Showing Posts For Crular.9762:
i look forward to your thread about tangled depths
This made me laugh……..a lot. Thanks for that. :-)
Had no problem with the fight itself. But I have to say, kitten , the fights in this LS annoy the hell out of me. Constant knockbacks, knockdowns and other CC. Someone at Arenanet is obsessed with that crap. I will take a longer break from the game, lost all fun for the moment.
I’d like an invite to the EU guild please.
Hi guys and gals,
I’m a bit in a predicament at the moment how to complete the gear my D/D ele for WvW.
Here is the base build:
So, please help me out and tell me what trinkets you would use, if you were me
and maybe the reasoning behind your choice. The armor set is really a given, as
I can not afford to craft another ascended piece of armor. And of course due to
the horrendous cost of strength runes.
Thanks in advance.
I usually roam alone in WvW, if that is any help in answering the question.
I also would love to join as mentee, playing on EU servers.
[Sang] is not a cheater guild, if you have proof im happy to see it, hidden mesmer exist you know ? By the way, RS elem who use dezoom hack to hit AC with dragontooth, now is it your new way of fighting ? zerg is not enougth ?
Hey, sssssh, over here buddy……. Want to buy a Dragon’s Tooth? Doesn’t need line of sight! You HAVE to try it!
please i know this, i don’t speak about AC on walls but inside tower with no possible way to know where the AC is, except using a dezoom hack.
(edited by Crular.9762)
[Sang] is not a cheater guild, if you have proof im happy to see it, hidden mesmer exist you know ? By the way, RS elem who use dezoom hack to hit AC with dragontooth, now is it your new way of fighting ? zerg is not enougth ?
Hey, sssssh, over here buddy……. Want to buy a Dragon’s Tooth? Doesn’t need line of sight! You HAVE to try it!
Will there be ascended items in the future with settler stats? Just wondering if I should spend my laurels or hang on to them.
When we start seeing an AMcry guild group by itself, and it’s using smart tactics and chooses strategic places on the map to go for, maybe then we’ll start having some respect for you.
Since your server have guild groups and using smart tactics and strategic places, cannot beat a c single AM Zerg, then whats the point to play like your server ?
Anyway, it´s getting really boring all the crying about AM. If you can do it better, then do it and stop complaining. AM has a single Zerg of 60 and you have multiple 15-20
zergs. As i said above, since you have multiple 15-20 Guild Zergs who using smart tactics and strategic places and cannot beat a single AM zerg, then the AM Zerg has more skill that all of yours multiple Guild zergs.Regards
Didn’t you get it yet? They don’t care about scoring objectives, they just run around the maps looking for fights in which to show their superior skills. Of course they wouldn’t be able to compete in scoring objectives due to the same reason. While running around feeling elitist and awesome, neglecting all their so-called casuals, they lack the numbers to do so.
It’s not that they lack the numbers, more that many of their players just don’t participate anymore. Way to go guild groups, I guess. Most of you still do not get what WvW is about. sPvP is this way.
rolls eyes
Enjoy playing wvw the ‘right way’ (the way that bores us to tears).
I’ll enjoy playing it the wrong way (the way that is enjoyable).We’ve fought better servers than you, we’ve lost matches by more points and we will again. We hate you because your boring. Fighting blobs is boring, countering blobs with a blob is boring. Hiding in towers until you have enough numbers to guarantee a win leads to boring fights (that rarely happen).
Everyone hates fighting you and has no respect for you, this’ll be the same in every match up you get put in. Were no exception.
Our pugs hate you and find you boring too btw. They have no respect for you or your playstyle either.All I see from you is whining. I couldn’t care less about you hating the server. Do you really think whining is netting you respect? Grow some balls and show some strategy and show those blobs how good you are. At the moment, judging by the score, all I can see is you getting your butts handed to you.
I dont play the keep door class so its difficult to care … not like your outplaying me is it.
I’d have to fight your blob to outplay it so no thanks. Ill just avoid you like the plague (about as appealing a thing as you) and find some fsp groups to have fun with instead.
