Showing Posts For Cspence.6921:
From levels 1-30 all armor looks the same and all weapons look the same in their categories.
Generally everyone looks the same.
It happens at higher level brackets too until max level..
How come all the gear is the same and my character changes very little if at all in looks until he is level 50 besides the occasional recoloring of my gear?
completely unnecessary Vayne…
I will try northern shiverpeaks when I can
completely unnecessary Vayne…
I will try northern shiverpeaks.
I decided to check back on the thread and it seems one person finally understands, thanks Leo Paul.
Aside from that I attempted Yaks Bend and while I will admit it is admirably superior to Anvil Rock, I was still in both the Norn and Charr starter zones, completely alone, aside from one or two afk people.
I have to do better then that.
To the above posters, I’m not playing the game to make friends, I want to make friends as I play the game.
The point of all of this is, GW2 makes that quite difficult because there is nobody around to play with or who actually speak if they are around.
That has active players on it…
It can’t currently be listed as full because I can’t transfer there.
I have never been past level 25 because I can’t level up when I have nobody to talk too or do things with.
So far Anvil Rock is a bust and Yak’s Bend was slightly better but I was literally the only one in the entire Norn and Charr starter areas who wasn’t an NPC or afk.
Did events all alone.
Please give me the name of an active server
The only requirement be that it is NA.
Well after owning this game for about a month I can say to you Vayne I have not made one friend, and it’s not because I’m not trying.
Nor am I trying too hard to a point in which it is creepy.
It’s just nobody is interested
If I wanted to join a Chat Room (I.E. a guild) and make friends, I would.
I want to make them in the world, as I play.
Apparently what your all getting at is, this game just doesn’t work like that and thats a rare occurrence.
That’s sad information. But theres not a thing I can do about it.
Good talking to you all. I’m done with the thread.
It would be prudent to remove any personal information about your family or yourself from your posts. Those of a nefarious character can use such information to more easily compromise your account, and since sharing (or gifting in such a manner) is against the ToS, you might encounter difficulties in trying to secure control of said account again, in the future.
And, welcome to the game. =)
There are hundreds if not thousands of others with those names and therefore it means nothing to me since it was used to prove a point to another who, otherwise attempted to slander me.
But if you truly believe that this somehow is against the ToS when hes 29 years old and has a life and I’m 18 and had nothing much to do.. and if in fact it really is, I’ll remove it.
But quite frankly thats ridiculous.
(edited by Cspence.6921)
@ Zacchary
Even in WoW’s current form I can renew my subscription after 6 months of play and despite not having fun playing the game itself I can instantaneously make lots of nice friends without even trying.
I’m actually trying to make friends at this point and it’s not like they don’t like me its just nobody is interested.
No hellos back, simply running away, Perhaps they say Hi back but then they just run off. It’s like they’re NPC’s…it sucks =-(
EDIT: Dont tell me to go back to WoW after reading this. I wouldn’t have quit it if I preferred it. I just know someone is just waiting to write " GO BACK TO WOW THEN " and thats not what this is about.
I dont want to go to a voice chat server….
If I wanted to talk to people like that I would go to a real life area and talk to real life people face to face…
I play online games to speak online and have fun with others online doing online things.
I really hope this type of thing doesn’t become a trend in MMOs because quite frankly its a bit ridiculous to me.
But it’s just my opinion.
How is doing things with people in a guild different than doing things with people you met in the world? That’s what I don’t get.
Not everyone that uses guild chat necessarily uses mumble. People do chat in guild and they group to do stuff.
So I’m not getting your point, I guess.
The thing is nobody does anything with you just because you join a guild.
You join a guild and unless you plan to WvW or do a idk..Fractal I guess there called in this game? Few will stop what their doing in a guild just to come do something with you.
Its different when you meet someone..whose goal is to conquer that 1 secluded event where you beat the Lava Bug Thingy in the south-eastern portion of Kessex Hills..and you both somehow succeed and continue questing and doing events together.
