Showing Posts For Daethz.2417:

Guild Member Offline Length

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daethz.2417


A bunch of us, including my Guild Leader, Me and a few other people have noticed this game does not feature any way of telling how long another Guildy has been offline.

This makes it very difficult for very large guilds as people could be offline for a very long time, during which time we may need to open up some spaces for new members that want to join.

So we would love to see a page or option that allows us to see the length of time that each Guildy has been offline for.

(edited by Daethz.2417)

End of story reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daethz.2417


Srsly, Someone told me i would get a exotic weapon from completeing it, they where wrong.
Im keeping my bags in my bank untill i hear its been fixed, i don’t want to open them to find nothing but trash that im gona vendor and make 5 silver off of.

Necromancer: Bug Collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daethz.2417


-Necros pulling more threat than most other classes putting them at a major disadvantage due to the harsh nature of the repair system.

I have also noticed Pet’s suck, if you redo your spec & ignore pets like i did my DPS and survivability drastically increased. I’m currently 30/30/0/0/10
Thinking about going blood for the critical heal, since im sick of dying i want to stack armor, health and hp drains.

(edited by Daethz.2417)

Necros Pulling to much threat

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daethz.2417


Oh thought id point out, that i was once fighting a big boss in orr with like 40 other people, and the boss kept aggroing me alot more out of everyone else.

Necros Pulling to much threat

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daethz.2417


I have noticed since I started playing this Necromancer that I always seem to pull the threat of the mobs I fight in groups the most.
I just killed a champion with 3 other people, heres how the fight went:
Example FightChampion fight began, boss jumped around to different people, eventually he stayed on me for like 40 seconds and I died. I got revived, attacked the boss One time & he turned on me. He stayed on me until I died. I got revived again, everyone else was still attacking him, and he Immediately turned on me before I did Anything and knocked me down again, and fortunately he died before I did.
This is just One of the times that the bosses and mobs decide to go to me first, In dungeons Im the first to die in a boss fight, Well over half the time, I do the mechanics correctly, I stay out of the fire, but the mobs decide to kill me first.

As it stands, I have been dying way more than anyone else in Dungeons because of this reason, which is putting me at a disadvantage because of repair bills and I have lost loot due to having to run back & not getting credit for the kill, luckily I still get the chests.

Please Fix Necromancer’s Threat Table, if a threat table even exists, if not somthing about necromancers spells are attracting mobs.
This puts Necromancers at a disadvantage in Dungeons, and gives them more repair bills than other classes.