Then just do that and stop the crying already. We got it, you hate us, I don’t like your attitude either. So begone and do what you like to do and stop boring me to death with your silly hate tirades.
I quite enjoy my silly hate tirades so I will continue to do what i like to do thanks
Wow, what an eloquent rebuttal. By all means do what you want to do. No one who is right in their mind will take anything you have to say seriously anyway.
When we start seeing an AM guild group by itself, and it’s using smart tactics and chooses strategic places on the map to go for, maybe then we’ll start having some respect for you.
Since your server have guild groups and using smart tactics and strategic places, cannot beat a single AM Zerg, then whats the point to play like your server ?
Anyway, it´s getting really boring all the crying about AM. If you can do it better, then do it and stop complaining. AM has a single Zerg of 60 and you have multiple 15-20
zergs. As i said above, since you have multiple 15-20 Guild Zergs who using smart tactics and strategic places and cannot beat a single AM zerg, then the AM Zerg has more skill that all of yours multiple Guild zergs.Regards
Didn’t you get it yet? They don’t care about scoring objectives, they just run around the maps looking for fights in which to show their superior skills. Of course they wouldn’t be able to compete in scoring objectives due to the same reason. While running around feeling elitist and awesome, neglecting all their so-called casuals, they lack the numbers to do so.
It’s not that they lack the numbers, more that many of their players just don’t participate anymore. Way to go guild groups, I guess. Most of you still do not get what WvW is about. sPvP is this way – - – >
(edited by Crular.9762)
The amount of hate and tears in this thread would even turn Yoda into a wrinkled Sith ball of rage….
That is mostly because this game is designed for casual players. There’s a kittenload of people in this game who play a mmorpg for the first time and then again a majorty of the hardcore player who quit.
Combine that with the hate on your server by running only with blobs and being very skillless in 1v1’s. Which is also really redicilous is that you almost have to run with at least 2 guys to get the most roaming action, since 90% of the time you guys either group up with around 4-5 or run to your tower till there’s backup.
I can say for sure that I haven’t fought people this bad since I’ve faced Vizunah Square.
Well, I can’t judge that, I only see my side. And I can also tell you the skill on both the other servers is as bad as it is on all the other servers. But you are both right, casual gamers, many kids, I should have known better. Let’s end that debate.
You seem mad! Care to tell us why………
No, I am not mad, just disappointed in people in general i guess. I thought the goal by playing this game was having fun, but it seems there is so much hate between servers (and sorry to say that, but I assume between countries), that I slowly lose the fun playing against these two servers right now.
As I said, I do not complain about getting killed, I couldn’t care less. I complain about the behaviour after getting killed, which really gets out of hand at the moment. Dancing on corpses, /laughing, jumping on corpses, and right now even in game whispers from obviously younger (i.e. immature) players insulting me (screenshots and reports did go out) is outright pathetic.
As a solo roamer I am pretty disgusted by the horrible behaviour from both AR and BB. Despite getting their kitten handed to them on a regular basis, despite running in guild teams, instead of showing some respect to their opponent all the time /laughing /dancing and body jumping.
Ah, and btw., pro tip: Ragequit won’t take you far, you still die and drop loot. So don’t embarass yourself by doing it and take it like a man (or woman for that matter).
Seriously, I can understand the frustration from getting your backside violated by single players while running around with 2-5 people, but I have never seen that much of the above mentioned behaviour in any game in 20 years. Could provide dozens of screenshots (and videos, which I will maybe post on youtube for the lulz) from the last two days, but you know who you are, don’t you?
Get some skill, show some respect and learn from getting defeated in fights, even while you outnumber your opponent and maybe one day even you may become a decent human being.
Sorry for the rant, but this is really getting ridiculous right now.
(edited by Crular.9762)
I’m not saying they are helping Abaddon to get more points in general. I’m just saying they are doing everything to prevent Riverside from getting Stonemist by helping Abaddon to defend it. And that is not an assumption or a “conspiracy theory”. That is an observation.
