Showing Posts For CptHammer.8963:
It’s kind of sad that this game is almost a year old and people are still using the same complaints/excuses as when HoD was the dominant server after launch. It’s like you’re just copy and pasting some of these from old SBI posts. “They just have numbers, no skill.” “They suck in NA, only win due to sea/eu.”
Please continue to cry and beat the dead horse some more. I just pray to Jedsus that some day we can all move past such nonsense.
I knew almost nothing about mag going into this match up. After reading this thread I have learned one thing…. Big mouth, small tick.
(edited by CptHammer.8963)
EMP has been asked twice already in this thread for a GvG against RE to settle matters… winner gets the bragging rights. And we end it there. Any takers from EMP?
What a great idea! That will go real well for a guild that is rebuilding after being gutted by the “legendary” egos. Even if EMP were in a position to GvG right now it wouldn’t settle anything. There are still going to be hard feelings among certain individuals. If anything it would just make the drama even worse than it is, and I think we’ve had enough of that already.