Showing Posts For Delusion.6854:

Recipe: Watchwork Portal Device

in Crafting

Posted by: Delusion.6854


do you guys understand that you can craft a skill from mesmer ?
its like you can craft a skill from necromancer, for example an item that can fear
or i dont know an item that spawn a turret or something
its a very powerful item in my point of view so i can understand the price to make it

Tired of the endless stream of Badges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delusion.6854



WvW loot = SUCKS[/quote]

you do w vs w for the loot?

Things I would GLADLY pay Gems for

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


why would you want a looting pet ,Aoe loot is not enough for you?

Gem store gambling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


i’m not saying people who spend time in game should have a reward

No, that is exactly what you were arguing up until this point. Otherwise, your example would have been more along the lines of :

“Two players play the game everyday, for four hours a day. One player spends $100 on gems and doesn’t get a skin, the other player spends $10 and gets one. Fair?”

Changing the basis of your arguement, claiming not to, and expecting not to be called out on it, is just arrogant. At least be consistent.

they added new skins wich is nice but randomly?? seriously??
they just reward players who have luck
by doing this of course a lot of players will try to buy keys and pray to get the skins they want
one player could spend 100 bucks and get nothing while another would spend 10 bucks and get the skin
is it still fair?
its a greedy move and i wont support this

That being said, your new argument is really against RNG. Plenty of those threads exist, and even posts in this one. I don’t think you’ll find too many people liking it being the only method. But it is a very fair and indiscriminate method.

So, fair? Yes. Favorable? Not in my opinion.

You use words that you dont even understand the meaning where is my arrogance here?
dont twist my words around
for players who spend time and players who play occasionally , they should treat them the same way
explain how its fair and what is indiscriminate method is?

Gem store gambling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


Seems completely fair.

Play 1 hour a week or play 80+ hours a week, use cash, or use gold – acquire a key, same chance.

Don’t see how having abundant time to “dedicate” to the game equates to more entitlement to the items than does disposable income to “dedicate” to the game.

some players came back after some month for SAB only , got some keys left , used them and got skins
players who spend time everyday and try to get the skins but cant
yeah that’s fair you’re right

I would consider that unfortunate.

But still perfectly fair.

What it seems you’re trying to argue is there should be some sort of credit, or priority given for time spent in game, no? Well, fine, suppose there should be. I ask you how are you going to define “time in game”? What in game actions are more deserving than others? WvW, PvP, Dungeons, TP, crafting. Doesn’t matter, all equal? So, just logging in? How about AFKers? At least make an attempt to provide a “fair” metric.

In fact, spending time in game inherently gives you an advantage over those who don’t – gold. That means, not only do you get to enjoy playing the game, but by using pure in game funds, you don’t have to use cash to have at chance at those items. Now, if you spent the gold elsewhere, well, that’s another matter. Where as infrequent players either have to use previously earned gold, or spend cash.

So, yes. The current system seems pretty fair.

i’m not saying people who spend time in game should have a reward
they added new skins wich is nice but randomly?? seriously??
they just reward players who have luck
by doing this of course a lot of players will try to buy keys and pray to get the skins they want
one player could spend 100 bucks and get nothing while another would spend 10 bucks and get the skin
is it still fair?
its a greedy move and i wont support this

Gem store gambling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


I think you dont get it and you need to open your fan boy eyes……
fused items is pure comestic but is it fair for people who dedicate hours and hours of play and cant buy the skins they want
is it fair when people have to spend real money (in game money) to get “a” chance for the skins?
if they keep this policy its bye bye for me i wont support this game anymore

Seems completely fair.

Play 1 hour a week or play 80+ hours a week, use cash, or use gold – acquire a key, same chance.

Don’t see how having abundant time to “dedicate” to the game equates to more entitlement to the items than does disposable income to “dedicate” to the game.

some players came back after some month for SAB only , got some keys left , used them and got skins
players who spend time everyday and try to get the skins but cant
yeah that’s fair you’re right

Gem store gambling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


It’s amazing to me with with all of the threads about this and all the people posting on them that aNet isn’t responding. ArenaNet, you lied about your ethical approach to micro-transactions. You owe us an apology.

It…Amazes me that people would demand an apology for this.

Going back to your previous post and reading the quotes from Anet, Anet has not lied at all.

1. Anet is saying that you can purchase things with either real money or in-game gold. Not a lie.
2. Anet is again, saying that you can purchase things with either real money (Time spent outside the game) or in-game gold (time spent inside the game). Again, Anet is not lying.
3. Anet is saying all micro-transaction items are purely cosmetic/bonus stuff. Which…Is again, true. They’re not lying. Fused Skins are purely cosmetic.

Feel free to twist their words and get angry at your own interpretation of what they said. But just going by what they said, no, they definitely did not lie. Using real money or with in-game money, you are purchasing the same chance at getting these Fused Skins. What you’re having a problem is that you are purchasing a chance, instead of a guarenteed item. But no where does Anet mentions this, and the first portion (real money vs in-game gold) is what the quotes you provided mainly touches upon.

I think you dont get it and you need to open your fan boy eyes……
fused items is pure comestic but is it fair for people who dedicate hours and hours of play and cant buy the skins they want
is it fair when people have to spend real money (in game money) to get “a” chance for the skins?
if they keep this policy its bye bye for me i wont support this game anymore

April Monthly Achievement too easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delusion.6854


everything is easy for no life

Gem store gambling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


A durable good is a good that isn’t destroyed on use, Weapon Skins are closer to luxury goods I believe.

luxury goods should be random to get ?
weapon skin, armor skin = fashion

so i guess if i want a new t-shirt or a new pants to look cool i need to gamble in the store ?
yeah let me buy 50 tickets and see if i can get the t shirt i want
oh i didnt get it but i spent 100 bucks on the tickets …. well i guess i wont buy in your store anymore

Fused weapon drop rate data

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Delusion.6854


you’re going to lose players if you keep putting the skins in the chests
i had hope for this game but i’m starting to play less and give less support to this game

i’m a veteran of GW1 and had tons of fun , the skins we bought in the first one we could use them in battle , here its for town cloth , just check how many people actually use town cloth go check yourself
now you put skins in chest with random luck….. unfair for players who paid tons of money and didnt get what they wanted

“a disappointed player”