Considering the comments in this thread so far, I’ll go out on a limb and assume they don’t care at all who has what on EB and just try to kill everything in sight.
It’s really pathetic what the guild DYE from Gandara is doing on EBG at the moment. Every time we are trying to conquer Stonemist they are destroying our sieges and helping Abaddon to defend it. That’s going on for hours now. Respect for the good defence from Abaddon so far but DYE is really doing their best to help you out every time we are making some progress.
Additionally they took both Durios and Quentin to prevent you from getting it, furthermore helping our cause!
puts his tinfoil hat on
At the end of the day the point of the game is to have fun and I just dont buy that anyone can enjoy playing in an 80 man group with the skill lag and fps that comes with it. I also dont buy that avoiding fights is fun or that having fights where the outcome is decided before they start are fun
Of course it is about having fun, and trust me, the people in those big zergs do have fun. That’s what I can tell you from listening on the server teamspeak server. The fun for them comes from chatting with each other, laughing together and just having a good time. It is not AM’s fault that your server seems to consist of “old-school” serious competing guild groups.
AM is a more casual gaming oriented server with lots of Moms and Dads, you know the older gamer kind. The kind of people who simply can’t compete with many of your specialized squads. So they make do with the things they have, and score-wise they do it well. If you can’t handle that and do not have fun, I can’t help it and I surely do not gloat about it. As I said, maybe in the near future there will be game which suits your playstyle more.
PS: 15-20 years ago I had the same expectations you had and did a lot of competitive gameplay. People at my age just don’t have the time anymore to specialize and construct the teams you seem to have and probably also don’t want to do that. For us that would be a chore.
You’d be more effective joining the blob probably though. You solo roam because you enjoy doing it despite it being less effective score wise.
The effectiveness of the solo roamer is another debate that i dont particularly want to get into anyway. I think it should be more effective than it is personally.We try to get others to play the game the way we enjoy and try and get anet to change the mechanics to split up 80 man blobs because its a brainless, boring way to play the game and fighting it is a bit of a chore – you cant use any skills other than auto attack and you fps drops to slideshow levels.
WvW changes either due to dev changes or just people changing the way they play and the recent meta of getting one blob and zerging from point to point is silly and dull imo.
I do join the zerg from time to time, and I also help others achieving objectives in WvW. I am not hell-bent on staying solo, it just happens to be that way most of the time.
About the other thing. Well, AM plays WvW Arenanet seems to want it to be played. You can’t kitten a whole server because of that. As i said repeatedly, maybe this game isn’t the one you are looking for.
If there would be any real WvW player on your server he would post here and back me up on that.
I normally play on WvW, and I’m sitting here writing this, guess I’m kinda real, at least i was last time I checked.
The difference between a real war and WvW is pretty big, while a simulation, it’s meant to be fun – real war isn’t. Duels, epic sieges, open battles, tactics, all this can contribute – you seem to choose solo dueling (forum-warrior-tease: I guess you are an eazymode thief?)
And I guess what you call whining and moaning is what people consider to be a fun way to play. Some people find points (the simulation of wining) fun, plenty (can’t say %) of Gandarans find WvW with equals fun.
The more you write the more it seems you trying to make your point the only valid one while accusing a whole server of whining (since you hate generalisations, apply it to yourself)
I just wanted to draw out others to chime in, with that statement. Of course it was a generalization. The fact remains, WvW is about conquering and holding objectives. Complaining about people who exactly do that is stupid. If you expected something different from WvW it isn’t the fault of those people, but yours alone.
I do not run solo because I like duelling, I just run solo most of the time because there is only one player left in my guild and because I try to stay away from huge fights due to the lags. And no, I am no eazy-mode-thief, in fact no thief at all. I am a bunker BM condition ranger.
As for your other post i dont think the point of this game is to finish 1st, I think its to have fun (which i do most days).
