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Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


How is soul beast useless? Even if you continue to play as a power range build, beast mode now gives you even more stats bonus. I am literally speechless when people claim specs that are working fine as underpower, meanwhile actual specs that are badly designed like renegade are being said fine.

The damage is bad and the spec is useless in PvE. Even in PvP, after your burst damage is done you will be vulnerable for 3/4 of the time. The stat bonuses are far too low to make up for the loss in damage by removing the pet. Remember that supposedly 30% of the damage comes from the pet. When you combine, you lose the pet, aka 30% of your damage not to mention the meat shield. What do you gain in return? 80 in each stat + 200 extra in 1 stat based on your pet choice and 3 mostly useless abilities or actually 2 abilities since you lose the pets special ability. It would be nice if they at least gave us the 30% damage back while in Beastmode. It wouldn’t be that hard to add it to the 1st trait.

Elite Specs Balance Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Here’s the thing with Soulbeast. Anet made rangers do 30% less damage because we have pets. They forgot to give us those 30% back when in Beastmode. The damage sucks. Black Bear is best for its invulnerabilities and you can do a nice short burst with “Sic ’Em!” and Smokescale. The dagger has no appeal and will likely be another trash weapon nobody will use on a Ranger. Soulbeast seems like it was intended for 1v1 PvP and nothing else. Outside of that it’s very underwhelming. I’m also expecting “Sic ’Em!” to be nerfed as I’m sure Anet did not intend it to affect the player.

Guild Wars 1 : Worth Buying?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Is it worth buying? And if so, could I attain the achievement of god amongst mere mortals and the dragon fire sword skin?? Are these achievements still obtainable?? Can it be a solo thing or do I need multiple players?? Is it a possibility?

I have GWAMM on multiple accounts. It’s solo-able but very time consuming. The first GWAMM took me roughly 6months on my main account. Afterwards I was able to do it in 3months or so on other accounts. To pull it off in 3months though, you have to be very dedicated to it. Pretty much no-life grind. GW1 may also appear difficult at times once you start doing Hard Mode due to party size restrictions in certain areas and time-gated missions. You will need to use exploits to complete some of these mission bonuses as they are otherwise near impossible, especially if you’re doing it solo.

If money isn’t an issue, I’d say go ahead and buy it. It’s a great game and some of the HoM rewards are pretty neat. But if I were you, I would skip getting GWAMM and just do HoM for the FDS sword skin.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


According to the profession forums every single new elite is terrible and proof that Anet hates that profession. Yes, including the Deadeye.

I mean that’s just par for the course. People on these forums always think Anet is out to kill their class. Doesn’t matter how good the class currently is. It could be at the top of the meta and people would still complain.

According to Reddit, there’s some pretty ludicrous power burst with Soulbeast since one of your shouts just gives you 40% extra damage. There’s people mauling for 26k apparently. Yup, Soulbeast useless guys!

This is either a lie or you misread something. Maul cannot do 26k. It’s true that “Sic ’Em!” works on you (inb4 nerf) when you’re combined but even with “Sic Em!”, Maul does at most ~15k dmg or so which is not that impressive considering you only get 10sec of that sweet dmg boost. Right now it seems that a lot of pet traits and skills affect the player instead when you’re combined. Oh btw I was hitting for 30k+ on Thief Deadeye.

15k burst useable two times in quick succession is not impressive? You can use it three times during ‘Sic Em’.

What do you mean by “two times in quick succession”? You can use it 3x within that 10sec span but that’s it.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


According to the profession forums every single new elite is terrible and proof that Anet hates that profession. Yes, including the Deadeye.

I mean that’s just par for the course. People on these forums always think Anet is out to kill their class. Doesn’t matter how good the class currently is. It could be at the top of the meta and people would still complain.

According to Reddit, there’s some pretty ludicrous power burst with Soulbeast since one of your shouts just gives you 40% extra damage. There’s people mauling for 26k apparently. Yup, Soulbeast useless guys!

This is either a lie or you misread something. Maul cannot do 26k. It’s true that “Sic ’Em!” works on you (inb4 nerf) when you’re combined but even with “Sic Em!”, Maul does at most ~15k dmg or so which is not that impressive considering you only get 10sec of that sweet dmg boost. Right now it seems that a lot of pet traits and skills affect the player instead when you’re combined. Oh btw I was hitting for 30k+ on Thief Deadeye.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


According to the profession forums every single new elite is terrible and proof that Anet hates that profession. Yes, including the Deadeye.

