Showing Posts For CrazyMike.6142:
there was never a need to recruit people and I am not going to have some kittenty designed content dictate what my guild is.
it doesn’t dictate what your guild is, join another one and stay in your own guild, if your not willing to do this, its due to your own lazyness, or from having an outlook that joining more than one guild will suddenly make your main guild “unpure” or less important, or from being ANTISOCIAL in an MMO, which is just silly.
your 7 man guild is only a guild out of a technicality, am i entitled to all the guild rewards by making a 1 man guild? of course not, join a real guild instead of getting angry about not being handed rewards for clicking the “create guild” button
The 4 members that are left in my guild can complete everything in the game ourselves except for bal and grenth so we are a real guild
your a group of 4 good players, but only a guild out of technicality.
GUILD (noun) : An association of people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal.
I’m pretty sure they are literally a guild.
i never said they weren’t literally a guild, do you not know what technicality means?
why should our guild be at a disadvantage compared to other guilds? is it fair that we have to spend our hard earned gold to do new released content because anet caters to large guilds? please stop trying to give suggestions or advice. We do not want to do that and will not do that. We want to be treated fairly and these guild missions are not doing it.
catering to your tiny “Guild” would be unfair to all the larger guild that actually put the work and time into recruiting the dozens/hundreds of members they have, your not asking for things to be fair, your asking for the game to cater to your special needs and ignoring everyone elses work because your to lazy to work for any of your gear.
in that case, its unfair that i don’t have all my condition damage set, because i don’t like any of the dungeons that can give me the equipment i need, and i dont like gathering materials or gold to earn them. boo hoo.
What work and time, you spam in zone chat and invite anyone that wants in just so you can suck the influence off them.
if its as easy as your implying, then it only proves my point even more, if it is THAT easy, then you truly must be the laziest person on this earth to be unwilling to go through the trouble, and do not deserve the reward.
that point aside, yes, there are guilds that recruit with map spam, those groups still need to invest a lot of time to recruit that many members, however, recruiting this way will not earn you the influence everybody seems to assume you will, they hardly group up, and as a result, earn influence equivalent to a guild 1/10th its size (grouping up and doing events gives you 20 influence, while running solo nets you 2).
why should our guild be at a disadvantage compared to other guilds? is it fair that we have to spend our hard earned gold to do new released content because anet caters to large guilds? please stop trying to give suggestions or advice. We do not want to do that and will not do that. We want to be treated fairly and these guild missions are not doing it.
catering to your tiny “Guild” would be unfair to all the larger guild that actually put the work and time into recruiting the dozens/hundreds of members they have, your not asking for things to be fair, your asking for the game to cater to your special needs and ignoring everyone elses work because your to lazy to work for any of your gear.
in that case, its unfair that i don’t have all my condition damage set, because i don’t like any of the dungeons that can give me the equipment i need, and i dont like gathering materials or gold to earn them. boo hoo.
our 7 man guild is a family guild. We do not want to join a bee hive colony of people that we dont know and do not want to get to know. A game is about having fun and playing people you know. Not being forced into a colony just to experience game content. Please just go somewhere else and suck off anet. Your pecker breathe is not wanted here.
very immature, but not surprising. you can join multiple guilds for a reason, ignoring that feature is your own fault. how are you suddenly not having fun by not getting the most minor stat upgrade in the gw2 end game, are you that closed minded that the only way you can have fun is to get every little stat upgrade you can?
your 7 man guild is only a guild out of a technicality, am i entitled to all the guild rewards by making a 1 man guild? of course not, join a real guild instead of getting angry about not being handed rewards for clicking the “create guild” button
The 4 members that are left in my guild can complete everything in the game ourselves except for bal and grenth so we are a real guild
your a group of 4 good players, but only a guild out of technicality.
your 7 man guild is only a guild out of a technicality, am i entitled to all the guild rewards by making a 1 man guild? of course not, join a real guild instead of getting angry about not being handed rewards for clicking the “create guild” button
if i had to guess, i’d say they wanted players to get the more important upgrades first, by making one of the weakest upgrades the hardest to get, they are causing more players to make smarter decisions about what order to obtain their improved equipment in, but still making it progressively harder to advance in fractals because you still need the extra AR slots.
just a theory.