Showing Posts For Derond.7930:

Fresh tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930


For survival learn to use your defensive weaponskills effectivly, as ele you have plenty of heals and cc in general. Add cantrips as utilities for that extra boost to survivability

Do Conjured Weapons limit future Ele-Weapons?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930


Hey all.

I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now and i want to know what you think about it:
Everyone is wondering what the next Elite-Spec will be for Ele and what weapon this will give us. Currently, Ele has the following weapons available:
- Dagger
- Scepter
- Focus
- Staff
- Warhorn
(- Trident)
But actually, we have 5 more weapons:
- Axe
- Shield
- Bow
- Hammer
- Greatsword
Of course, these aren’t “real” weapons. But just think about how awkward it would be to design a Fire-Skillset for a Greatsword. Or a Water-Skillset for a Bow. So i think it is very unlikely that future Ele-Weapons will be any of these 5.
Don’t get me wrong, i actually want a Longbow or Greatsword for my Ele, i just don’t think this is likely to happen.

Mesmer specialization removes phantasms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Derond.7930


I think/hope theyll change our shatter skills. While I love roaming as a shatter-mesmer in wvw, i hate running in a zerg with my mesmer since we have nearly no aoe. So how about that: Our shatterskills become aoe fields and when we shatter more clones, the fields become larger/deal more dmg/last longer/…
This would solve our lack of aoe while keeping our clones.

Support Thief / Venom Share

in Thief

Posted by: Derond.7930


I don’t play it, but I once was in a group with a thief playing it. For zerging there are other builds you should use, since there is great condi-cleanse. But for small scale roaming its awesome when engaging other groups, since the condi-pressure is pretty big and they often use their condi-cleanses becoming free-kills for condi specs.

[Mesmer] Phantasmal Warden Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Derond.7930


The bug prevents us from using focus efficiently, so please fix it.

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Derond.7930


1. Elementalist(!)
2. Ranger
3. Necromancer

(Possible) New Elite: March 18th

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930


This can be strong but I fear it won’t. Maybe, without an icd and 1-2s quickness, I will prefer it over the FGS. We’ll see, I hope for the best^^
Edit: I don’t know if ether renewal is affected by quickness, but when it is.. I’d love it^^

illusions dying vs stealthed opponent

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Derond.7930


I see your point, but this clearly has to be a bug. Removing clones from mesmers, and even if it’s because of a stealthed target, is like removing stealth from backstab-thiefs, minions from mm, pets from ranger, element swap from eles and so on.It’s a class mechanic, so nearly every build requires clones. And the dmg a Mesmer does without clones is just laughable. So please inform you before posting such statements on the forum.

The Staff + LH experiment (PvE)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930


From your group members or air 25

The Staff + LH experiment (PvE)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930



initially in air, and then right before you start, you switch to fire for the fury and might (10 in arcane)

then, if you have 20 in air
switch to earth when you’re done casting in fire and are going to conjure that lightning hammer, for more fury (and some protection, which you’ll need), and then to water for more fury (and some regeneration, which you’ll need), and then to air for Electric Discharge and, yes, more fury. Then you sit there (because all your attunements are on cooldown) getting that damage bonus from Air Training until earth attunement comes off cooldown, at which point you may proceed as outlined in post 1 (eruption)

if you have 30 in air, switch to air first when conjuring the lightning hammer, and then to earth, and then immediately back to air when it resets, and then to water, and then air again when it resets

also, always throw in flame burst immediately after your first lava font after switching to fire, unless someone else has your target permanently on fire

You know that you lose tons of damage if you switch attunements while using LH? With 30 points in fire you have perma fury and with 10 points in water you have a damage increase of 20% (!) when your target has vulnerability on it. So switching attunements is NOT effective if you want max dmg.
Edit: If you need more survivability keep switching them

what's a good level of toughness?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930


ideas to spruce up conjure weapons

in Elementalist

Posted by: Derond.7930


Actually LH-AA is on of the most powerfull attack in this game. Under best conditions it’ll hit for 19k, 19k, 28k or something like that. And if you use FGS 4 without a target against a wall it hurts like hell. But I think the other CW need the upcoming patch.

Question to devs: Twilight

in Mesmer

Posted by: Derond.7930


Maybe a black laser o.o

That would be great And maybe Skill 5 in black 0.o