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Fractal drops were broken on the 3/18 patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dan Daze.9854

Dan Daze.9854

Heya, Dan Daze of [LOD] here. My guild and a couple other collaborating guilds have been tracking the drop rates of fractals since before the fractured update. It has come to our attention that droprates of fractal weapon skins, and ascended weapon chests had their drop rate DECREASED at levels 41-50 when according to the patch notes, their drop rate was INCREASED.

To quote the patch notes:
“- Ascended armor and weapons now drop more often from all levels of fractals, particularly as the fractal level increases.

- Ascended armor pieces will drop more often than ascended weapons."

You can have a look at all of our data here:

All of this data has been meticulously documented to be as transparent as possible. Also, we have well as over 1000 entries to keep RNG to a bare minimum.

You can see a breakdown of what dropped for each individual run in the tabs marked “data” at the bottom.We have separated the data out into two tabs, pre and post 3/18 patch.

If you compare the numbers, you will see there is something wrong:

Chance to receive Fractal Weapon Skins:
Pre 3/18 patch, 11.89 % chance
Post 3/18 patch, 2.28 % chance

Chance to receive Ascended Weapon Boxes:
Pre 3/18 patch, 10.19 % chance
Post 3/18 patch, 2.51 % chance

Chance to receive Ascended Armor Boxes (the only one that was buffed)
Pre 3/18 patch, 3.82 % chance
Post 3/18 patch, 6.38 % chance

According to our data, you get better rewards running a lvl 31-40 fractal than a 41-50 fractal daily. Now, that doesn’t seem right…

Something is wrong and its incredibly disheartening to run arguably the most challenging content in the game EVERY SINGLE DAY and get improperly rewarded for it.

Please double check the numbers and look to see if the proper loot is being rewarded.

Thank you.