Showing Posts For CrimsonKingXIII.5139:

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonKingXIII.5139


Fight club: lol paxa you thought you could decieve us with your BC tags, tisk tisk tisk.


I’m part of BC and was present when this incident occurred. Like my guild mate Boom said it was a misunderstanding. Only one of our members wanted to try to crash the fight club, he was honestly being a total tool about the whole thing. When we told him that he was making us all look bad and he shouldn’t be doing what he was trying to do he eventually just ended up leaving the guild entirely. So I’m very sorry for what happened, and despite that interruption I hope you all had a good time with the fight club. It was my first time ever seeing one, since I’ve only started to WvW on a regular basis only recently so I didn’t know what was going on at first till it was explained to me.

Glad to hear it was a misunderstanding. Wasn’t sure what Ulrich was up to?

Like Boom said Ulrich is a very if it’s red it’s dead kind of player, which isn’t all that bad unless he deliberately tries to interfere with the way others want to play like he attempted to do during the fight club last night.

I know one of our members was trying to do some duels and I guess that’s when Ulrich jumped in, couldn’t really tell, was trying to watch some of the duels myself so wasn’t focusing too much on what Ulrich was doing. All I know is that I started getting attacked when Ulrich started picking fights, tried to get away because I didn’t want to mess with the fight club but got killed before I could. Next time I’ll just have to stand farther back from the fights to not become collateral damage xD

Renholdt Hawken (Engineer) – Kelthka Steelthorn (Warrior) – Kringen Bloodfang (Ranger)
Black Crescent [BC]
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonKingXIII.5139


Fight club: lol paxa you thought you could decieve us with your BC tags, tisk tisk tisk.


I’m part of BC and was present when this incident occurred. Like my guild mate Boom said it was a misunderstanding. Only one of our members wanted to try to crash the fight club, he was honestly being a total tool about the whole thing. When we told him that he was making us all look bad and he shouldn’t be doing what he was trying to do he eventually just ended up leaving the guild entirely. So I’m very sorry for what happened, and despite that interruption I hope you all had a good time with the fight club. It was my first time ever seeing one, since I’ve only started to WvW on a regular basis only recently so I didn’t know what was going on at first till it was explained to me.

Renholdt Hawken (Engineer) – Kelthka Steelthorn (Warrior) – Kringen Bloodfang (Ranger)
Black Crescent [BC]
Northern Shiverpeaks