I have to admit I don’t really get the Soulbeast, I can’t see what it offers that I’d be interested in having (other than maybe main hand dagger) but I thought the same about Druid and now I’m thinking I’d hate to give it up (and no, I don’t run a support build, it’s mainly condi DPS).

But just because you prefer one elite spec to another doesn’t mean it’s useless and certainly doesn’t mean the entire profession ‘died’.

Well of course the profession didn’t die, they make great healers! I just don’t think Druid is a suitable spec for a Ranger. This is coming from someone who mains healer classes in other MMO’s. I love to heal but I don’t expect a Ranger to do that job. I think a more suitable spec for Ranger would be one that focuses more on traps or allows us to infuse our attacks with conditions similarly to how Sharpening Stone works. As mentioned in my original post, I do like Soulbeast as a spec, but I feel it doesn’t offer much and is underpowered compared to other classes elite specs.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


You gain stat bonuses too, depending on the pet. 2 stats gain a huge boost comparable to runes or food (actually way stronger than food).
Also the pet thing is just the machanic change, the elite spec is mainly traits and skills.

And you’re not forced to fuse with the pet all the time, I think it’s meant to be a burst thing. Also if you do that when the pet is down, you basically get free damage.

The stat bonuses are not that big. You get about 80 stat boost on everything and that’s it. You could wait for your pet to unload, combine and then unload their skills again for a short burst but it still wouldn’t be enough.

Soulbeast is useless. RIP Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Played the demo. As surprising as this may seem, I actually really liked the idea of Soulbeast. I really did. However… it’s completely useless! You combine with your pet and gain it’s last 3 skills. You lose their special ability however. This is literally ArenaNet just removing the pet to get around the crappy AI of the pet so we don’t have to micromanage anymore. I like that you can stay in Soulbeast form for as long as you want, I just wish it had something to offer other than just make the pet disappear and transfer it’s skills to you. The new pets are so much stronger than what we currently have though. Afterwards I tried Deadeye for Thief and was blown away by the dps! I really wish Ranger would have more firepower. I think Ranger died when they gave us Druid. So much talk against the Holy Trinity and then they turn us into Monks instead of making us condition kings.

I don’t know… what do you think?

Wyvern Scale incredibly rare. Bug or normal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


UPDATE: In case anyone else comes across as feeling bugged. I finally got it just now after more than 14hrs of overall farming for this P.O.S. Scale. It’s really annoying when drops can get bugged as there’s no way to tell if it’s RNG or bug. Finally got Ydalir. Note that I switched characters and it dropped within 30min of farming on my 2nd character.

They should really increase the drop rate of these achievement items, at least on bosses. Matriarch and Patriarch should have a very high drop rate on them IMO. I’ve killed them both so many times and they never dropped it. I ended up getting it from a regular Wyvern in VB at the Wyvern Cliffs.

(edited by Dark.1823)

Wyvern Scale incredibly rare. Bug or normal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Go to a different location…..?

There is no other place. This is the only place for farming the scale. There’s a Wyvern area in Dragon’s Stand as well but it’s not friendly for farming. It’s often contested cause of the meta. The best place is in Verdant Brink where I mentioned and going for the Legendary Wyverns whenever they spawn. I’ve been doing these with no luck.

Wyvern Scale incredibly rare. Bug or normal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


So I’ve been working on Ydalir and the only item left missing is a Wyvern Scale. I’ve been farming it for a week now! Every day I dedicated 2hrs of farming in Verdant Brink, Wyvern Cliffs area. I see people come and get the drop within 20-30min usually. I also read that some people had better luck getting it from the Matriarch. I’ve tried both methods and this Scale just avoids me like crazy. I’m sitting here now just absolutely frustrated already and burnt out by this farm. I’m so sick of it. Every day. Sit on the cliffs, wait for Wyverns to spawn, aggro them all together and kill. Repeat.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I super incredibly unlucky with the drop or is it possible that I’m bugged? Because I think this item can only drop once per character so if for some reason the server thinks I already got it once, it wont give it to me again…

I don’t really know how these drops work but all the other ones only dropped once for me so I think its the same for the Scale.

