Showing Posts For Dagonbach.3485:
Putrid Essences (Rare crafting mat from Risen-type mobs) are probably on the same loot-drop rate as the lodestones. It is quite simple to determine if farming 250 lodestones is even feasible using a comparison model with Orr Karma events.
I’ve farmed at least 2 hours a day for the past 14 days doing Tunnel runs and various other events in the Cursed Shore. I have a total of 38 Putrid Essences while hovering around 100% mf and killing an uncountable amount of Risen mobs. I probably had around 10 in my bank from just random drops while leveling and such. So, about 1 item dropped per hour of hard-core farming/killing mass level 83-84 risen mobs. If we were to apply this drop-rate model, it would take around 250 hours of farming gameplay to get a stack of lodestones.
Also to people who complain about “difficulty progression” you realize every exotic is just a horizontal upgrade right? GW2 loot is mostly about cosmetics so if they made the later dungeons like Arah markedly harder then you would all QQ about how it gives the same gear.
We’re not on the same page with what “difficulty progression” means.
The first time you do Story Mode AC at level 30-35, it should be the easiest dungeon experience there is. Period. However, that is totally not the case. Trash aggro mechanics and damage is to high and to random. Boss mobs, yes, should require time and effort to defeat. The first 5 trash encounters on the first dungeon in the game should not result in me dying 10+ times.
I’m going to chime in on this thread. I’ve completed a total of 4 story mode dungeons and that did it for me. The better part of those 4 story dungeons were spent trying to zerg trash down. We had more difficulities with snipers and 2/3 shotting wizards/sorc groups than with bosses. The trash is simply not tuned correctly. This put a huge sour taste in my mouth to the point where I just simply refused to help guildies complete dungeons. No drops, subpar gold gains after repairs and all headaches.
I’m sure now that we’re all fully exotic and have a better understanding of our classes, we would do better than before. But guess what, none of us want nor need to do dungeons. There is no difficulty progression and a lot of players feel like it’s D3, Act II Inferno, stupid hard. I loved dungeons/raiding in EQ2, Lotro, Rift, SWTOR and Secret World. This actually the first MMO that I’ve played where I was just like… NO.
I’m guessing that this is maybe how the majority of people who dislike or complain about dungeons feel. I could care less if they fix this or not, I have no stake in the results. BUT, if it is driving good players and potentially good players away from the game it is cause for immediate change.
As many as posts as it takes to have ANET devs understand the process of achieving a small something in their fun game is more like beating our heads against a wall at a dead end job.
How would you arrive at having those items in a time-efficient manner other than farming PVE mobs and karma events? Buy gold via gems?
An arguement could be posed that every item in creating a legendary is just a small delay.
Not everyone uses guides, not everyone wants a mindless grind. What everyone does want is a challenge outside the scenario requiring them to do the same EXACT thing every time they log in for 1-4 hours a day.
Sigh… both the RNG mystic forge and the farming 500 tokens from each dungeon are terrible ideas. There is already to much farming associated with producing a legendary as is. How is more farming more “fun and exciting?” It’s not.
The best solution to make the precursor weapon more accessible and “fun” is to have a long quest chain that involves running -some- specific dungeon paths for specific items, unique to each legendary. You could even include, I don’t know, the useless and unrewarding jump puzzles littered throughout the world. After retrieving all the items/tokens, you trade it to some mysterious NPC hidden away in the vast, “exciting” world.
How about thinking outside the box a little to make the game “fun and exciting”?