Showing Posts For Crescendo.5920:

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Crescendo.5920


Can’t believe they will shutdown the servers for maintenance for the update @ Primetime EU :s

You obviously haven’t played GW much…

They have the best record for the shortest downtimes of ANY MMO in history. Don’t quote my exact number but in 6 years of GW1 their servers were down for 39 mins total over the entire life of the game.

I don’t think your precious primetime will be effected haha

Balthazar Event - SoD - Is it working?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crescendo.5920


If you could post your server and if the event in Straits of Dev. is still working, or even better if the vender is currently up.

I need the last shards to top off my 250 stack to craft the legendary today.

I would appreciate this if you could post your server and let me know.


Balthazar Event - SoD - Bugged already?!?!?!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crescendo.5920


This is 100% unacceptable….

Less than 24 hours after the patch, and the southern escort will not move.

I need that vender NOW to craft my legendary.

Gimme a break and fix this today…in fact…fix it now!

Are there any servers in which teh event is still working or even better the vender is currently up?