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SEA WvW Guild Looking For New Server

in Guilds

Posted by: Cypheric Knight.9076

Cypheric Knight.9076


I have been a player in the Yaks Bend server for several months now, I would just like to state that I have had a great experience dealing with the Yaks Bend community. The Yaks Bend community has always helped me through the game through the early stages of the game, to my current WvW state. I thoroughly enjoy WvW and play it whenever I can. Our NA prime time group is currently a force to reckon with and is currently looking for some guilds that play during the NA off times to rack in those extra points to push us farther in the rankings. As a normal late night NA player I have personally experienced many map chat and team chat calls where players are asking help on building or tagging siege so they don’t despawn for our night crew. Every time I log in game, I hear a story from different people about how just a few people held a keep for several hours over night versus 20-40 man zergs. The server has always accepted new members and guilds into the server openly and welcomed them in as if they were already part of the family. To wrap up my statement, I would like to say that I have personally had a wonderful time with the Yaks Bend community. Thank You.

~Cypheric Knight~

P.S. Feel free to Whisper me in game or contact me in another way if you would like to ask any specific questions about the Yaks Bend community.

Additional: On 3/26 I did have the chance of running into 2 AFS in SoSBL and I will say, they gave me a fight for my money. In technical terms I guess they had the right to beat me down cause I deep into enemy territory, but I have gone against similar odds and won, where as, these 2 AFS had no trouble beating me down haha. I wanted to bow as that was probably the best battle I had all day, but as I was dead, I could not. After the teamwork that I saw those two players use, I would assume that the AFS alliance has the same cooperation. To which ever server gets the AFS Alliance, it appears as if you will be getting a great addition to your community.

(edited by Cypheric Knight.9076)

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Cypheric Knight.9076

Cypheric Knight.9076

I don’t know if many people have noticed it, but Rangers are not necessarily meant for mass damage. If you look at the majority of the skills, they all apply conditions. I do not understand why so many people complain about the damage and speed of a ranger. My main is currently a Shortbow/Longbow Ranger. I love to pay WvW, and due to the many conditions and debuffs I can apply, I rarely ever have a problem in a 1v1 fight while I am running around solo. Sure thieves and other glass cannons hit me hard, but I can hit them hard back, while having decent defense. I don’t have any upgrades on anything and I rarely end up face down in a 1v1 (not saying I win, but I can get half way across the map at least with a group of 4 or 5 chasing me). I will too admit there are some bugs and things that could be different for rangers, but people complain to much about rangers not being able to do something that they weren’t meant to do. At this moment, I see/have only 2 problems with the ranger:
-The bug/problem with the Lick Wounds skill while downed.
-The fact that every class has a range that is as good as a rangers longbow(without traits applied)

With that said I believe that rangers are really great as they are and that Anet has done a pretty good job at keeping things balanced. Thank you Anet.