Showing Posts For Corwin.6397:

DE after today's Stress Test

in Thief

Posted by: Corwin.6397


First of all, there were no nerfs to Deadeye in this stresstest.

Then you say Double Tap does as much as cluster explosion. One, it’s not true. Two, you have a triple hit when kneeled. That does very high damage.

Not sure where you got just 10k crits from DJ – 15k+ is easily doable in full berserker, just stack up malice.

Single target damage of Deadeye is solid. It’s the lack of everything else that makes the spec very clunky and not fun. Pretty much no AoE, no mobility if you atually want to deliver max DPS, barely any utility.

I personally don’t see why would I ever play Deadeye over Daredevil in any game mode.

Best PvE Post PoF Opinions?

in Thief

Posted by: Corwin.6397


Deadeye D/D seems pretty strong to be honest. It most likely won’t be better than staff Daredevil but should be pretty close to still be a viable choice.

Those who only care for max possible DPS and don’t want fun will not play Deadeye, of course.

[Suggestions] for Soulbeast

in Ranger

Posted by: Corwin.6397


There are lots of suggestions but I am afraid Anet will either leave it as it is or even nerf some things at release. And knowing how they treat rangers it will take months to make the spec good… Or it will just not be fixed ever.

At this point it’s hard for me to keep my hopes up.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Corwin.6397


Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582:

I don’t actually know what you are saying here.

Does your beastmode aura visually change when you merge with another pet? Is it red, blue, whatever?

The devs thought that visual representation of what pet you merged with does not matter. And now there are suddenly people that tell us that we can’t have a petswap in beastmode because people need to know what pet you’ve equipped, which they didn’t knew before either.

Ah, right, got you now. Agree completely. 100%.

In fact they talked about it taking a lot of development time to get it looking right, which makes me think they don’t intend on it being a tell, just to look good.

If Soulbeast can swap pets while in Beastmode I want to be able to enter Photon Forge with Holosmith without the visual tells.

You see how that could be a problem? It’s a good thing you guys don’t have any actual say in balance beyond slinging your shxt at walls and calling it art.

That… Doesn’t make sense. Swapping pets and entering Photon Forge mode are 2 different things.

What is comparable is Beastmode and Photon forge. Does beastmode have a telling animation? Yes! It’s super obvious + there is no pet, you know.

I don’t understand why are you making such a big problem out of this pet swap suggestion.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Corwin.6397


Very very disappointed.

Dagger is weak, animations are clunky and basically recycled from other classes.

Stances look nice but half of them are trash and useless (endurance increase? Might when evading? What?)

Traits are weird too. In most cases it’s hard to figure out which you want cause they all are mediocre, for both power and condi there isn’t a spectacular setup.

Beastmode is alright, some of the pet’s abilities are really nice but I feel like playing around being in and out of beastmode is barely affecting ranger’s effectiveness. Just an additional mechanic that you need to follow but there is not enough reward for it.

Overall, definitely the biggest letdown out of all elites. Look at how amazing holosmith is, how deep and complex weaver is, how different scourge is! Soulbeast barely adds anything and half of the things it does add are trash and were not needed.

Unless they seriously buff some of the traits, dagger damage or redesign it partially, ranger will stay where it is now. Might even be in a worse state cause necros seem to rise up with their scourge spec.

Memes about necros are already shared with rangers, I feel after PoF they will be exclusively about rangers.

Someone asked what is the role of soulbeast in GW2? Casual open-world exploration spec – that’s what it is. At least at the moment, it doesn’t seem good for anything else.

Already started playing some other alts more, might need to stop torturing myself and main something else.

Does Beast mode uses energy like Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: Corwin.6397


What happens when you are in it though? Is this (link below) it?

You get bonus stats depending on type of your pet (5 different categories) + you get special F abilities depending on the pet (unique per pet), similar to skills when you command your pet (F1 – attack, F2-special), just in beastmode you use them yourself and there a few of them + they are quite strong (bear gives 8sec of invulnerability for example)

Thief is boring.

in Thief

Posted by: Corwin.6397


Yeah, forgot to mention. Don’t play much PvP.

Thief is boring.

in Thief

Posted by: Corwin.6397


Don’t get me wrong, I love thief and it’s playstyle, always have been a big fan of stealth. Then Daredevil was added. Again, I loved it. Staff animations and mechanics are awesome. And then… The AA buff happened. This was the laziest “fix” ever. Yes, thief is a really competitive dps now. But it is achieved by what rotation? Evade, AA chain, Evade, AA chain, repeat. Seriously, that so called buff killed 2-5 completely. 2 is useless as AA hits harder. Blind is situational. Evade back and cripple – mostly useless anyway. And then, even Vault which is supposed to be your hard hitter and initiative dump, is worthless. In most fights you can click 1 and go afk… The only thing thay you actually need to watch is your endurance being below 100%. Otherwise, 1 1 1 1. Exactly the same with dagger. Land backstabs and spam 1, done. I just can’t play thief anymore. The dps buff should have been split between all thief abilites, not just AA. Anet, so lazy…
Rant over.