Showing Posts For DeadHedgehog.6217:

please change the leveling back, please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeadHedgehog.6217


I agree with the OP. The weapon skill progress allway sfelt somewhat unique and made sense, the more u use a weapon the better you are. The biggest issue i have with the change however is that i’m now forced to wait until level 10 to effectivly use my weapons something i was able to to within the first half hour of the game ( i usually went directly to the Actuion house and bought the weapontype that i wanted and then grinded a bit to get the skills).
Now i come bakc after a few months playing different things wanting to make a new character and BAM RUINED. seriously what where you thinking? You turned one of your unique things and ‘mainstreamed’ it because what? Others do that too? Hmm maybe diversity is the reason why peopel choose this MMO and not every other one. I’m glad that you didn’t took away the skills from my chars that i already have ARG.

Fix that ASAP, you just turned interesting combat into stupid 1 button mashing contests. What’s with characters thaat build upon diversity like mages or engineers? do they jsut get thei standart range attack? Yeah because you will survive as a mage vs BAMs with just a fireball. THanks arena i was in the mood for guildwars and ou backstabbed me -.- and i will not buy an addon aslong this is not fixed.

This patch was as needed as changing the guns in ET to radios.