Showing Highly Rated Posts By CuRtoKy.8576:

Poor design does not = challenging

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


the red circles are a problem, the floor along with the bad camera not to mention if you are colorblind then red circles won’t be as obvious.
you’re just gonna alienate a player base because YOU don’t have a problem?

the adds will spawn behind you out of your line of sight, W,A,S,D has nothing to do with the kittening problem.

There are patterns like the poster you quoted was saying. So like use the pattern it is not RNG or random at all. Both the AoE and the spawns. As for colorblind well that is unfortunately a game issue not a content issue. You can complain about not seeing the AoE circles for a lot of different content. So the suggestion should be that ArenaNet should develop a colorblind system. The content in itself is fine, mechanically speaking.

the crystals have everything to do with luck, nobody in the entire world has enough micromanaging skill to time and run everything perfectly in this fight especially since its a 2 min time limit.
not to mention the short time they exist not the ground, their entire being is time dependent.

and yes i do mean character, and no its not an excuse that W,S,A,D bullkitten is a stupid excuse to why its poor design.

the adds may move pretty slow but they all don’t spawn behind white circles not to mention you have to focus on killing liadri before the time runs out. and slow moving things are naturally going to be out of your mind before its to late, because they aren’t that big of a threat until theres to many of them.
and you may can range her but she still fast and mad and jumps at you all the time.

May I quote what you said previously:

i’m going to use dark souls as a comparison since its literally a perfect example, if you go into that game new and inexperienced you are going to die, die, die, die, die, RAGE, die, RAGE, die, SUPER RAGE, destroy something. you then look up what to do you come back and succeed somewhat but still die, but you make it farther and farther until you get to the boss.
where you die, die, die, die, die, die RAGE, die, RAGE, die RAGE, die SUPER RAGE, stop playing before you break something else, look up how to beat the boss.
find out you can get good and beat it the old fashioned way, get it to jump off the plateform, or cheeze the fight with an exploit or certain build.

its challenging but exploitable so EVERYONE can enjoy it, and not have it RNG gated.

this fight should literally be the same way where if you don’t know what to do you are going to die, waypoint, repair, runback over, and over, and over. or you can be smart and look up how to beat her, much like dark souls.
its still gonna be challenging but at least people will know what to do.
and not have to go VIGOR, VIGOR, MOAR kittenING VIGOR!!!!!!!!!

So why make the comparison when other people have already stated patterns and ways of defeating this fight? If you don’t follow the AoE pattern you waste dodges and eventually you die because you can’t dodge when you need it. Want to semi exploit it? Well run endurance food or Vigor. I personally did the fight with no extra endurance regeneration.

The adds spawn only at specific locations if you know them then you can avoid it 100% of the time. And when they move you can manage that through your own skills since they aren’t immune to CC. If you refuse to run these things then of course you will not have anything to use if they get too close or you didn’t notice one of them. So yeah it is about know what to do, being smart, changing your build, understanding the pattern, and practicing. If you refuse to do any of this then of course you would have a bad time. The content is challenging where you have to practice and understand the mechanic but it is not insanely difficult. I beat the final boss as a full bunker guardian.