I suspect you feel the same because roaming on your own just doesn’t achieve much score wise, does it
Why shouldn’t that achieve something? I gank dolyaks, prevent others from flipping supply camps, gank the odd slow ones from joining their zerg (which you do not have of course……j/k). And I often try to prevent your thieves from ganking our slower players who want to join our zerg.
But of course I also play just for the lulz from time to time.
I gathered that, it’s just… don’t you guys appreciate a good fight that gets your adrenaline going and it comes down to the wire? Remove the fairness aspect to this, just outnumbered, outnumbering, fair numbers all that. I’m obviously bias coming from my standpoint of view. I can understand playing for points and all that you guys do, but do you guys not find it boring attacking empty keeps/towers without many defenders? Don’t you like those massive sieges with loads of fighting where you can test your skills?
I don’t expect fairness Crular just, your server seems (keyword) to not find ANY enjoyment in fighting at all. It seems to be ALL about the points. Again I may be Bias from my standpoint in that people on my server will forsake an easy cap for an epic battle.
I suppose the whole playing for points 100% is alien to me.
I do enjoy a good fight. But if I want fair fights with equal numbers I join a sPvP game or tPvP. WvW isn’t about having arena fights. So all of you coming in here and complaining about not getting such fights in WvW is strange. That’s why I said it seems to me, you are in the wrong game or at least the wrong game mode. Bluntly put, your server is quite bad in playing this mode. And now it seems we know why that is the case. You just do not play it the way it is meant to be played. Nothing to do with lack of skill, you just expect something from WvW which it simply isn’t.
But complaining and insulting servers who accept this concept of a game mode and play it to win is ridiculous. All the complainers should reflect about it and accept that they play the wrong game it seems. There are lots of other games offering exactly the game modes you are looking for. Why not play sPvP or tPvP? That is the obvious choice for players like you. I just don’t get why you want to persuade others to play WvW the way you want it to be?
I’d call that lame and cowardly and they should be ashamed of themselves. I stand by the opinion that each server has an overriding personality and yours isn’t one to be proud of
And what exactly does your server have to be proud of, if I may ask?
Well most of the time our zerg leaves to attack at another position. When the RS Zerg joins a map it is a good moment for us to attack their keeps for example. Or sometimes we have to go and defend our stuff on antoher map. It’s all about hit&run and attack at an enemies weak point.
And that’s exactly what Gandara, or at least the ones posting here, can’t seem to understand. What they want seems to be an arena in which they can fight “fair” fights. WvW is a simulation of a war between three parties. Do you expect fairness here? I expect every party to use every bloody advantage they can get a hold of and will respect them for doing exactly that. What I do not respect are people whining all the time about the unfairness. If there would be any real WvW player on your server he would post here and back me up on that.
What was that lol?
Stop putting words in our mouth, no one claimed to be pro or said we never gank smaller numbers. Doesn’t stop your server from being the blobbiest, most cowardly server ive fought.If you saw a ‘pro’ 5 man gandaran group run away from you then come back with 10 to kill you then you’d have a point but you dont. Your the exception on AM
I saw guild groups, and I mean really guild groups, no randoms in it, going out of their way to gank me. And I also saw them laughing afterwards and jumping up and down on my corpse. What would you call that? Do you see me running here bickering and insulting your server because of those incidents? Just remove your rose-tinted glasses for a couple of minutes and accept the fact that there are jerks/cowards and all other kind of players on every server.
I just find it funny, that all other servers also have pleasant things to say, but all you can do is whine, complain and insult our whole server-community.
Certainly not as a duelist, no. But then i dont attack you, see thakittens not an easy win and run away then come back with 3 guys to zerg you down do i?
Anet fix your dumb profanity filter pls
See? Everything is relative. I could respect you for running quite good guild groups (though I really don’t know, as I haven’t met you due to the reasons I said), but as WvW players I simply can’t either, because you don’t pose a threat to the goal of this game mode: being number one at the end of the week. What you and your kind lack is a GvG mode, in WvW you are clearly misplaced. Maybe time to move on to another game?
