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12 [TUP] farming 50+ Augery Rock. Wth.

in WvW

Posted by: Cowbell.1283


Proxy it? You can do that? I noticed it was blocked for germany, due to some of the songs in the vid or something. Sorry about that :/

I like the texts. I was kinda afraid that people only watching the fight from an ele perspective all the time, it would get boring! So I thought I would splash up some random text.

12 [TUP] farming 50+ Augery Rock. Wth.

in WvW

Posted by: Cowbell.1283


Hey guys.

The Unlikely Plan had a some small groups going the other night. It was late, and we didn’t really expect to find any action. BUT, I was wrong….

This video shows an intense and epic siege defense/attack/defense with a small guild group. We’re only 12 – but hell, this guild is way done with puberty!

This one goes out to the French server Augery Rock!
This is how 12 man of TUP vs. 50 of frenchies looks like!


  • Viewer discretion is advised.

(edited by Cowbell.1283)

Orr is really bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cowbell.1283


Please dont let this post go unnoticed!
I find it really hard to believe that the devs havent noticed yet that the entire Orr is bugged to hell. atleast, they could’ve given us some details if they are working on it or not.

As you stated above – counts towards ALL servers. Temples wont reset, contested all the time. Cant start events etc etc.

Dont take me wrong Anet, I LOVE this game. and I’ve enjoyed it allot, but the as i only hit 80 a week ago or so – I kinda want to gear up a bit.

Dungeons – some of them are bugged to hell, stuck on paths, cant reset it etc. So, it takes ALLOT of time to get the dungeon gear, I have tried CoF Exp 4 times now, and it bugged every single time.

WvWvW, works great! could always farm fro honour badges, but the gear looks like kitten! :P

So, my last option was to spend some of my 150 k Karma points and buy some exotics from the temples… I started looking them all up, and to my surprise – allot of them are bugged.
So yeah, no gear from there either.

I’ve gone from logging into the game – spending hours – to only logging in a couple of times a day to check if temples are open again or not – and then I logg off again.

Please fix this so that I can start doing what I should be able to do and enjoy the game again.