A friendship forms, you guys do all sorts of things together…etc.
That’s what I’m talking about.
I have read over all your posts since joining the game in January, and I sense a pattern here. It might be helpful to your cause to not respond so negatively to everyone trying to be ‘social’ and interact with you. I don’t know about your previous server, but mine always has a lot of people in the starter zones, and when I do turn map chat on, there is often chatter about this, that and the other thing. During the trial weekend recently, anyone that asked for help received many responses. Ultimately, to make friends, you must be a friend. Best of luck to you wherever you end up. =)
Point can no longer be proven…due to ToS.
(edited by Cspence.6921)
My characters are deleted so guesting is not an option.
I might try Yak’s Bend.
It appears Tanished Coast is a FULL world that I cannot transfer too…
Any other suggestions :<
It’s less about formal grouping and more about building and creating friendships on this game that make it worth the grind.
I don’t know about you but when I play MMO’s I like to make friends early so that leveling is less brutal and a more enjoyable experience. It’s more fun to play around with your abilities when you have friends to do it with and its a great feeling to tackle a difficult and perhaps secluded event together that you could not have completed alone.
Formal grouping is just what happens to occur when you make 1 or 2 or even 3 good friends on a game and you want to play with them.
I enjoy that it shows me where a player has been downed so I can help them, the event system is fun as well but lets be honest YOU might look for peoples combo fields and such but in reality everyone is plopping things down just to kill what their trying to kill as fast as possible with no regard to their fellow teamates.
My point across all of this is that, well, quite frankly I assumed that the way this game was set up would ENCOURAGE a more friendly and social environment where people would find it easy to talk and make friends and go around doing events together and having fun because theres no competition with your mates and you can actually try to combo your abilities and practice together since we all know in a large scale event where nobody knows each other, nobody truly bothers.
Some do, most don’t. Thats a fact.
I just feel like this game is set up perfectly for the type of social environment other MMOs have and it could in fact be superior on this one.
Yet it’s just not how it is.
(edited by Cspence.6921)
It really hasn’t grown and flourished…
From the MMO’s I’ve played recently…namely Rift, WoW, SWTOR, even
They were all much more social and easier to make friends in. To just have people to play with.
When I said I hope this is not the way MMO’s are heading I meant that more as a shot in the dark..For people to read it and say well kitten GW2 truly is the only popular MMO on the market where 80% of the playerbase rarely speaks in /say or /map chat or hangs out together to do quests or just have fun together…they just stay in guild chat or on random private ventrillo servers and talk.
Again, I love the Guild Wars 2 game. I just really dislike the approach that the COMMUNITY has chosen to go towards social interaction. It’s very pro anti-social and if I wanted to play the game as if it was single player with a guild chat, I would play Skyrim and open up a chat channel with other Skyrim players in it and talk like that.
Cause quite frankly theres no difference in the two and thats where I’m going with this. It’s Multiplayer -_-
Also PLEASE for the love of god and the last time I’ll say this. This has nothing to do with guilds, I’m aware of what guilds are and what they require and what they do and I’m not referring to them in any way, shape, or form.
There are always the reclusive people that never speak outside of the Guild that they are in but quite frankly that’s never been the majority in any of the MMO’s I mentioned above.
I always knew those type of people but they were always 1 among many other social people who gathered together to quest, duel(not an option in this game I know), que for dungeons(again not an option) or do battlegrounds or world pvp with.
It just seems that this type of behavior is a majority in GW2 and I have to look for the minority who reign supreme in other MMOs.
If anyone knows of a NA server that is quite social I would apprecaite it
EDIT: people mentioned Tarnished Coast.
(edited by Cspence.6921)
And again its not just talking, its playing with other people as well. Doing things together, if I wanted to talk to random people who serve only as acquaintances I would chat people up on facebook or …join a guild.