Mmmhmm, I’m a duellist anyway, roaming I do as well, but I spend all of it fighting 8 to about >9000 enemies because no one else goes solo. That’s why I used to spend time in the puzzle duelling and also just normal duelling. My guild zergs are far from pro; if you want pro go to Dius or DYE or something.
You think it is different for me? For every 1vs1 I find there are of course dozens of interrupted ones by your zerg or “pro” guild groups who would of course never gank a solo player as mentioned earlier in this thread.
Call me a coward if you like, im not going to throw a hissy fit about it. And i was in a zerg 5 mins ago … lead by a guildie.
How many advantages does your pug zerg need before fighting exactly? Is double our numbers, a tower to fall back to if they’re getting low on health and an ac raining crap down on us not enough?
Being a coward is a very effective strategy in this game, doesn’t mean im going to respect you for it.
And I should respect you for running away from a fair 1vs1 then?
AM Solo Player? Shouldn’t someone make a meme about that?
Something like this?
Who gave you a picture of me?
AM Solo Player? Shouldn’t someone make a meme about that?
There are lots of solo players on AM, just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Could be due to the fact that they avoid your pro guild zergs. Yes, zergs, to me as a solo player that’s exactly what they are. Somehow everything is relative, isn’t it?
you are the same as we are, as every server is.
lol … no
Every server has zergs, AM has nothing but zergs. Cowardly zergs that wont fight unless they outnumber you 3:1.
You are without doubt the WORST server I’ve ever had the misfortune to fight.
Your pretty much an advertisement for everything wrong with the game.All I read in your post is frustration. Just stop playing WvW until the week is over. I can also say I am glad to get rid of your server, as I am tired of reading the whining in this thread, it’s really getting annoying. It is absolutely ridiculous saying your server doesn’t zerg when I see it every day. And gasp I also see members of your guild in this pug zergs of yours all the time. So stop pretending you are the culmination of first class WvW gameplay for once in a while.
You think Riverside is leading because they don’t zerg? Of course they also do, and they have even bigger numbers than we have. I guess you would faint from rage if you ever had the misfortune to compete against Vizunah Square. In this bracket there isn’t a single server who doesn’t have zergs.
Learn to read – “Every server has zergs”. Our (dius) commander is leading a zerg right now. Were nothing special, your just dire
The problem with AM is they do nothing but zerg … ever. Your also cowards so you should probably get used to the whining because every server you run into will point out that fighting you is a boring choreI run solo 99% of the time, so stop generalizing please, because I find that insulting. What’s cowardly about running solo? Do I call everyone from your server a coward, because when met alone he will run from a 1vs1 in 9 out 10 times? Newsflash, they do. And so do players on our server and every bloody other one too. Do you see me in the forums gloating around and boasting and calling your server outright crap? No, you don’t. Guess that comes with the age.
Every server has a personality and every server has exceptions. RS like their siege and bunkering down. Piken have (or had) lots of guild groups etc etc etc
You have a blob, thats pretty much it.I run away from 1v1’s when possible – im not a fan of dueling and i play a tanky spec so its pretty pointless tbh because 9/10 of duels end in a stalemate till one or the other of us get zerged down.
A 40 man group running away from 20 is pretty bloody cowardly though and it happens regularly against AM. They’ll just sit in a tower till 20 more show up then zerg you down 3:1. They cant claim they dont like group fights, they just done like fights they dont stand a chance in hell of not winning (because they’re cowards).When you post a video saying every server is the same as yours, people will laugh at you because your not and being compared to you in any way shape or form is insulting
Who’s gloating exactly?
Who’s not, really?
And maybe you should join your pug zergs once in a while and you’d see they are just as big as ours. Though I am pretty sure you already did, but somehow refuse to accept that fact. And what do you think will your opponent think, when he sees you running away from a 1vs1? Right, probably he will think: kitten coward. Can you see me posting such things here? Right, you can’t. Know why? Because that would be insulting and not fair. So what makes you think you have the right to come in here and insult me? Because that is what you did, as I happen to be a player on AM.
