Showing Posts For Deathly Shadowfain.7213:
Soooo the people who are complaining want to strip any sense of pride and hard work from those who put in the hours so that THEY can receive the same reward? Im sorry but no, get real here.
If i remember clearly, the gw2 community cried to Anet for harder content, we got it and what did we get? Raids….. But then when people realized that raids “actually required effort and dedication” people started to pipe up. “ohhh we cant have that, we shouldn’t have to work for our loot” Again, get real.
Im sorry but you cant just expect to get the same rewards with less effort. The world doesn’t work like that. But then the excuse of “i cant find a good team, i cant find a guild” arises.
Well let me straighten that out too.
1) You either arent looking harder enough, arent going to multiple sources such as guild websites or links from Youtube to finda group to better yourself.
2) You blame your team for your own mistakes, or dont correct other peoples mistakes, Or dont bother to work as a team.
Raids are designed for a very small “elite as you may say” group of players who Anet KNOW will put in effort, the time, spend money on gear. Not to obtain the good loot (even though some weeks you get crap all loot) but to rather “experience” the harder content in the game. Yet you salty sailors sit here, winge, cry and complain that raids are unfair, it allows others to “bypass the ascended crafting RNG” It restricts other players from experiencing story, when it clearly doesn’t (read what Bobby Stein had to say). And all this other nonsense.
The way I see it, if you dumb down the difficulty of raids, you loose any sense of hard work and sense of pride. Instead of complaining, go out and actually try for once. If you are adamant that you want to raid, you will let nothing stop you from achieving that goal.
Maybe Anet can provide a kinder garden raid area for those that are too scared to put the effort in. After all, all you complainers want is an easy way out. To rid the game of any hard content so that you can achieve exclusive items like Legendary armor, with minimal effort.
There is a discrepancy between a new “fresh” account, and the account that you main. How is it possible that you cant crawl out of sapphire or ruby, yet you play the exact same class the exact same way on a FTP or ult account that doesn’t do much pvp and breeze your way to Legendary?
An issue i see is that this allows for players who have played the game since day 1 who have pvped since day 1, who know how to play classes who are experienced and are “gud” to be stuck in MMR hell. Whilst that one kid who decided to magically start pvp for the first time because of that shiny backpack or that icon next to your name, who has no idea of game mechanics, who has no idea of classes, picks only meta builds and steam rolls his way to diamond and legendary rank.
I feel sorry for some people, including myself. I know players who were/are at an ESL standard, who play/ed against ESL players and teams such as abjured, Team PZ, Civilized gentleman. Meaning that their MMR must have been at a high standard right? I mean how else could they verse such high standard of players? Yet once leagues started, they barely made it to ruby? How does that work?
Call it as you wish, but i still believe that this Matchmaking system and how it uses MMR needs a lot of work.