Upcoming Stat Changes in the Q3 Balance Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Can you rename the Ranger class to Healer? Since its only viable spec now is Druid. May as well bring the holy trinity back at this point.

I’m sure they’ll consider that once you’ve learned to do at least some basic calculations. If, of course, you still demand the quoted stuff then.

It was sarcasm. Poking fun because the only dps viable builds for Ranger are condi based. As far as group play goes, Ranger is almost always expected to be a Druid with full Magi’s already hence why I said why not just rename the class to Healer since condi builds are being nerfed now. I’ll probably survive the patch with a bit of a loss in condi duration. Probably.

Upcoming Stat Changes in the Q3 Balance Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Can you rename the Ranger class to Healer? Since its only viable spec now is Druid. May as well bring the holy trinity back at this point.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Returning player here.

Every time I return to GW2 after a year or so of not playing, I almost immediately get turned away again by the way new content is being delivered to me. I’m talking about the Living World. Why must I be punished to pay 200gems for each part of the story I missed? If I don’t play often, I obviously don’t have enough gold to turn into gems and I’m definitely not excited to open my wallet as soon as I log in just to enjoy playing in a new map. I already pay for expansions like HoT and now planning on purchasing PoF as well. Selling expansions and cosmetics is one thing, but selling Living World story which should technically be a part of the base game is in my opinion unnecessary greed and is turning away both new and returning players.

I would strongly suggest you remove the punishment fee and make Living Story free to those who missed the update. It was free in the first place anyway. This is not a Free to Play game where you need to bring in revenue from every possible source. Please seriously consider doing this. Advertise this change and I’m sure many players will return, my friends among them.

Sorry to break it to you, but, yes, GW2 is free to play. Yeah, you have to buy Heart of Thorns if you want that expansion, but you don’t have to buy HoT if you just want to play the base game. As for Living World…all you had to do was log in ONE time while each episode was live to unlock it for free – even if you were using a free to play account. You had 2 months to login once. You didn’t, so you missed your opportunity. That was your choice.

Note: I came to the game around 19 months ago. I had to buy Season 2. I made sure that I logged in frequently enough to get all 6 Season 3 episodes for free.

I’m not here to start a debate and I’m not asking for commentary either.

I posted a suggestion with good reasoning behind it. ArenaNet does not need you to defend them. I’ve played GW2 since launch on & off. I’m a GW1 veteran and a long-time fan of MMO’s.

I don’t see a reason why this QoL shouldn’t be implemented other than sheer greed and to punish new and returning players. I’m glad to hear that you are always able to log in on time and unlock your Living World chapters for free, but I’m saddened by the fact that you are unable to get past yourself and see that the content that was initially free, suddenly costing money hurts the community as well as the company. All these people that are turned away could be potential buyers of expansions and cosmetic/utility items from the shop.

I have a friend who often digs too deep into his wallet and buys everything for multiple accounts sometimes, who said to me that he will likely not buy the new expansion because he is “sick of paying for updates” as no other MMO does that. To avoid confusion, when he said updates, he was referring to Living World story as he does not feel okay paying for that on top of the expansion.

If this QoL change would negatively affect your gaming experience, feel free to post your reasoning. If it doesn’t affect it(which I strongly believe so) and you still want to debate, please make a new thread and PM me the link. I want to refrain from having any further conversation in this thread.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Returning player here.

Every time I return to GW2 after a year or so of not playing, I almost immediately get turned away again by the way new content is being delivered to me. I’m talking about the Living World. Why must I be punished to pay 200gems for each part of the story I missed? If I don’t play often, I obviously don’t have enough gold to turn into gems and I’m definitely not excited to open my wallet as soon as I log in just to enjoy playing in a new map. I already pay for expansions like HoT and now planning on purchasing PoF as well. Selling expansions and cosmetics is one thing, but selling Living World story which should technically be a part of the base game is in my opinion unnecessary greed and is turning away both new and returning players.

I would strongly suggest you remove the punishment fee and make Living Story free to those who missed the update. It was free in the first place anyway. This is not a Free to Play game where you need to bring in revenue from every possible source. Please seriously consider doing this. Advertise this change and I’m sure many players will return, my friends among them.

(edited by Dark.1823)

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: Dark.1823


Guardians a tanky class? HA! What a joke!