Now you tell us that you running away is due to your build and the futility of duelling because of that. And when our pug zergs prefer to use every advantage available to them (ACs, a keep, tower, whatever) I’d call that cleverness and a better strategic understanding than you obviously have. Maybe you should start doing that too and you’d stand a chance in this bracket. The only ridiculous thing is coming to the forums and telling us you are the better players, while losing the bracket. And don’t give me the lesser number thingie, cause you do have the numbers, you just seem to prefer not to play.
I mentioned EvE Online in this thread. You wouldn’t survive a single day in that game with this attitude and the community over there would outright laugh at you for posting the things you post here. Improvise, overcome, adapt.
you are the same as we are, as every server is.
lol … no
Every server has zergs, AM has nothing but zergs. Cowardly zergs that wont fight unless they outnumber you 3:1.
You are without doubt the WORST server I’ve ever had the misfortune to fight.
Your pretty much an advertisement for everything wrong with the game.All I read in your post is frustration. Just stop playing WvW until the week is over. I can also say I am glad to get rid of your server, as I am tired of reading the whining in this thread, it’s really getting annoying. It is absolutely ridiculous saying your server doesn’t zerg when I see it every day. And gasp I also see members of your guild in this pug zergs of yours all the time. So stop pretending you are the culmination of first class WvW gameplay for once in a while.
You think Riverside is leading because they don’t zerg? Of course they also do, and they have even bigger numbers than we have. I guess you would faint from rage if you ever had the misfortune to compete against Vizunah Square. In this bracket there isn’t a single server who doesn’t have zergs.
Learn to read – “Every server has zergs”. Our (dius) commander is leading a zerg right now. Were nothing special, your just dire
The problem with AM is they do nothing but zerg … ever. Your also cowards so you should probably get used to the whining because every server you run into will point out that fighting you is a boring chore
I run solo 99% of the time, so stop generalizing please, because I find that insulting. What’s cowardly about running solo? Do I call everyone from your server a coward, because when met alone he will run from a 1vs1 in 9 out 10 times? Newsflash, they do. And so do players on our server and every bloody other one too. Do you see me in the forums gloating around and boasting and calling your server outright crap? No, you don’t. Guess that comes with the age.
you are the same as we are, as every server is.
lol … no
Every server has zergs, AM has nothing but zergs. Cowardly zergs that wont fight unless they outnumber you 3:1.
You are without doubt the WORST server I’ve ever had the misfortune to fight.
Your pretty much an advertisement for everything wrong with the game.
All I read in your post is frustration. Just stop playing WvW until the week is over. I can also say I am glad to get rid of your server, as I am tired of reading the whining in this thread, it’s really getting annoying. It is absolutely ridiculous saying your server doesn’t zerg when I see it every day. And gasp I also see members of your guild in this pug zergs of yours all the time. So stop pretending you are the culmination of first class WvW gameplay for once in a while.
You think Riverside is leading because they don’t zerg? Of course they also do, and they have even bigger numbers than we have. I guess you would faint from rage if you ever had the misfortune to compete against Vizunah Square. In this bracket there isn’t a single server who doesn’t have zergs.
Small scale AM roamer here (yes, we do exist. Usually 3-10 people in my group).
I am not a big fan of huge zergs either, but I can’t believe the amount of disrespect and offence shown by some players here. Had some nice fights going on the last couple days and thought “maybe check the forums out and wish everyone a gg”. But this is ridiculous.
I’ve been outmanned so many times by almost every opponent, being blobbed to death exists for everyone in this game. So please, stop being so disrespectful and get over it. There ARE big zergs on AM, as well as on any other server. Some people just don’t want to play the way you want them to, and that’s fine. Going to the forums and insulting them won’t fix that.
