Showing Posts For Cyte.5840:

sigil/runes of torment question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cyte.5840


Was just wanting to get the opions of other necros about something I’ve been thinking of trying. I play a Condi necro scepter/dagger and staff full rabid gear. For the sigils I use earth and corruption. For my runes I use undead which is condi dmg and toughness.

What I was thinking about was changing a sigil in the S/D to earth and sigil of torment to also cause torment on crit. And also changing the runes to tormenting. Wich gives the same amount of base condi dmg plus torment duration. It also causes torment when using a heal.

my build is 4/6/0/0/4

any advice would be awesome thank you

(edited by Cyte.5840)

linking accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyte.5840


just bought GW1. Some friends and I are going to quest there to earn rewards in GW2. Problem is even tho the web page says my account is linked which earns you 3 points right off the bat and a few armor pieces. When i log into GW2 it does not reconeize that I’ve earned any HoM points.

Any suggestions on how to make the 2 games talk better to each other ?

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cyte.5840


With my favorite mini pet and at character select screen


(edited by Cyte.5840)

Bring back older unlimited gathering tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cyte.5840


Like the titpe says please bring these back. I’m sure lots of people will buy them now do to the recent changes in them being account bound. My self I skiped them seeing as they were a waste of money but then I bought the bone pick axe for my necro and just love it and now want to deck characters out with certain gathering tools. Like the pick axe that sprouts fire for my ele.

That had to burn Achievment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyte.5840


Thankyou for the information. I don’t know why I didn’t think to look on the Wiki. Kinda sucks they removed the achievement but left it there just to tease you

That had to burn Achievment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyte.5840


Was wondering if this achievment is still able to be gotten. I’ve been to about 10 successful Teauatl kills wich means the laser has been shot 30 times not counting the failed attempts at a kill. Still no achievment. I’ve made sure to be at the actual laser consol during the defence phase even so far as to stand right on it and AoE everything down and stay thers till the laser actually fires. Still no achievement. If anyone can offer some insight I’d very much appreciate it.

Were can I buy exotic weapons with karma ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyte.5840


Like the title says. I’m a new 80 and I have a butt load of karma wich I was hoping I could spend on lvl 80 exotic weapons. I’ve heard something about ebonhawk but I don’t know if that is lvl 80 or not. If anyone could point me in the right direction I’d apreciate it.