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CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Costin Gaman.5340

Costin Gaman.5340


I’ll try to keep my post as concise as possible. I’ll use my experience crafting my first ascended weapon as an example.

It took me 4 weeks and in the end all I felt was relief because the grind was over. The weapon itself looks amazing, but what did I really get? Bigger numbers on my screen. As soon as I got it, I threw it around a few times, took a closer look at my character and logged off. My mesmer doesn’t feel different in any way. I honestly got it just for the looks.

More than that, what if there’s a game update that makes my current build unappealing (let’s not say obsolete)? As others have said, being pigeonholed into one build or another is very unattractive considering the sheer amount of effort it would take to rebuild your character.

I would spend hours and hours creating new (and crazy) builds back in GW1 because it was just SO easy and painless to mix and match, even with the occasional nominal fee. Whenever there was a massive skill functionality update, while others would throw tantrums because their builds were ruined, I’d say “Cool! New toys to play with!” and I would go on a field trip to cap skills that I didn’t have.

To bring back some of the GW1 flexibility, I would suggest the following: salvage (yep, that’s right) your ascended item and get a special token; that token along with some nominal fee (laurels, money, etc.) could then be exchanged for a new piece with the stats that you want. It could even be simplified and streamlined with the new functionality that was introduced with the ascended recipes.


  • The stats on your greatsword don’t really work anymore because of recent updates so you need to swap stats.
  • You salvage (gasp!) your greatsword and receive an Ascended Greatsword Sigil.
  • You take that sigil to Vendorina McAscendedson, conveniently located near the Mystic Forge in LA.
  • You get a menu that allows you to choose an ascended gear box in exchange for your sigil and maybe a small fee.
  • You open it and get a window “Which stats would you like?”; you select “Zojja’s”
  • And now you have a shiny new ascended weapon. Easy as that.

This could obviously be used for armour as well, only with a different token. It could even be possible to get an entire set at once, just to avoid extra clicks. They would probably have to be different since different pieces of equipment need different materials (and different quantities).
This would offer nearly the same flexibility as the legendaries, only not quite as flexible given that it takes more effort to craft a legendary item.

My second idea is to not tie aesthetics to stats. Let’s say that the new tier of gear takes 30 days to craft. What if you would spend 15 days to craft the gear with generic looks and another 15 days to craft the skins? That would be appealing to players who want the stats AND to players who just want their characters to look awesome.

Note that I am taking into account technology that already exists.

I am also under the impression that players would not mind the grind as much if they knew that what they’re getting in the end is something that they will always be able to use. Remember those REALLY out of the way bosses in GW1 that had really awesome elite skills that you wanted? It didn’t matter how long it took; once you capped it, it was yours forever.

Remember: FLEXIBILITY. This would be a good mix between horizontal and vertical progression. You have to grind a bit to get to the next tier of gear, but when you reach that point, all of a sudden your character is much more versatile.


(edited by Costin Gaman.5340)