Showing Posts For Darani.8356:
I’d be careful advising people to mess with BIOS settings. Mess something up there, and you can REALLY mess up your system. Not worth a small FPS increase.
I agree, this bothered me a little on my dual-swords warrior. The off-hand weapon just dangles there until you use an off-hand weapon skill. It’s just a little odd, is all. Changing the first weapon skill from
Damage: 8”
Damage: 8 (x2)”
denoting that it’s eight damage split into two attacks, with accompanying animations, would be nice. Even if it only works with certain combinations of weapons (i.e., not a dagger/pistol setup).
I’m sure most of you already know about or have heard something about the “anti-grind code” enabled in Guild Wars 2. This code is similar to the one used in Guild Wars, essentially making it inconvenient and unrewarding to “grind” for certain materials repeatedly over a long period of time. It seems to kick in after about 30 minutes.
The good thing about this code is it works to curb the rapid, inhuman inflation caused by botting programs. This is a global good for Guild Wars, making everything more affordable for everyone—from 1 to 80. However, I don’t feel as though the game was built around having such a code in place.
The problem I have is not that “I can’t spend an hour grinding mobs for fine crafting materials.”
The problem is that I NEED to.
I would consider my playstyle slightly abnormal—possibly going beyond what would be expected of most players in terms of how they progress through the game. If a zone is marked 15-25, the general consensus is get in at 15, leave at 25. I don’t. I stay and try for 100% completion in every zone I do, meaning that I am usually level “28-30” by the time I leave.
However, even I have the issue of not having nearly enough fine crafting materials to level my professions. Doing diverse content (read: all of it) generally nets me a handful of each type of crafting material, but usually nowhere near the amount expected of crafters. It costs upwards of 8 fine crafting materials to make one “masterwork” insignia, which is good for 2-3 crafting levels. The problem is that I need to make between 8-10 of these to level my crafting skill to the next threshold, and that’s if I’m only focused on leveling.
If I want to make a set of cohesive gear that I want to use? I would need 6 insignias of ONE type! That’s -48- of a single type of fine crafting material, and there just aren’t many options except for farming to get them all.
Removing the anti-grind code is a silly solution. Short-sighted and a detriment in the long run. But lowering the amount of fine crafting materials seems like an all-around good. 24 Thick Bloods for a set of armor seems a lot less daunting than 48, and is much less reliant on me using the Trading Post to get it.
I’d much rather be able to look at a set of crafted pieces and feel proud that I put it together, not bitter that I had to supplement my own stock with that of others at a hefty cost.
This event seems either very overtuned or bugged to do ridiculous amounts of damage. It just seems unfair, since even one mistake is almost guaranteed to kill you. You can’t revive anyone because standing still means almost certain death. It doesn’t promote team play, and it definitely doesn’t make me want to come back next time it happens. All in all, I’m just upset and confused. I died three times during the event before the elemental went down, and I got no chest or event credit for my trouble.
Please consider doing something about this event. Namely, the fire eruptions. They give you only a second’s breadth to react, and if you don’t, you get stunned and burned to death in seconds. This type of pass/fail mechanic just isn’t fun.