Showing Posts For Delrin.3598:

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delrin.3598


Scalable content for dungeons. Scalable risk and rewards. That’s the one thing that kept me going in CoH/CoV for its entire run. The ability to play the way I want, when I want, and with the players that are available at any given time.

That’s pretty much it. I really do like most everything else about the game, but I fear that without this feature it won’t keep my interest nearly as long as other games have in the past. Too bad…for me at least

Ranger threat

in Ranger

Posted by: Delrin.3598


Hey! Just a question about threat generated by the Ranger and the pet. I have been playing my Ranger lately, getting close to 80 and having fun with it so far! I’m trying to get a grip on how threat is generated when it comes to my Ranger. I usually run in a small group of friends, mostly with a Guardian and a Mesmer, and I often end up getting mobs just stuck to my face. This is especially true when it comes to taking on tougher targets, like if we’re taking on a Champ or such, to the point where I just get sick of constant dodging and decide it’s more efficient to just run in circles, drop some traps, and have them kill it ? At least my pet is doing some damage while I’m in rabbit mode!

My build is heavy BM, so it’s not like I am doing tons of damage…is the pets damage somehow calculated into the mix for threat on the Ranger? I mainly use a cat, and I understand they don’t generate much threat on themselves, or at least that seems to be the case. I usually use a short bow and greatsword, so against mobs that can’t just outright squish me if I miss a dodge (champs) if there is too much threat I just switch to GS and go for it. But in fights where I really DON’T want something in my face the entire time, it’s kinda rough.

Any info or thoughts on this?