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Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Crosius.7265


Legendary Dwarf Stance
Inspiring Reinforcement got reduced a bit because the potential uptime of stability was just too high when comparing to other stability skills; it could be kept up permanently.

  • Inspiring Reinforcement: Decreased the stability per pulse from 6 seconds to 1 second. Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 10 seconds and its energy cost from 25 to 30.

This is not a wise choice. I agree that it is possible to keep stability uptime too high compared to other skills, but it is also dependent on remaining in a locked location which is very vulnerable to AoE boon rips; with the addition that you have to wait for the road to actually finish paving before it pulses the stability. Hence it requires a lot of active thought in order to properly use the skill. I would likely keep the cooldown changes of the skill at 10 seconds if anything, along with the increased energy cost. Stability is important.

Reducing the duration from 6 seconds to 1 second is WAY too much of a change to implement. I would make this a much more incremental process in determining how long this buff should be, not take it from 6 seconds to 1. Not only does it give you stability specifically for the duration of the road’s application, but the moment the road is gone all of your stability goes with it.

As a heavy class, CC skills should not be something that Revenant is heavily vulnerable to (at least for one channeling Jalis) but with this kind of a change Jalis loses a lot of his viability and makes Revenant as a heavy class overall seem like a lackluster joke.

Considering the amount of CC that is used in the metagame, and how many CC’s are available to each class, this makes Revenants the equivalent of a Heavy-Class ping-pong ball.

10s cooldown with 30 energy cost is enough of a change. It would likely be best to wait until the next beta weekend to make judgments on the duration.