(edited by Daethz.2417)
Showing Posts For Daethz.2417:
Srsly, Someone told me i would get a exotic weapon from completeing it, they where wrong.
Im keeping my bags in my bank untill i hear its been fixed, i don’t want to open them to find nothing but trash that im gona vendor and make 5 silver off of.
-Necros pulling more threat than most other classes putting them at a major disadvantage due to the harsh nature of the repair system.
I have also noticed Pet’s suck, if you redo your spec & ignore pets like i did my DPS and survivability drastically increased. I’m currently 30/30/0/0/10
Thinking about going blood for the critical heal, since im sick of dying i want to stack armor, health and hp drains.
(edited by Daethz.2417)
Oh thought id point out, that i was once fighting a big boss in orr with like 40 other people, and the boss kept aggroing me alot more out of everyone else.
I have noticed since I started playing this Necromancer that I always seem to pull the threat of the mobs I fight in groups the most.
I just killed a champion with 3 other people, heres how the fight went:
Example FightChampion fight began, boss jumped around to different people, eventually he stayed on me for like 40 seconds and I died.
I got revived, attacked the boss One time & he turned on me.
He stayed on me until I died.
I got revived again, everyone else was still attacking him, and he Immediately turned on me before I did Anything and knocked me down again, and fortunately he died before I did.
This is just One of the times that the bosses and mobs decide to go to me first, In dungeons Im the first to die in a boss fight, Well over half the time, I do the mechanics correctly, I stay out of the fire, but the mobs decide to kill me first.
As it stands, I have been dying way more than anyone else in Dungeons because of this reason, which is putting me at a disadvantage because of repair bills and I have lost loot due to having to run back & not getting credit for the kill, luckily I still get the chests.
Please Fix Necromancer’s Threat Table, if a threat table even exists, if not somthing about necromancers spells are attracting mobs.
This puts Necromancers at a disadvantage in Dungeons, and gives them more repair bills than other classes.