Showing Posts For Crasher.7406:

Traits Arms - deep cuts not working?

in Warrior

Posted by: Crasher.7406


i see, cause i watch the you tube video it show that the condition duration will change to 50% once you choose this traits.

here is the link

So this is normal ?

Traits Arms - deep cuts not working?

in Warrior

Posted by: Crasher.7406


Is it just me or everyone have this problem?

i have choose to use this
Traits Arms – deep cuts , deep cuts bleed you apply last 50% longer.

But on my attributes page, the condition duration is still only show 0%

If you have the same problem please reply below

Whirling Axe bugged as an Asura [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crasher.7406


why this is not fix yet until now, is been over 3month