We need more HP! I’m tired of stacking toughness and vitality while sacrificing my dmg output just so I can match the survivability of a Warrior. 13k HP is ridiculous for a class that’s supposed to be able to take a punch in the face and smile. I can’t tell you how many times I got laughed at by a Warrior in WvW because they regenerate half the damage I deal to them. Either I make a glass-cannon and get killed in 2sec or I focus survivability and tickle them with my greatsword. Guardians have TERRIBLE survivability in comparison to the other Heavy armor class. I’m comparing Warrior and Guardian to each other because they are both front-line Heavy fighters and I think a Guardian should be able to take just as much pressure as a Warrior while still being able to cause decent damage.

If we had more survivability, building a more offensive Guardian would be much more viable, but as things stand right now, we practically have no choice but to focus on toughness and vitality otherwise you can kiss Dungeons and higher lvl Fractals goodbye because nobody likes a squishy or a weak player.

Honestly I think the Guardian update is pretty weak and mostly useless. We just need our HP back. I hope you guys at ArenaNet aren’t set on completely rejecting and ignoring this idea.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark.1823


Tanky and supportive guardians are in a strong position in many gametypes. We do feel that damage guardians are not as powerful as they could be. While we don’t want guardians to be as strong offensively as some of the other classes (given their powerful defensive abilities) we opened up more offensive guardian builds.

  • Zeal V – Shattered Aegis. Damage instead of Burning.
  • Zeal VII – Zealous Blade. This trait now scales with Healing power (2%.)
  • Zeal XII – Kindled Zeal. Increased conversion from 10% to 13%.
  • Radiance V – Searing Flames. Reduced cooldown from 20s to 10s.
  • Radiance X – Powerful blades. Increased damage from 5% to 10%.
  • Valor V – Retributive Armor. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
  • Honor VI – Pure of Heart. Increased scaling with Healing power from 25% to 40%.
  • Virtues VIII – Supreme Justice. Number of attacks going from 4 to 3.
  • Symbol of Swiftness: This skill now applies 4 seconds of swiftness per pulse, rather than 8 seconds if you have no swiftness and 1 second if you have swiftness.

Mr. Peters,

Very positive changes. Though if you want my opinion, regardless of the kindled zeal change it still won’t be used. Its not that condition damage isn’t good rather guardian only has access to one condition: Burning. So investing in condition damage feels like a waste of investment.

Some possible changes would be: Power is converted to Vitality, Power is converted to healing power, Power is converted to toughness.

Searing Flames = Good change
Powerful Blades = Good change
Zealous’s Blade = Good change

The rest of the changes don’t seem like it will change guardian too much to be noticeable. I don’t want to go off subject to much, but it would of been great if spirit weapons were made viable. The traits are split through out 3 different trait lines, the spirit weapons themselves are lackluster aside from shield.

I always felt if they were made viable then guardian would have more damage options while wielding the hammer and sword. Even before the change that made them no longer invulnerable they sucked, after the change they were even worse.

Looking at the awesome art of guardian wielding spirit weapons makes me sad, because the class never really uses them due to how they are implemented.

^This! This so much!

And if I may add, Guardians aren’t really that tanky in this game. They can be just as tanky as a Warrior which are the only two Heavy armor wearers. There’s nothing special about Guardians defense. You should seriously consider increasing Guardians base HP a bit because right now, you’re pretty much forced to stack up on Vitality in order to have decent survivability as a Guardian.

I would very much like to see a real tanky Guardian with Spirit Weapons. They’re so much fun to use but I don’t want to sacrifice my armor and HP for them.

Dungeon is way too hard.

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Dark.1823


I tried to do it twice with PUGs. Failed at the final boss both times. I’m a quick learner and I did some research when we were failing hard at Slick on my first run. I adapted to the dungeon and once I understood it, it all looked pretty easy, except it wasn’t easy because I was the only one who knew what to do. Trying to explain to everyone else on how to get past something was a pain because not everyone listens. I know I could just join a good guild and do it with them but what if I don’t want to? Should I be locked out of doing the more difficult things? I don’t think so. Anyway it took us hours to get to the final boss only to fail.

And don’t tell me its solo-able because it isn’t. Not unless you ABUSE the environment or some other bug which is what this game is becoming. Its about learning how to abuse. Every dungeon you do, you have to do something with the bosses that makes them easy to kill. Stand here, stand there, do this, do that so the boss can’t hit you. In other words, you have to abuse. This is not fun. Its a chore.

