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Gandara Vs Kodash Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Dar.4396


In Warhammer, frenchies were the biggest Zerglings.
Nhatows guild never stopped bombin in zerg, even after bombingnerv. I guess meleeassisting was too mainstream :-P.
Soul Reapers I think.
Cheers to them. Good times back then!

Haha SR biggest zerg ! Too funny. They will be happy to know that LOL !

French are the less zergy player in GW2.

I’m going to make this into a Teeshirt.
Less Zergy.
Yous guys, yous cracks mes ups yous dos.

I talk about what i know. French serv i’v played for. AR and AS.
And i can tell you i have NEVER EVER seen masta mono zerg like SFR / Deso / Baruch (got the winner) or Kodash when playing for AR or AS.

But i trust you easily about vizuna. Vizuna’s goal is being N°1.
AR not at all. You can find a lot of us whining about playing in D3 or D4 because too much fight are zergy and its hard to find and fight group guild with less than 20 players. We dont care about ranking we just want good fight ie: no zerg and culling.

(edited by Dar.4396)

Gandara Vs Kodash Vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Dar.4396


Just a qustion, what the deal with you ppl on FR servers ? every matcup I done last month if you run into a player and you face him in open world, he see you and you see himso to say. If you jump some up and down and inteact you interact, do a / bow and get a / bow or a few jumps back, then a good fight…. never with the FR players, you insta attack when bowing, done understand whats up at all.

Personnaly I dont notice that kind of interactions. And honestly i dont care about rp interaction. But i understand being zerg when you ’r /bow make u angry ^^

Do you have no interest in honnour or interaction? is al points to you?

Honnour ? French are the less zergy player in GW2. You can find a lot of guild group roaming with less than 10/12 players. We cant say that for other serv. Spanish are the most zergy play ever seen, and German like hidding behind their T3 wall with tons af siege stuff
Both like playing zerg. And for us that kind of play is kitteng boring and not interesting at all.
So i don’t understand how can u say french lack of honnour.
French like the game, they like big play when being outnumbered even thought we get screw 1v3 most of the time. We like playing in small group and small skirmish. And we hate how a lot of player abuse of culling. You cant say that about french. And we dont care about PvDoor and nighcapping.
Most of us ar playing only in prime 20h30 – 23h30. Im always amused when we see how other serv can take every structure when all of us are going to eat. Before 19pm we dont see that much of ennemy. But between 19pm and 20pm its magical how your bus can pop and paint the map in PvDoor mode. Maybe you dont eat

So hearing you talking about honnour is very funny.

Sry for this crappy english ^^

(edited by Dar.4396)

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Dar.4396


Was “cool” 6 month ago when game released with announced feature “spvp e-sport”
See the nuance ?

Today still nothing except beta pvp mode.

(edited by Dar.4396)

Spvp destiny. An important message

in PvP

Posted by: Dar.4396


Izzy was awesome, he would’ve fixed all their problems.

I think not. Izzy had his weakness too, but he has created GvG and HA.
And when he see the heir, he may cry.

Every day I wonder why they are ignoring their hugely successful formula from GW1…. People started RA/CA, then moved to HoH, then GvG. The game would not have succeded if they started at GvG, proven by how unpopular the mode was at the beginning, and how it raised in popularity as time went on…

Totally agree, can’t understand. There was everything and they ‘v just forget all the brilliant stuff they had.
Can’t understand.

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Dar.4396


response to the title: NO.
there’s no evidence provided just pure emotion, – judge the game by facts and not forum response, I can’t believe that you got anet guys into reading this trollfest.

Only 100 players in EU able to make some point in Tn is a proof that sPvP is a great success.

Oh wait…

Is pvp dead? You decide

in PvP

Posted by: Dar.4396


Who give a kitten to 1v1 in Team PvP game ? Seriously.
The biggest problem is MATCH MAKING !!

Do you think long queue are funniest than being stomp 3/4 of the round 1 by level 30+ team when you are 10+ ?
Why there is queue ? Why nobody want to start tn sPvP atm ????
Ask good questions guys.

And when i read it’s too difficult to implement feature like elo regarding tournament feature choosed, i think sPvP is already dead and talking about e-sport a shame.

Sry english’s not my native language.

(edited by Dar.4396)