Its like nobody truly understands.
EDIT: I would just like to make it clear because I’m noticing a pattern of people getting defensive. I’m not dogging Guild Wars 2. The game is very fun. I’m simply unhappy with the way the community seems to interact with each other.
I dont want to go to a voice chat server….
If I wanted to talk to people like that I would go to a real life area and talk to real life people face to face…
I play online games to speak online and have fun with others online doing online things.
I really hope this type of thing doesn’t become a trend in MMOs because quite frankly its a bit ridiculous to me.
But it’s just my opinion.
Have you tried jumping into WvW? It’s much easier to find people to run along with you there, and you dont have to be level 80.
You can also try joining other people’s activities (such as public guild missions, parties and temple raids).
It looks like you are playing on a low-pop server, or on low-traffic hours. I would suggest guesting around to check things out. Some server communities are more social than others.
Yeah I’ve tried WvW. I die instantly because despite everyone being raised to 80 were not all equal.
Rogues pick me off and I die in less then 6 seconds despite heavy usage of my cooldowns.
Considering I’ve never been past level 25. WvW is not a good place for me to be…or anyone below 80 for that matter.
And from my experience…nobody talks there either..
You mention that you don’t have to compete with other players on GW2 like you would on WoW but at least the competition, in it’s own strange way, encouraged you to talk and form parties with others and make friends.
Actually it encouraged me to leave the area if someone else arrived, because it almost always ended in only one getting what they wanted. If you talked to others because of that, conversation consisted solely of ‘could you leave so i can finish my quest?’ and variations thereof. The only social aspect were some community services such as unexpectedly opening trade windows asking mages for food and water.
Here I often talk to people, events get called and organised, people ask for help and answer questions. They are more generous and open towards new players.
I agree with Vayne that moving and typing at the same time makes it difficult, but I always find time to at least type a short hello. Maybe you were just unlucky, I found this community much more engaging than others. When are you online? Maybe try after working hours?
Interesting because it caused me to form Parties with people doing similar quests/activities as me so that we could both benefit from it, which ended up in me making new friends…
EDIT: To answer your question, I generally have no life atm and I’m on all the time. It doesn’t change at any time of the day. At least not on my server.
What a sad day for me.
You mention that you don’t have to compete with other players on GW2 like you would on WoW but at least the competition, in it’s own strange way, encouraged you to talk and form parties with others and make friends.
All I’ve seen on GW2 is people playing the game as if it was single player and all the other players are about the same as NPC’s to them. They never speak they never interact nothing..
Do I prefer the more friendly based form of play where loot is shared, experience is shared, etc?
Do I prefer the less social community that seems to have stemmed from it…
I’m kinda sad now because I really do like the game I just can’t have fun playing all by myself where the players around me(if I do see any… kitten Anvil Rock) are as good as NPC’s.
And trust me, I try to interact. EVERYTIME i see a player I say Hi, how you doing, whats up, I either get no reply or I’m treated like a predator trying to get naked pictures from teenage boys on the internet and they dismiss me or run off after saying hi back.
im on the NA servers
So yeah if you delete all of your characters can you change servers?
I’m convinced my server is just ill populated because even though it says High Population, I never see anyone and nobody ever talks in map chat.
Its a horrible experience and very anti social. I want something more.
Maybe its just my server then…nobody ever talks in map chat unless its to call events so every half hour or whatever you see “troll” “cuda”
thats it..nobody ever talks in /say on my server even when they are around but quite frankly I rarely see anyone.
So perhaps it’s just Anvil Rock…
Thats too much for such a simple request Vayne, sorry.
Just reading “Join a guild on another server and then guest over to their server whenever you want to play with people” sounds horrible.
Why can’t their just be friends to play with on a Multiplayer game lol?
People to run around with and level up with on my own server which is supposed to be HIGHLY populated btw…?
That’s a drag, Vayne, that’s a drag.
