Showing Posts For CtrlShiftEsc.1736:

Forum Search Bar

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


A nonfunctional search bar may be caused by wrong browser settings and/or browser plugins changing the way your browser displays web pages/handles javascript.

On my desktop computer I have the problem, that after entering a search term and pressing enter either a broken page or none is loaded, showing visually messed up search results respectively nothing.
On my notebook, which uses Chromium 22.0.1229.79 (158531) on Linux, however the search bar is fully functional.

I suspect too strict javascript settings being the cause of my issues, so make sure you when you’re testing the forum search are using a stable (non-experimental) browser build, have javascript globally enabled and plugins like Noscript globally disabled.

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


I just encountered this thread randomly. You should consider making it a sticky to promote it.

1. Linking to another art-related bug report of mine:

2. The item shown in the picture below is represented by a wrong icon.


Display the distance to target

in Suggestions

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


Oops… I didn’t see that one. I guess I’m just too used to conventional indicators either showing a numerical value or greying out the affected skills. Thanks for pointing this out.

Display the distance to target

in Suggestions

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


Actually this is a basic feature. When ArenaNet decides to make some abilities more ranged than others (or ranged at all), there has to be an indicator whether you’re in range or not. A small text displaying the distance to your target would be a trivial solution to that problem.

Some might argue that GW2’s combat style is more focused on paying attention to the combat itself rather than reading the UI, but most players will often have a look at the enemy health/status bar anyway because they’re planning their combat strategy in advance (deciding whether to burst/finish the enemy using skills with high cooldown, renew conditions, delaying skills when the opponent has defensive buffs, etc.).

A distance indicator would definitely help with initiating attacks (e.g. pulling or pushing enemies) or in general recognizing situations where you just seem to be in range for a certain skill and waste it since you could not see the exact distance.

If you don’t want to bother casual players with a crowded UI (showing a small number alongside with the target’s health bar wouldn’t make it look crowded), you may give others some more advanced options, which is alway a good idea in my opinion.

Commander status

in Suggestions

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


I agree. Just having a large amount of money does not qualify you for leading a team/squad or giving orders. Right now commander status just seems to indicate that you’re (or were) pretty rich.

ArenaNet’s point is to limit the number of commanders. So why don’t they let the (large) guilds decide, who is going to be one? If they wanted to be consequent with their current strategy, they’d have to increase the price of that status each time it is bought to limit the amount of commanders in the long run.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


Confirmed as in this post.

System specs:
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Sound card: Asus Xonar D1
Sound card driver: UNi Xonar Unified Driver ver. 1.61 (1800)
Underlying driver ver.

Guild Wars 2 and the driver are configured to output 5.1 surround sound.
Audio quality is set to highest, audio mixing buffer to fastest.

Further observations:
In massive battles some sound samples are skipped / not being played back correctly (e.g. the rifle shot sound).

Edit: Clarified driver versions.

(edited by CtrlShiftEsc.1736)

[Minor Bug / Animation Glitch] Ram Tonic / Ram Transformation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CtrlShiftEsc.1736


When transformed into this animal by consuming a Ram Tonic entering the water at a certain angle breaks the swimming animation. To reproduce enter deep water walking backwards and then turn the camera 180 degrees while pressing forwards and dive underwater at the same time (this also works with different movement directions). This will cause the underwater swimming animation to stutter heavily and the model to face in the wrong direction while moving at normal speed.