If the servers can’t handle those huge amount of players, it’s not the players fault. We do have many PUGs here, but I’ve also seen many guild groups out there (~ 20 players) running around, like fx or ADAC, just to give you some names.That said, have a fun week. I enjoyed the fights I had so far, so let’s keep it that way.
Greetings from [Rage] (AM).
Exactly my thoughts, I usually roam around alone or together with the only other active member of my guild [BIER]Seuche. I (we) meet lots of good players from the other servers also running around solo. Unfortunately many of them don’t want to fight and prefer to run away when met alone. I am sure that’s the case on all the servers so I don’t complain in forums about that.
The hate some people here express for AM and German servers is atrocious. Every server has its zerg(s), so please stop refusing to accept that. And I never met any guild group from RS or GA who didn’t gank me, despite being solo. Even got hunted down a couple of times (BT comes to mind here. BTW: good players nevertheless). Do I care or complain? Of course not, that’s what it is about. If I’d hate being ganked I could always zerg up. So please some of you guys here, stop acting all high and mighty. Your server isn’t better or worse than any other I played against. Neither is ours.
And anyway. WvW is about the fights of big numbers. If I want equal numbers, there is sPvP or tPvP. And the goal in WvW is to conquer objectives to gain points. So it seems RS this week is the best of us three in reaching that goal.
Back in the old EVE Online days the tears in this thread would have fueled my whole fleet for months….
And last time I checked the goal in WvW still was to capture keeps, towers and camps for scoring points. So I guess AM must do something right there. If you want to compete against an even number, the door to tPvP is over there.
And btw. I might not be the best player and I didn’t play much the last days due to real life, but I can’t say I witnessed any guild group in this match I thought showed impressive gameplay.
The last thing I saw was that guild wrecking ball from AG running around in circles and all was needed to take two steps aside to let them pass and avoid being run over. That continued for 2 minutes until all of them dropped. So I guess all servers have their fair share of casual average-skilled players, haven’t they?
I just am tired of this elitist behaviour, which – funny thing – usually comes from the European servers. See what I did here? Stereotypes for the win. I don’t see much whining from the French servers, neither from the German ones. Maybe I am biased, eh?
Learn to read..also learn the difference between “whining” and giving an explanation Second time,point being made missed and turned what i said into something ..i did not say.If you could then would realize it has nothing to do with being"stomped over, obliterated to dust" or whatever it is we did to you the last few weeks apparantly… Done repeating myself,point is made now read it again..and again untill you may finally understand it.
What makes you think I addressed specifically you in my post? I didn’t. Learn to read doesn’t really apply here due to that. But as you did address me personally, I feel inclined to answer of course.
What’s in your post to understand anyone after many months of playing WvW in GW2 doesn’t already know? Numbers win, the end. You might win fights, while being outnumbered, but you will never win the match. Are ACs overpowered at the moment? No idea, too early to tell. In theory they should help your skilled group, who obviously loves to roam around showing off – no idea here either, as I don’t know what guild you’re from -, to defend against higher numbers while being sieged. But maybe that’s something you and your bunch doesn’t like to do?
Why do we lead? Obviously we have the higher numbers this week. Fact is, we did indeed get two sizeable guilds from another server, and as far as I know a third one on Friday. Am I happy with that? No feelings either way, as long as they are nice – which they are from what I can tell after a couple of days – I don’t care, but I would hate to see longer queues. We never got reinforcements before and never asked for them, and I don’t really care about going up a tier, or going down one. And I guess most on our server think the same. Is FSP full of players with more skill than AM? A pretentious thing to say. AM is just a server who likes to have fun doing WvW, no matter if winning or losing.
A shame you haven’t fun doing WvW this week, we sure had fun in all the last weeks and now. As I said above, go out and take a break, it’s still a game. And maybe listen to your server comrade above me from DeX, seems he knows his stuff.
(edited by Crular.9762)
Wow, really? The last weeks I’ve been run over, stomped over, obliterated to dust by overwhelming numbers of Ranik and FSP. Did anyone complain? Now it seems many people are tired of this tier on your server and do not participate in WvW anymore. And it only takes one weekend for you to run over to the forums and start whining?
