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POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Darksilverwolfe.9123


I vote for #1

I hate RNG do #2 is out. I do like being able to just roflstomp lower servers but that only that’s for a couple hours before that too gets stale. Its like have GOD mode in Doom 2 turned on.

Option #3 much to everyone talking about it worse than #2. While 1 up 1 down seems legit when you think about it its actually like #1 except your stale matches happen every other week.

Option #4 is the best option but I haven’t solved the answer to that. There are some great suggestions I’ve read that would make sense but not any one post has nailed it yet. The key problem is coverage and being unable to defend against great numbers. The arrow cart miscalculation did help to fix this a little bit but then you got the flip side. All the zerg complaining that 5 people could hold off 30 quite easily if they had carts. I noticed new strategies coming out to counter the arrow carts but it still wasn’t enough.

ATM I think the world skills help a lot in making the fights more fair. I can’t wait to see them fleshed out and fine tuned more. I would also like to see a respec option for those skills. I also think the outmanned buff needs something a lil extra to help bridge the gap. The no durability lose is huge as it allowed people to just fling themselves at the enemy over and over to stall for time and whittle away their health.

Perhaps a stacking buff (with limits) that works similar to outmanned but increases the 3rd place’s players stats to help them bridge the gap, or a stacking debuff on the 1st place team, or both. This would have to be done carefully though as is should be designed to make matches closer but not cripple any one team.

All in all.. bring back option 1 ANet and look for a new option because this current system isn’t going to be fair until population and coverage is nearly 100% equal.

[EA] Elephant Ambush – Dragonbrand

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Darksilverwolfe.9123


Apparently, Mag didn’t know that EA owns Hills. Nice attempt at keeping us out but its ours now!! What’s your next strategy? Lose to Yak’s?

[EA] Elephant Ambush – Dragonbrand