Showing Posts For Dela.2479:

Build Comment Request - WvW Roamer

in Guardian

Posted by: Dela.2479


@Harbinger: A bit to low on the hp front for my tastes, even with the healing power.

I´m currently using this:

Even after the nerv, lifeleech bufffood is still good, as most of the time you are critting each second or close to it, when you are hitting some people at the same time. Also Hydromacy rocks. It does 1k-2k dmg and the chill is very good. And give scepter a try. AA hits for ~1,3 k crit, and the immobilize opens up burst for you and your group.

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

(edited by Dela.2479)

Kodash/Aurora Glade/Gunnar's Hold - 20.IX

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


Thanks all for the spontaneous duelling at GH BL this afternoon!

And no thanks to those who disrupted the duels, after they waited for them to start…

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

Kodash/Aurora Glade/Gunnar's Hold - 20.IX

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


Kodash BL ruins reset – 22:40: boring as hell :/
Where are the smallscalers? We splitted in 3 teams with 3 people each and waited, but noone came

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[Build]100% boon duration

in Guardian

Posted by: Dela.2479


You can also do this with 98% Boon Duration, getting a little bit more stats (using clerics jewels instead of snowflakes). My testing shows it is rounded up (stand your ground gives 10 sec boons).

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479



Because upwards of 10ppl, it feels to zergy. And fighting against 20ppl even with 10 is no fun either, because there is too much AE flying around.
Personal opinion: I just don´t like it.

I understand there may be personal preferences regarding enemy numbers like “too much of enemy AoE around” etc, but isn’t that just more challenge? I mean, one would think that it presents a challenge for personal and team positioning skills that would be fun to take on.

As someone whose opinion I value very high (and who has great skills across the board from 1v1 to leading raids) said, there’s about 10 buttons to press just in right time in this game. That’s not something only a top-notch player can achieve at the decent level, so positioning is at least 50% of the skill in exceptionally dynamic GW2 PvP.

Another thing is that scale brings other unique challenges regarding team build composition, coordination and synergy. That’s all is so fun to try and excel in.

Finally, there’s a case to try and find just what is a minimum number of players in your team that is needed to make it self-sufficient on WvW meaning you woudn’t really care what enemy is throwing at you and even if you wipe, you can say to yourself “we didn’t run away half the map, we fought great andsurvived long enough to take x times more of them with us. That was a great fight even though in the end we’ve lost to those hordes”

In this scale it is often like this: get hit by random CC, pop stunbreaker, get the next random cc half a second later. Also downstate: You down someone, 2 sec later he´s up again because 5 people rezzed him. I could write lots of other arguments, but to be honest, I dont´t want to atm. So lets just keep it at personal preference ;D

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479



Because upwards of 10ppl, it feels to zergy. And fighting against 20ppl even with 10 is no fun either, because there is too much AE flying around.
Personal opinion: I just don´t like it.

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


Having read that, I will stop discussing this with you, as clearly you have a mindset VERY different from me (and us) and will not understand any arguments I would make.

If you want to have a fight, write any of us a message, as I said we will gladly give it to you.

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


So you first accuse us of being cowards etc and having a reputation as such, but when I ask for a more or less fair fight, you reply that we won’t get one, because we have this reputation? Don’t you think thats a bit absurd?

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


lol! a fair fight with a thief? Pull the other one.

A thief has no chance in what might be called a ‘fair’ fight. i.e. not being able to untarget himself and vanish. That’s the design.

By definition a thief can’t and doesn’t fight fair. He’s a mugger, a handbag snatcher. The sort of predator that snatches little children at the school gates. That’s why everyone dances on his corpse if they happen to catch one out.

It’s only a game, thank god! but don’t try to hold yourself up as a paragon of virtuous honour. You’re a slimeball. :P

If you mean my post (?): I wasn’t talking about some random thief farming players with permastealth. I was talking about group fights.

Read what Zumy said about perceiving your surroundings.
But please get your 4 ppl together and meet us somewhere. I’m not bragging we will always and vs everyone win or any such thing, I just want to have fun in a more or less balanced groupfight and not being roflstomped by 20ppl+

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

(edited by Dela.2479)

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


Evil us, using shadow refuge!

At the moment it is always like this: Roam the map, either find a zerg or find single players. If they happen to cross our path, we kill them. If we see a zerg, we usually don’t engage, as it would be suicide. Sometimes we are lucky and find a group of players who are willing to fight and are not 3:1 in advantage. So if you want us to fight “fair” and not do this “evil” things you mentioned, don’t run in monstrous zergs, run in groups of 5-10 people. We would welcome it VERY much.

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dela.2479


In this very case, as a roamer frustrated by getting chased all over the map by huge zergs of bad players, I honestly felt offended by the fact of seeing other smallscalers being overrun by a naked blob that would not stop chasing. Yet even teabagging.

You got it all wrong. That’s because you’re you, not because you’re a roamer. Whenever we see a Buka – especially a nasty elementalist – we get the urge hunt them down.

Take it as a compliment.

While it can be seen as a compliment, I just want to puke if we watch with 2 people while 2 zergs (piken/deso) fight each other and suddenly a big part on the backlines of one of the zergs starts to run to us just for killing 2 people standing around…

And @[FG]
If you are so bored, why don’t you split your zerg into smaller groups or at least hold back a part of your ppl and fight smaller groups with about the same size when you spot them? That way we could all have some fun. By trolling people in this way, they will be even less motivated to do something and you will have this kind of situation when there is nothing to do even more often.

Delaa, Asura Guardian [Buka]

(edited by Dela.2479)