Showing Posts For Cyndaine.7589:
1. Add game types to tournaments
a. king of the hill
b. kills only (coming soon)
c. capture the flag
d. zombie
2. Enable Debuffs
a. Debuff for going afk
b. Debuff for dropping early/exiting the game client
3. Allow In-Match Matchmaking
a. ie. filling a missing spot mid-way through a match (don’t penalize a team for an afk)
– or force spectate an opposing player to create even teams. Still provide match win bonuses if that player’s team win
Just a few thoughts to help improve Tournaments, and general sPvP. Not the greatest, but then again, I’m not paid to develop a game either.
New Mac user, starting to get an understanding of the complaints on the Beta.
Will a Dev please provide an update on this issue.
I’m now forced to “Finish” an enemy in PvE? Great, a mechanic that was already flawed in PvP is being used in PvE too. Instead of only having to Finish a downed Nightmare Court, why not just make us Finish all enemy NPC’s? Why are we going half speed on bad mechanics? Let’s just fully FUBAR this and call it a day.
Just ran into this issue on a new computer. Never had the problem before on other machines. Have disabled all security, done a clean reboot, and I am now trying Taidel.6053’s trick. Seems to be working so far. Taidel, and NuclearTicTac for reposting, thank you very much.
ANet, really? How about free gems or a tribute to loyal paying customers that have put up with issues and poor response time to those issues? Nothing says I’m sorry like a little customer appreciation.