Being in a guild isn’t something I’m opposed to regardless of how your trying to make it seem. I’m fine with being in a guild. This has nothing to do with being in a guild.
I’m saying how come everyone seems to be opposed to just running around in the open world on my own server, quest, have fun, interact and be social?
Would be nice to test my abilities with friends and have a fun time tackling difficult mobs or something with people I like to play with.
Thats what I’m saying, quit saying for me to go join a guild. I know I can do that, I don’t just want petty generic conversations with acquaintances over a guild chat…christ
None of this is what I’m referring too..
None of you honestly have played another MMO where its actually hard to NOT make friends?
Just people to quest with, talk to, run around with. Not generic friends in guilds who only care about your existence for the sole purpose of being carried through content or being given things.
And Vayne if I’ve only been to level 25 theres no logic in me having enough gold, however much it may be, to transfer in that fashion, I personally have never owned even 1 gold before.
This is a drag ..
How can I transfer?
This game doesn’t allow you to be on more then 1 server at a time and I’m not paying money for that..
EDIT: And to Sandra: I can’t go past 25 because even after solo leveling with absolutely no interaction from other players you just get bored. You wish you had people to talk to, to quest around with and all that sort of stuff but theirs nobody there to do it. Nobody talks or nobody is even in the world, its one of the two…
Is this game more anti-social then your average MMO? (SWTOR, WoW, Rift, etc)
I’m apparently on a full world…Anvil Rock, but I never see many people..
Everyone I see never speaks, if they do I feel like I’m talking to a 10 year old with no personality because they’re afraid I’m a predator or something.
It’s really disheartening…
Would be a lot more fun to play with friends and this lack of a social atmosphere is one of the reasons I’ve been unable to get past level 25.
EDIT: For example on World of Warcraft it will take you 2 seconds to make a friend. A normal friend who doesn’t think your trying to kitten them because you spoke. It wasn’t difficult on SWTOR either to make friends. How come everyone refuses to speak or form parties on GW2?
Is it because theirs a lack of competition which means you need less close friends to help you accomplish things? Now that random guy you see wants what you want and your both going to accomplish it together without the need to form a party or have a discussion because neither of you are competing for anything…idk thats my theory.
(edited by Cspence.6921)
Only been playing for 2 weeks and I constantly quit all the classes I make.
Originally I made a necromancer and leveled it to 5 but quickly quit for reasons I can’t remember.
I want to remake him and play a build that focuses on dots or err…conditions.
Is a condition build viable and if so what would I be using in order to perform well with it?
Is it okay to level with?
Is it at a minimum AVERAGE in all the major areas of gameplay? (SPVP,PVE,WVWVW…)
I’ve been playing this game for maybe 2 weeks now and I’m unable to decide on a class to the point that the game isn’t fun anymore.
I start a class, I visit the forums read what people write, try to play the class in PvP aware that many are higher leveled then me in WvWvW or have more experience in normal PvP.
I either get destroyed or I own everyone and it’s not even fun because its no challenge.
I need a balanced class. I need something that will do well in PvE and PvP (not playing a support role) but isn’t kittenedly overpowered or stupidly underpowered.
I tried thief but globaling people without trying got old really fast, deleted him.
Bunker built a hunter and did good but I couldn’t stand micromanaging a pet that had 40% of my damage tied into him.
Tried Guardian but after trying a Warrior who can also use ranged weapons I couldn’t stand being a Guardian who could only be a buffer if he wanted to be ranged at any point. On top of that they are just too over played.
Tried Warrior but I felt like my only job was to run into a fight and mash buttons until I died a horrible agonizing death or my opponent did.
It was normally the latter.
Tried Elementalist but I can’t stand the playstyle. These guys are one of those classes that your average player or new player can’t pick up and be good with you have to spend a long time mastering the class and then you suddenly become the best 1v1’er in the game. Can’t do that.
