions.

Good luck! Dropbear

Ongoing League for all levels of play?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


Hey! After a few days of editing and mucking around, I have started, a forum dedicated to competitive sPvP and competitions. I’m currently looking for input on what you guys want in a competition, and the first ruleset of King of the Mists is up for review! Any feedback would be appreciated, and we will hopefully start opening up for teams when servers are fully implemented!

Ongoing League for all levels of play?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


The same thing happens with Team Fortress 2 (ie; ozfortress) and other FPS. I’m currently working out how to take this further (hosting servers and domain names, forums). Thanks for all your help, guys. Any ideas on what you want with something like this?

Ongoing League for all levels of play?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


@ Gilgamesh.2561: Basing from communities like comp TF2 and CS:S where they have no API’s, the rules of reporting stats will be from end-game screenshots posted and the word from both captains on who won and by what amount. This will be a rule implemented.

Any stats above what team won and by how much will be impossible to do (ie, individual stats), but for team rankings scores and winners should be fine.

And I’m hoping that custom arenas are implemented ASAP, considering it was listed as top priority in the blogpost. I would hope for something before the end of the month.

Before LoL even had ranked games there were tournaments held in custom games, so this is absolutely needed.

I’m guessing you are fishing for a response from one or more of the “pro” teams though.

Not at all. It’s not just the “pro” players that need this, it’s the lower-level players who are being thrown into matches they can’t possibly win who also need to fight with players their own level and learn better strats than being pubstomped all the time. Teams that learn and play from people at their own level work much better than being forced to play against higher level teams, and pro teams don’t want to play against low level teams because it gets stale and they don’t get any challenge or get to use new strategies. Win-win.

Im sure a lot of the teams would love this, but like Aragiel stated….. with the current state of things its very very hard to pull off, even when the private servers go up, people wont be able to spectate.

Right now spectating is not 100% needed, I’m not expecting people to shoutcast these games at all. Maybe in the future people will be wanting to, but for now it’s all about having players to fight with. No use having shoutcasters for a game with no players.

(edited by CorruptDropbear.4721)

Ongoing League for all levels of play?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


First i would like to know if you have any information that i dont. Because the only information about custom tournaments is comming from latest post from Chap –
and there is actually no estimation date, so it could still be 6-12 monhts away.

dont get me wrong im probably looking for this feature as you do, but i started to be much more sceptical.

To answer your question, yes. I would be join with my guild as many of these tournaments and custom leagues as it would be technically possible for us.
On top of that i got a plans to organize some of the tournaments too – for my community. With help of server i have prepared this few months ago..

Shamefully there is no custom tournaments in game, so for now i just have to wait.. and dont get crazy from playing against pugs

The idea would be to use the custom arenas to organise matches. When I refer to private servers, I mean custom arenas, my apologies.

Thanks! Is there any ideas on what you would want implemented into a league?

Ongoing League for all levels of play?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


Hey, my name is Mitchel, known as Dropbear and currently writing sPvP for GuildMag. After hearing the good news that we are (finally) getting private servers to set up our own matches, I am quite dismayed at how the community currently appears to be. I just went looking at, guildwars2esport, even a European league site. All dead since April. The guy selling gw2l wants $300 for the domain name. The only notice of a tournament idea is from The Dragon Arena, which while interesting, only focuses on high level teams (24 for the main tournament). In-game tournaments have no “ranking” and is survival of the fittest at it’s core.

So, here’s my question; Would any guilds be interested in a ongoing league structured around accepting all levels of play, with weekly or bi-weekly matches constantly held? The aim of the league would be to help lower teams with playing with players their own level while still allowing them the chance to fight with higher guilds, as well as having a structured time to fight to fit in with the any-time mode of paid tournaments. It would also be useful as a tool for rankings, for practice before and after paid tournaments, for fighting opponents you wouldn’t normally have scrimmed against before, and of course for fun. Another idea could be to hold separate Division leagues as well using these rankings.

While I do know that this is thinking ahead a bit, I still wish to know if the sPvP community would want something like this. If you could comment on the idea, that would be great. Thanks.

No Private Servers for sPvP? (GuildMag)

in Community Creations

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721


I don’t care what anyone says. This should have been a launch feature.

There is NOTHING excusing this. If you say you want to become an eSport, act like one.
