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Is PvP destroyed by the game design?

in PvP

Posted by: Deagle.7531


HoT expansion (elite specs) made pvp more chaotic than before. game become so random and chaotic with condition buff and huge aoe effects. new players dont understand whats going on. even i quit pvp. maybe im bad player but i was enjoying pvp before HoT. in my opinion; problem is elite specs. thats it.

GW2 = Guardian Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Deagle.7531


if anet thinking will not fix dh, my suggestion for them add a class stacking debuff. if a team play with 2 dh, dh’s needs to get a damage reduce debuff. (exept core specs.)

after i finish my wing achivments i will quit playing pvp because of the dragonhunters. and i will never come back. i promise. this game is done for me. this is not ending. always anet mess with pvp. and they’re minds are not on the ground. i cant imagine the upcoming elite specs. i wont be here for sure. sorry for english. sorry saltyness. but all is true.