TL;DR I need something that I can pick up and do averagely with that isn’t under powered or overpowered and is still fun. Something that isn’t too overly played, something that I can be happy with and call my main character.
But I’m really afraid I won’t be able to find it…
Any help? Please?
(edited by Cspence.6921)
What should I use with the Shortbow using a condition based build?
I’m just not sure, Sword + Dagger? Sword + Warhorn? or something else..?
o. Sry just started this game 1 week ago lol.
is it viable for anything besides a support role?
i like the whole being a Wizard using a Staff…
Arc Lightning: continues to auto cast on targets once they are already dead and wont stop unless you change Attunements or use Ride the Lightning or simply wait a 20 second or so period of time before it wears itself out.
It also doesn’t happen on most creatures, specifically it happens on Queensdale wild life.
Hope it gets fixed
(edited by Cspence.6921)
I’m sorry I’m poor with computers and don’t really understand what that is telling me..
Could anyone give me a more direct answer?
Shouldn’t be that hard to understand. The GPU list has a list of cards ranked by their score. I listed what score to expect for certain in-game graphic setting.
Sorry but the entire post confuses me completely.
I’m sorry I’m poor with computers and don’t really understand what that is telling me..
Could anyone give me a more direct answer?
I bought a new computer about 7 months ago and while it is a very fast and great computer it did come with a flaw, which is the video card.
It came with a ATI Radeon HD 4200 which I learned is pretty standard for computers to have coming right out of the factory for the year I got my computer.
Right now I’m playing Guild Wars 2 on all low graphics with minimum sound quality and I still only run 10-18 FPS depending on location and player density.
This is unacceptable and I’m looking to get a new video card.
Price is a factor here. I was wondering if anyone here can tell me what type of video card I should be looking for if I would like to play the game smoothly with a good FPS at around ~medium’ish graphics.
Hope you guys can help!
Chris S.
EDIT: Would this video card found on get the job done as I described?
It’s price is very very affordable and something I could probably get done tomorrow whereas something double or triple its price would take another week of saving.
EDIT: This is my processor AMD Athlon™ II X2 250 Processor (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz and I’m not sure if that would also have to be replaced along side the new graphics card. Help needed!
(edited by Cspence.6921)
Bakunyu is right about 2 but I’d just like to point out that it is perfectly possible for someone to type that fast AND that consistently.
I myself type 170 words per minute and many people do much more then I do.
(edited by Cspence.6921)
You know I ended up going Ranger. It’s actually a lot more fun than WoW’s Hunter class ever was and the idea of being a Norn Ranger with a Bear Pet and having the Bear Spirit as my patron spirit is really really awesome:)
thanks all
Hi guys I got this game around 4 days ago and I’m loving it
So far I have a level 21 Warrior and to me one of the best features of this game is that classes are based on their weapons for their skills. I say this because I am on my level 21 Warrior currently using a Longbow and dual wielding Axes and it is the best feeling.
I feel like a true adventurer and I’m just as proficient with my bow then I am with my axes and I don’t have to have a silly beast to use ranged weapons!
But this leads me to my question!
I’d like to be a Ranged class that doesn’t use a pet. WoW has ruined it for me and I’m sure Rangers are great fun but I just can’t do it. I would like to be a thief and I know they can use ranged weapons and I was wondering if it’s viable to simply use nothing but ranged weapons on them and not be a liability to myself or people I group with?
So I just today went to Gamestop and bought Guild Wars 2
Very excited and it’s downloading as I write this.
So far every video I’ve seen or review I’ve read has shown to me that this game will help me get away from the nuisance to my life that was World of Warcraft.
I only heard of one real negative thing that worries me.
I heard there is no trading between players, other than sending mail to each other.
If it’s true I can deal with it its not a huge deal but the video I was watching could have been from a couple months ago and it could have been added by now or something.
Other then that I’m REALLY looking forward to play and if any of you have any tips for a newbie please don’t hesitate to tell me them!