Showing Posts For DanceMonkey.2136:
I done with this game based on one issue. The fact that I disconnect becuase i live int he kittening bonnies and kitten internet is all i can get. This is not my issue though the main issue is that ill run my level 10 fractal daily only to have my internet take a complete kitten on me and DC me. Now I dont’t mind the fact you make us farm out way to level 10 and 20 to get the good items that is quite fun but the fact that i can’t progress becuase some times my internet fails me is just kitten me off. I was just wondering when you guys are gonna fix it ( assumeing you can even fix the problem). So that i know when to come back to play the game with out fear that my internet is gonna Screw me out of getting and ascended ring.
I just want to let you guys know that the jumpping puzzle is like 5-10 time easier then the last one. This one took me 3-4 tryss to beat. Whereas the holloween one took me four hours to beat. I dont know if the knowledge of the last one helped me or what but i feel this one was much better spaced i liked the idea of two paths so people where not so clutter and norns, the fattys that they are, didn’t take up whole whole screen. Good job almost done with all the achievements just need to make the snowmen now.
For hints on the snowball fight if you are trying to get the stop carrier one you have to be the last hit to down him if he is carrying the gift. THE SUPPORT KNOCKDOWN THING DOES NOT GIVE IT TO YOU. I find that the scout is op for both running and taking down the gift because you can go invis and charge up the sniper shot that does 20k damage fully charged 40k if it crits. Also running the gift when you jump off try to aim for th highest part of the tower and land on that that way you dont take fall damage and it dosen’t knock you down and as a scout you can use your 5 spell twice before you get to the gift to have permant run speed if you pick up the speed boost thing. Just hope you team protects you as you run it back.
As for the note one wait untill teh notes are at the white line and then press the correct key or just channel you inner rockstar.
The jumpping puzzle i just suggest you keep at it like i said it took me four hours of stright jumpping to complete the halloween one.
I don’t know the rest of guild wars 2 population but this is just one thing that i think is a complete mess up on your part. It makes doing fractals extremely fustrating when you finally get a group that wants to do your level of fractals and then boom someone disconnects and the rest of the group is left a man down. So my question is what are you guys at Arena Net plan on doing about this and it really just the overall dungeon. I love the idea you guys have with this but i feel like there was really no testing behind it at all and there are still a lot of glitches like on the level with the giant man we had someone get blown off and was killed we could not rez him because he didn’t spawn at the checkpoint so we had to A)kill ourselvesmove on with outhim.. We decided ot kill our selves. I really hope there are some quick fixes comeing in plan for this dungeon and also i would to see a dungeon finder somewhere in the near future.