Showing Posts For Dal Grimm.8475:
I don’t struggle, I usually just roleplay alone or even with unknowns hoping they will roleplay back. I have NEVER since headstart been griefed or mocked on AR for role-playing my characters. Is Anvil Rock anything close to a RP server? Many players don’t even do PvE there, which is my main focus in the game. I do PvE as my own character’s little quests, and am excited (unlike many) with open world PvE and events. Nothing prohibits me from role playing in AR. Nothing shall prohibit me from roleplaying in whatever map I end up in the upcoming mega-server-roleplayers roleplay no matter what, even without this game’s beautiful graphics, (arguably) skins, and scenery.
That’s what I was saying. In my mind the Mega server would increase the chances of Rp’ing and getting a favorable response.
I’ve never seen mounts implemented in a way that didn’t completely suck and look stupid as all hell.
Age of Conan came close with their horses and camels.
I think the biggest fear of the MegaServer by what I’m reading here is that the continuity of stories and groups will be effected in a negative way causing members to become frustrated and far flung and disrupting the consistent permanence of having a single server system. It definitely will make the world more voluminous but the system should aid in wading through the expanded population using your friends list, guild list, and other weighted factors. The most adjusting I think would be required is for the sudden influx of people who will like to participate or who would take up the say channel. I posted earlier a few solutions to this in a previous posting on this thread. As an Rp’er from Maguuma I’m hoping that by A-net creating the Mega Server I’ll be able to meet more people who love to play in character as I and expand my role playing. Oh and emotes and props (see previous post)!
10+ man parties would solve almost all the problems.
I would love to see even 8 man parties at this point….Certain dungeon bosses at 5 man are really difficult for casual dungeon spelunkers.
Believe me I feel where you coming from on this. I friend people that RP with me when I find them. That fact may help you in the long run too. The MegaServer is going to take into account who your friends are and try to place you with each other as much as possible. If your friends are not active and you are placed in an unfamiliar surrounding that can lead to some very frustrating play. I have found however that even though you’ll get some trolling a little creative out of character response is usually enough to have them knock it off. I had one guy come after me during the Battle for Lion’s Arch. I made a Doctor Who reference and it was all over. After that he joined us for a makeshift game of Dwarves & Destroyers (on the fly d&d improv based on the EotN lore.) Some people troll but most will give you space. I think the hardest thing as you say is talking in the Say chat to RP. An InCharacter tab or the expansion of emotes and props would be a good solution to enrich RP interaction and ease congestion and reliance on the say chat line.
I would think that it would be good for Role Players that had become invested on other servers from the days of release to be rolled into worlds with more of those that Role Play. The Megaserver from what I understand could do that for us. Sometimes I’ve been able to get on to Tarnished Coast but many of my friends and guild members are invested on Maguuma which is where I started when Tarnished Coast was so full you couldn’t get a finger in the door leastwise a foot. I was hoping that the Mega server would help me find more people to friend so that RP is not so hit and miss when I’m romping around Tyria.
RP can be found on any server it’s just harder to maintain consistency in the face of changing populations. What I am more upset with is the fact that we are not receiving any additions to the emote system for visual social cues, and we do not have social props (i.e. Chicken legs, ale mugs, goblets, chairs) An excellent point made in some fan forums for RP have wondered if such things could be incorporated within the ‘toy’ system where interacting with a certain object gives you skills that trigger different social animations. We had been told (maybe jokingly) at the beginning through the use of a funny comic strip that GW2 would be the first game where you could sit at a bar interact with a mug that would come with the actions of drinking the contents or smashing the mug over the “orc’s” head. We have the hero elixir where you can brain a man or drink it but by drinking it you magically siphon it out of your offhand as your bottle is still held as if to whack someone. This leads me to believe that the social side of GW2 for Rp’ers was unfinished and was hoping they would update something in the new update for April 15th. Emotes and Props. If the developers can give us flowers and dancing books, instruments and sonic diggers, how about some new emotes and social props like usable chairs, bars, drinks and food?
(edited by Dal Grimm.8475)