Let me enlighten you. WvW in GW2 is always and only about numbers. Name one server leading the tier while being vastly outnumbered. Guess you can’t, cause there is none.
So just suck it up and if you aren’t having fun at the moment, take a break. There are always better times and worse ones. But if those posts really mean, that you are of the opinion you won the last couple of weeks due to sheer skill, sorry to burst your bubble.
Yeah, a shame, really. I can’t bring myself to login for the last two weeks. For me, as a player who’s only interested in WvW that interview confirms my concerns. WvW is clearly no priority for Anet, which – for me – puts the last nail in its coffin for now. Maybe somewhen in the future I might have another look, but until then i’ll be looking for greener pastures.
Russian-speaking guilds from Vabbi switched to Piken Square ([INS], [WEST], [DF], [RR], [ComC] etc). We will be happy see you all on the battlefield.
While I understand this move, it is the main reason why German servers won’t be able to compete and probably never really were. We just cover one timezone due to language barriers, while all other servers cover quite some more. Either Arenanet starts to see this and makes adjustments or we, the German players, have to transfer to international servers.
You’ll have to forgive people hating on the Germans, you’ve beaten us pretty badly in the past.
It wasn’t me :-P
RG have moved to Blacktide, so they havent been on our server during this match up.
That’s why I said “had”.
You are saying its just a game and still say i hate your server, think its a bit of a contradiction. The people ive encountered from AM are really people with no skill at all.
This doesnt mean i hate your server because im not because you give me my badges
Have fun and dont take the game to serious
I didn’t mention you specifically, but said in this thread there are quite some people openly expressing their hate and despise for our server and that this is quite shocking for many of us – as it is just a game. How you turn this around and tell me to not take a game too serious is ridiculous to say the least.
And as I said above, I haven’t met really good groups from Gunnar’s either. Some single players yes. Does this mean you all suck? See above. But this discussion leads to nowhere, I just wanted to express my point of view and I am sure yours isn’t a mirror of your whole server.
The good fights are mainly coming from Piken Square. Abaddons Mouth is just a massive zerg without skill (yes we defended the bridge at GreenBriar the whole saturday evening against you and you didnt get through with your 40 man zerg, and us with 12 people).
Piken Square gets my respect they have good tactics and ofcourse my old opponents from Aion are on Piken, always fun to fight Boon and Afterlife.
This is just the usual pseudo elitism crap coming from someone beholding one situation and generalising it. As if 40 players represent a whole server. For my part I haven’t seen a single zerg/guild/group of Gunnar’s Hold which impressed me through their skill and gameplay. Quite the contrary, more often than not I can literally single-handedly stop most of your zergs from continuing to attack an objective by simply spewing one cluster-bomb after another down from the wall with my thief. Does this make me a good player? Nope, it just means you do – as all other servers here – have your fair share of brainless zergs running around. Does this furthermore mean you don’t possess good groups? No, of course not. It just means, that I haven’t witnessed them yet.
Piken Square on the other hand have – and had (RG) – one or two guild groups which we simply can not compete with, as our server largely consists of purely casual players with a high average age (yeah, moms and dads, maybe yours too?). VII comes to my mind here. Though even they tend to kitten up from time to time and get their kitten handed to them (and not by a larger force), I have personally seen that yesterday at Ascalon.
And speaking of zergs in general. I read here more than once that we make all our points over the daytime. And Gunnar’s in the night, so what? We surely do not have more people doing WvW than you do. And considering the actual score, what does it say about your server, that we seem to be able to stay not far behind you? Shouldn’t you be able to crush us into oblivion, if you are that much better? A little bit humility would be a better approach.
In the end it is a game, though for some of you it seems to be far more than that and the hatred some of you seem to have for our server is honestly quite shocking. I hope this isnt’t true for your whole server and those people are just a minority.
We are the Gunnars, resistance is futile. SCNR.