The worst part for me is the part where you have to get 2 Oozes to the gate at the same time to continue. How the hell are you even supposed to do that without luck? This part alone could take you from 30min and even up to an hour! The Lava Elementals are highly attracted to the Oozes. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you lure them, those Elementals will want a slice of that Ooze like it was made out of cake. And just like a cake, that Ooze is gonna melt into the ground after 5 or so hits from the Lava Elementals. The only way I could see this done faster is by having a very good and coordinated group with specific classes(what happened to the “no Holy Trinity” Anet?).

Basically PUGs can pretty much go screw them selves. I’m not saying that, Anet is, with the way they designed this thing. This game generally just isn’t very PUG friendly like I hoped it would be after seeing all the promos before release.

I’m not saying difficult(actually annoying) content should be nerfed so that everyone can do it. I would like the ability to CHOSE whether I want it to be near impossible or easy enough to do with any PUG. I don’t know why Anet hasn’t thought of adding an option for it yet. The rewards could scale based on difficulty and the game would appeal to everyone. WIN WIN. It won’t happen though. GW2 will follow the path of HA in GW1. It will only be available to well organized groups. Its sad really. The Elitists have won.

yet another frustrated player.

Dungeon is annoying and unfriendly to PUGs. Would like an option to chose difficulty. Rewards would scale based on the difficulty.

Line of Warding doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dark.1823


just to throw this out there, but you might see it as unlocked and not have actually unlocked it (graphic bug)
go staff 30 things to death and see if it works.

I actually tried that before I quit. I tried everything I could and nothing worked. Visual bugs are a pretty common thing so that was my first thought. Well I figured it wouldn’t do me harm trying it again. This time it fixed it. Curious to know why this didn’t work a year ago.

Line of Warding doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dark.1823



So coming back almost a year after I quit, it appears this request for support has been COMPLETELY ignored.

Just so you know, I just checked again to see if it was fixed yet and no it wasn’t. I still can’t use the skill. Its completely bugged.

It would be nice if your Forum Staff was any good and actually said something. At least a confirmation that I’m not being completely ignored.

Again in case I wasn’t being clear enough, I CAN’T USE THE SKILL. It shows that its unlocked but I can’t use it. Clicking it doesn’t do anything, using the keybind doesn’t do anything. Hovering over it doesn’t do anything except showing the skill description (it doesn’t glow like a normally usable skill should). My friend can use it on his character, I can’t on mine. I wiped my drive about 6months ago so I already reinstalled GW2. I don’t have the ability to replicate this bug. It appeared on its own. This is strictly character bound. Check the database or something so I can at least tell where the error is.

It appears I am literally the only person in this entire game with this problem. That doesn’t mean you can just go and ignore me. I hope to hear from you this time.

Sorry if I sound mean in this post but I think I waited long enough. I also had a bad day.

Heart Quest Kennelmaster Warsnout

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dark.1823


Looks like this one is still bugged. I was attempting to do it today but the NPC wouldn’t let me release any of the hounds. I started looking around and I noticed one of the hounds was already missing. I never even released one. Lucky for me, a random player told me that I can do it without the hounds and proceeded to show me the way. Thank you kind stranger.

Basically there’s a cave near the bridge area south-west of the heart. Just go inside it and kill the Separatists. Hope that helps.

Line of Warding doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dark.1823


The Staff Guardian skill Line of Warding doesn’t work for me.
This bug appears to be character bound as other people don’t appear to have this problem.

Clicking on the skill does nothing, using a keybind does nothing. The skill is unusable but appears unlocked. Hovering over the skill only displays its description but no hover over effect (glowing skill icon borders).

I don’t know when this started happening but the first time i noticed it was about 1-2weeks ago.
The last time i was able to successfully use the skill was during headstart.
(i stopped using staffs after i unlocked all its skills)

The character with the bug is: Dark Demon Guardian.

If you guys wanna do some testing with it, that’s fine with me. I’ve been pretty busy lately so i’m almost completely inactive.

Forum textarea resize fix

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Dark.1823


This has been bugging me since Beta and i thought it would be fixed by now but i guess it wasn’t.

The textarea in threads can be re-sized in some browsers. If the textarea is stretched horizontally, the text input can’t be seen. To fix it, you need to refresh the page or you could add this simple style code to prevent it from happening:

textarea {
resize: vertical;

You’re welcome,