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CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaRkSiDeR.1628



All i know is that Developers was the one’s who was telling that everybody who will be kinda skilled and “not professional and sht” will be able to do that dungeons.
What will happen if some not that high mentaly people get so muchkitten of the game and start suiciding?
Couse i’ve seen sht like that before.

CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaRkSiDeR.1628


Reply to Robert Hrouda:

You just fixed all the exploits that is prety much ok by everybody i guess.
But there was something else that had to be done so people with normal gears
and normal stats will be able to pass the whole dungeon and do not have to be a crazy gamer or something…
And for christ sake you removed the tokens from box and put them in the end of the dungeon?
It’s like you are telling people be the master of game to be able to finish a dungeon that said to be the money maker of the whole game like WvW.
For me the exploit was good but letting out other issues that makes it crap, i’ll bet you people out there will already try to make more exploits in order to pass that dungeon.
Wich sounds kinda impossible.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaRkSiDeR.1628


How about kicking out people who ruining the game and get new ones that will fix what the previous one ruined and people will stop raging and cursing the whole game couse of such one or more people destroying all the fun.
And yes im talking about Dungeons.
Citadel of Flame was to easy on the Magg path of the explorer mode but instead of making it just harder or fixing bugs they made it more buggy and you require a high luck to be able to pass some parts.
And of course the “devs team” maybe has people who are no lifers and does those dungeons with people that are skilled and stuff how a fresh lv75 or even 80 who will try this will react when he will see that is impossible?
My suggestion is to just nerf it a litle bit i am not talking about time duraction i am talking about the impossible lvl of diffuculty some guys made.
Reasson why?
To punish us he/they said.
Why would you even punish someone that he is spending his really nice and good money for you.
Also the fact of how much fast you are doing a dungeon has nothing to do with the rewarding what if your party is better than the devs team or smthin couse they are melting their brainz on the game and they are capable of doing that in less than 20 mins when it’s a kinda small dungeon.
On that occasion you should put another section that says about Difficulty you want on the instance and for every difficulty include a reward that you belive the gamers/players should have.
If some people could do it couse they are enough experienced doesn’t mean that everybody can.
And however this should be able to be done by any kind of party for example you will not always ask for guardian or warior or who knows what and force to let some classes out couse this ends up kinda rassist or even making people feel bad couse with them the dungeon is imposible or something.
Something else i have seen is that most of people playing their character with the most useless way what would they do if they don’t get it on those dungeons Anet?
Sorry for long post and i hope you will consider this us a serious subject to check on.